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6. Scientific gathering and discussions

There are plenary sections, sections meetings and seminars to share and exchange opinions, to verify the ideas of scientists. It is a possibility to present their papers and reports and take part in the discussion. To analyze the details they can meet their colleagues and talk with the experts and opponents.

All over the world there are national and international conferences in field of science. The aim of the participant of conferences is to achieve coordinated work. The committee members sent out the invitations to inform on the topics to be discussed and to invite participant to submit the abstracts of their papers. The general topics, which are presented in scientific papers, are discussed at plenary sessions.

A laboratory or University colloquium is also a kind of meeting, when the scientists can make reviews of their developments and give each other approval, some advice or help. The significance of the results and some common approaches are also referred to discussion section. There is a possibility to discuss the hypothesis in terms of results, the experimental design, possible sources or error and scientific explanations of the results, results of other researches. Furthermore there is usually some suggestion for further research form the colleagues.