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  1. 8. Read the questions and note your answers

  1. How honest are you?

  1. 1. You find a wallet containing Ј1,000. There are no papers inside to show who it belongs to. Do you hand it to the police or keep it?

  2. a Hand it to the police.

  3. b Keep it.

  4. c Not sure.

  5. 2. You have an expensive meal in a restaurant. When you check the bill, you see that the waiter has forgotten to charge you for the drinks. Do you tell him or keep quiet?

  6. a Tell him.

  7. b Keep quiet.

  8. c Not sure.

  9. 3. Do you think it is all right to hide some of your earnings from the tax inspector?

  10. a Yes.

  11. b No.

  12. c Not sure.

  13. 4. Have you ever pretended to be ill to get off work or school

  14. a Often.

  15. b Once or twice/occasionally.

  16. c Never.

  17. 5. You are staying in a hotel, and you see that they have very nice towels. Do you take any home with you?

  18. a All of them.

  19. b Just one.

  20. c None.

  21. d Not sure.

  22. 6. You advertise your house for sale. Somebody offers you a good price, and you agree to sell to her. Before you sign the contract, somebody else offers you another Ј5,000. Do you stay with the first buyer or sell to the second?

  23. a Stay with the first.

  24. b Sell to the second.

  25. c Go back to the first and ask for Ј5,000 more.

  26. d Not sure.

  27. 7. One of your family (mother, father, wife, husband, child) has some very strange friends. One day you find a letter from one of these people lying around the house. Do you read it?

  28. a Yes.

  29. b Certainly not.

  30. c Perhaps.

  31. 8. In your opinion, how serious is shoplifting?

  32. a Not at all serious - most people do it at one

  33. time or another.

  34. b You might do it if you really needed something

  35. and hadn't got enough money.

  36. c You would never do it.

  37. 9. You are playing cards (not for money) and you see that somebody is cheating. What do you think about it?

  38. a It doesn't matter.

  39. b It's annoying, but not too serious.

  40. c You refuse to go on playing unless they stop.

  41. d You stop the game, because you won't play with people who cheat.

  42. 10. Travelling in a taxi, you find a torch lying on the seat - it must have been dropped by the last passenger. What do you do?

  43. a Put it in your pocket.

  44. b Give it to the taxi driver.

  45. c Just leave it.

  46. d Not sure.

  47. 11. Have you ever cheated in an exam?

  48. a Often.

  49. b More than once

  50. c Once.

  51. d Never.

  52. 12. What do you think about travelling without a ticket on public transport?

  53. a OK.

  54. b Not really OK, but you might do it.

  55. c Completely wrong - you would never do it.

  56. 13. Is it ever right to tell lies about yourself to impress other people?

  57. a It can be.

  58. b Never.

  59. c Not sure.

  60. 14. Is it all right to take

  61. stationery from the

  62. place where you work?

  63. a Yes.

  64. b No.

  65. c Not sure.

  66. 15. Have you answered all the

  67. questions completely

  68. honestly?

  69. a Yes.

  70. b No.

  71. c Well, nearly.

  72. Check your score at the bottom of the next page