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5. Science and research

Science is a common body of knowledge about the natural world. The word science is derived from the Latin "scientia" which means to know, to have knowledge of, to experience. Pure or fundamental science is primarily concerned with the development of theories, establishing relationships between the phenomena of the universe. The applied science is engaged in application of the knowledge obtained. Technology is the fruit of applied science. Hypothesis, models are the mail principles of science. Scientist attention is to explanations of how and why events occur.

Research refers to the actual gathering of information. This can be by observation, and can mean even gathering information on the Internet. The aim of any research is to increase the possibilities offered by modern science and to make nature serve the people.

Science problems can be classified as analytic and synthetic. In analytic problems we seek the principles of the most profound natural processes, the scientist work: always at the edge of the unknown. As to synthetic problems, they are more often studied because of the possibilities which they hold for practical applications, immediate and distant, than because their solution is called for by the logic of science.

On the one hand, science is striving to reach the essence of the laws of the material world. On the other hand, it is the basis of a new technology, the workshop of bold technical ideas, and the driving force behind continuous technical progress.