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Ex. 12. Mark the difference between the following pairs of words.

only – только the only – единственный

train – поезд to train – готовить, обучать

stock – запас; подвижной состав to stock – иметь в наличии

house – дом to house – вмещать, содержать

number – число, количество to number – насчитывать

close – тесный; близкий to close – закрывать

high school – средняя школа higher school – вуз

Ex. 13. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the constructions:

eitherorили…или…, либо..либо…

neither…nor – ни…ни…

  1. She graduated from either Harvard or Oxford.

  2. Neither Ann nor Helen participated in the conference.

  3. The passenger buys a ticket either in the station or on the train at a higher fare.

  4. I either lost the ticket on my way to the station or left it at home.

  5. We can leave either today or tomorrow – whichever you prefer.

  6. We have neither time nor money to go on holiday.

  7. He asked for a transfer to the company’s branch either in Paris or in London.

  8. This summer, we can go either to Paris or to Rome. What do you choose? – I do not want to go either to France or to Italy. Can’t we go to Portugal instead?

  9. You can get to that part of the city either by bus or by underground.

  10. Neither Siemens nor Bombardier won the contract to supply signaling equipment for the new high-speed line.

  11. These days, electric trains can be controlled either by a driver or by means of Automatic Train Control System.

Ex. 14. Read the text and translate it.

Samara State University of Transport (ssut)

Samara State University of Transport is the only higher educational institution in the Volga region, which trains specialists for railway transport. SSUT has a strong orientation towards the job market; it offers a broad portfolio of courses and programs, which meet the needs of our students and their employers. Many former students have started a successful career in the rail industry after their graduation from Samara State University of Transport. The University is playing an increasingly important role for local companies and the region’s development.

Our higher school was set up in 1973 as Kuibyshev Railway Engineering Institute. The first admission comprised 75 students. Initially, two faculties were opened: Railway Operation Faculty and Railway Construction Faculty. They were located in a building at 18 Bezymyanny pereulok.

In 2007, our higher school was granted University status. The University has branches in the cities of Orenburg, Orsk, Ruzaevka, Ufa. SSUT initiated the establishment of the University complex including railway technical schools in Samara, Orenburg, Penza, Rtishchevo, Saratov, Kazan, Ufa and other towns.

The University has three institutes – Institute for Transport Engineering1, Institute for Transport Structures and Vehicles2, Institute for Transport Economics and Management; three faculties – Transport Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Extra-Mural Faculty and Faculty of Continuing Education Development. Teaching is provided either in the full-time form or in the form of extra-mural education. There are thirty-seven departments; sixteen departments offer degree courses.

Staff and students enjoy a wide range of computing services. State-of-the-art computing facilities support teaching, learning and research activities. Over 1200 computers are installed in forty-five computer classes. Access is available to all kinds of electronic information, including bibliographic databases, electronic journals and online news services. These are also available mostly on networked PCs. The scientific library stocks over 800 thousand books and periodicals.

Samara State University of Transport runs its own website. Two University papers cover the most interesting events of the University life.

SSUT contains fourteen buildings equipped with the latest facilities. The University has a simulation test ground (miniaturized railway station operating in real time) which is the best among railway higher schools. It houses over forty most advanced vehicles.

The students’ body is over 10 thousand. The academic faculty numbers over 700 people, among them 80 are Professors and Doctorate degree holders and over 360 have PhD degree in various sciences. All education is linked to research. 85% of academic staff are research active. 200 postgraduate students write their PhD papers.

In recent years, Samara State University of Transport has been focusing on the cooperation with leading foreign universities. Close contacts are maintained with higher schools of Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Ireland.

A large number of the students at SSUT come from other towns or regions. There are four students’ halls close to the University campus.

Physical development of students is a top priority for the University administration. A swimming pool and fitness centers help students to keep fit. All these facilities are only a short distance from the students’ halls. SSUT students are active participants in popular local, national and international sports competitions as well as in talent shows and intellectual contests.

Notes: 1Institute for Transport Engineering – транспортный общеинженерный институт;

2Institute for Transport Structures and Vehicles – институт транспортной техники и


3departments offer degree courses – кафедры являются ведущими.

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