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Английский тексты Сбруева.DOC
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I. Complete the sentences.

  1. It is the residence of …

  2. The Capitol was built…

  3. …the highest place in the city.

  4. There is a law that…

  5. The White House is…

II. Answer the questions.

  1. Who was the capitol of the USA named after?

  2. What is the Capitol?

  3. How many chambers are there in Congress of America?

  4. Is there any industry in Washington?

  5. What sights of Washington do you know?

III. in & Northern Ireland situated?

  1. How many parts does the UK consists of? What are they?

  2. What can you say about the climate & the weather of Great Britain?

  3. Is Great Britain highly developed industrial country? What does it produce & export? What are the main industrial centers?

  4. What is a political structure of Great Britain?

III. Retell the text.Retell the text.