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24. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы после него.

Sporting activities at Oxford and Cambridge are numerous. The most popular sport is rowing (гребля). Rowing a boat with eight oars (весла) or with four oars was first started in England in the 18th century. At that time the boats took part in festivals on the river Thames.

In the 19th century people started to use the boats for racing not only in London on the Thames but also in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The first Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge was held in 1829.

Nearly every year since then there has been a Boat Race between these two Universities. It is held in London on the Thames during the Easter (пасхальный) vacation at the end of March or the beginning of April.

On Boat Race Saturday the banks and bridges of the Thames are full of people. Some of them wear dark-blue ribbons (ленты) for Oxford and some wear pale-blue ones for Cambridge.


1. When was the first Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge held? 2. Where and when is the Boat Race between the two Universities usually held? 3. What is the Boat Race like?

25. Скажите по-английски, какие соревнования проходят в Вашем университете и есть ли среди студентов Вашего университета известные спортсмены.

26. Прослушайте текст, состоящий из двух частей. Скажите, что общего и какая разница в увлечениях и времяпровождении молодых людей разных групп.

27. Обсудите со своим товарищем, что бы Вы и он предпочли: спектакль – в театре или дома (по TV); фильм – в кинотеатре или дома (по TV, video, DVD); спортивные соревнования – дома (по TV) или на стадионе.

28. Прочтите текст. Найдите в нем ответ на вопрос: What students’ societies are there at Cambridge and which one is the most popular?

There are over a hundred societies and clubs. There are religious societies and a society for those who don’t believe, political, sporting and dramatic societies. There is even one for people with beards. Perhaps the most popular is the Debating Society at which students debate political and other questions with famous politicians and writers.

beard – борода

29. Скажите по-английски, какие клубы есть в Вашем университете и являетесь ли Вы членом какого-нибудь из них.

30. Как Вы знаете, в МГУПП ежегодно проводится «День открытых дверей». Представьте, что Вашу группу попросили выступить перед абитуриентами. Кроме того, что каждому из Вас придется дать основные сведения об университете, кто-то должен рассказать об обычном рабочем дне студента, кто-нибудь расскажет об отдыхе студентов после занятий и во время каникул и т.д.


Раздел 1.

9. 1 – 2, 3, 5; 2 – 1, 4; 3 – 2, 3, 4; 4 – 1, 4, 5; 5 – 1, 3, 5; 6 – 2, 4, 5; 7 – 2, 4; 8 – 2, 3, 4; 9 – 1, 2, 4; 10 – 2, 4, 5

14. a; 16. 1-2; 2-5; 3-4; 4-6; 5-3, 5; 6-1; 17. 1-3; 2-1; 3-2; 18. 1-b; 2-a; 3-a, c; 4-a; 5-b.

Раздел 2.

14. – 1, 3, 5; 15. – 1-2; 2-4; 3-1; 4-5; 5-3; 16. – 1-3; 2-4; 3-2; 4-1; 17. – 1-c; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a; 5-a; 18. - 1-b, c; 2-c; 3- c; 4-b, 5-a.

Раздел 3.

7. – 2; 8.1-2; 2-3; 3-1; 4-4; 9.1-2; 2-3; 3-1; 10. – 1-a; 2- c; 3-c; 4-a; 5-b, c; 6-c; 7-a.


Материал для преподавателя

Раздел 1

12. Воспроизведите на слух предложения, расширяя их за счет дополнительных компонентов, предлагаемых диктором.

e.g. Speaker: Schools first started in Egypt.

Student: Schools first started in Egypt.

Speaker: 5000 year ago.

Student: Schools first started in Egypt 5000 year ago.

Speaker (ключ): Schools first started in Egypt 5000 year ago.

1. Speaker: The first teachers were mothers and fathers.

Student: ……………………………………………………..

Speaker: in Egypt

Student: ……………………………………………………..

Speaker (ключ): In Egypt the first teachers were mothers and fathers.

2. Speaker: A special teacher taught reading in Athens.

Student: ……………………………………………………..

Speaker: writing and literature

Student: ……………………………………………………..

Speaker (ключ): A special teacher taught reading, writing and literature in


3. Speaker: In China the education was organized according to social classes.

Student: ……………………………………………………..

Speaker: until the 19th century

Student: ……………………………………………………..

Speaker (ключ): Until the 19th century in China the education was organized according to social classes.

4. Speaker: The ideas of Greek philosophers influenced European education.

Student: ……………………………………………………..

Speaker: especially secondary and university education

Student: ……………………………………………………..

Speaker (ключ): The ideas of Greek philosophers influenced European education especially secondary and university education.