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II. Answer the questions.

  1. Is English a popular language nowadays?

  2. Why is English better suited to play the role of a world language?

  3. Why is English so widespread nowadays?

  4. What ways of learning English do you prefer?

III. Retell the text.


Internet is a network connecting many computer networks & based on a common addressing system & communications protocol.

The Internet has its origin in the US Department of Defence program called

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The program was created in order to provide a communications network for organizations dealing with defence research.

From its creation in 1983 the Internet has been growing into increasingly popular mass media. Nowadays it connects millions of computers throughout the world. The sphere of its usage has also been extended by the connecting of many other computer networks & the communications services. The original uses of the Internet were electronic mail (commonly called “E-mail”), file transfer, using file transfer protocol, newsgroups & remote computer access (telnet).

By 1990 the World-Wide Web, which enables simple navigation of the Internet sites through a graphical interface, had also extended greatly & became the most important component of the Internet.

The Internet connected millions of computers throughout the world. Many commercial computer network & data services also provided at least indirect connection to the Internet. Amateur radio, cable television wires, spread-spectrum radio, satellite & fibre optics all have been used to deliver Internet services. Networked games, networked monetary transactions & virtual museums are among applications being developed that both extend the network`s utility & test the limits of its technology.

I. Complete the sentences.

1. The Internet has its origin in …

2. The sphere of its usage …

3… became the most important component of the Internet.

4…. all have been used to deliver Internet services.

II. Answer the questions.

  1. What is internet?

  2. Where was the Internet created & what for?

  3. What were the original uses of the Internet?

  4. Why is the Internet so popular nowadays?

III. Retell the text.