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Методичка по английскому-Контрольная работа №2.doc
315.9 Кб


1) Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите видовременную форму.

  1. They will be working in the garden tomorrow morning.

  2. I was writing a letter when you came.

  3. He was speaking over the telephone when his mother came back.

  4. She is going home now.

  5. We will be discussing this question tomorrow afternoon.

  6. I am waiting for you in the hall.

  7. His mother was making dinner in the kitchen when I came in.

  8. Where are you hurrying to?

  9. We were having our English at 10 o'clock.

10) I was having shower when you rang me up.

2) Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите видовременную форму.

  1. I have never been to Moscow.

  2. She will have done this work by tomorrow.

  3. The scientist had analyzed the results of the experiment before making a report.

  4. He has just come.

  5. The milkmaids have already milked the cows.

  6. We shall have translated the text by the end of the lesson.

  7. I had sent you a letter before I got yours.

  8. She has just fed her dog.

  9. He had done the work before she came.

10)The workers will have built this building by the end of the year.

3) Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на залог глагола-сказуемого.

  1. The animals were fed in time.

  2. Much attention is given to this problem.

  3. People learning foreign languages are advised to read foreign literature in the original.

  4. The roof of the building was damaged in a storm a few days ago.

  5. All flights were cancelled because of fog.

  6. The article will be translated from Russian into English next week.

  7. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.

  8. The meeting will be organized in the big hall.

  9. Now electricity is used in everyday life.

10)The farmers were given new agricultural machines.

4) Заполните пропуски соответствующей активной или пассивной формой глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Water (covers / is covered) most of the Earth's surface.

  2. Moscow State University (founded / was founded) in 1775.

  3. The last ball (organized / was organized) in 1912.

  4. Cheese (makes / is made) from milk.

  5. In 1712 Peter the Great (moved / was moved) the capital to St. Petersburg.

5) Определите функции инфинитива, учитывая его место в предложениях, и пе­реведите их:

  1. То know how a plant grows, you must study botany.

  2. The scientists discussed the method to be used in the experiment.

  3. To improve soil fertility is one of the most important tasks of today.

  4. He asked me to wait a little.

5) Our plan is to go to the Crimea for the summer.

6) Переведите следующие предложения:

  1. They are said to know Chinese very well.

  2. He is considered to be the best student of our group.

  3. This plant is known to produce tractors.

  4. They are believed to be on their way to Moscow.

  5. She is said to live in London.

7)Переведите следующие предложения:

  1. I suppose him to be about fifty.

  2. We expect the contract to be signed tomorrow.

  3. He wants me to come on Sunday.

  4. My mother wants me to become a doctor.

  5. I believe them to be honest people.

8) Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями some, any, no:

  1. Are there (some, any) pictures in your room?

  2. Kate has (any, no) friends in Italy.

  3. There are (some, any) dictionaries on the table to the right.

  4. Have you (some, any) brothers or sisters?

  5. There is (no, any) library near our house.

9) Отнесите информацию, о которой идет речь, к будущему и прошлому, используя соответствующую форму модального глагола или его эквивалент.

  1. Не must leave early in the morning.

  2. I can meet you at the Metro station.

  3. They may continue the experiment.

  4. They must began their work at 9 o'clock.

  5. Ann’s sister can play tennis after classes.

  6. The tourists may attend the sitting of the Parliament.

10) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.

  1. We were to meet at the station at six.

  2. The team of experts is to study the present situation in the country.

  3. Children under 16 are not allowed to see this film.

  4. You must not cross the street on the red light.

  5. He could not show me the way to the nearest bus stop.

  6. I hope they will be able to reach the village before it grows dark.

  7. An educated person must know at least one foreign language.

  8. We were to send his letter of recommendation by airmail.

  9. Nick was not allowed to enter the concert hall after the third bell.

  10. Ann can go to Volga by train or by airplane.