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Т_Яровая Пособие...(менеджмент)

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Министерство культуры Российской Федерации ФГБОУ ВПО «Пермский государственный институт искусства и культуры»

Кафедра иностранных языков

Пособие по обучению чтению и переводу для студентов направления «Менеджмент»

(английский язык)

Пермь 2012

УДК Менедж. англ. 811.111(076)+65.0=111(076)

ББК 81.2Англ-932 Пос 61

Составитель: Яровая Л. А., доцент кафедры иностранных языков ПГИИК.

Пособие по обучению чтению и переводу для студентов направления «Менеджмент» (английский язык) / сост. Л. А. Яровая ; Перм. гос. ин-т ис-

кусства и культуры. – Пермь, 2012. – 28 c.

© Пермский государственный институт искусства и культуры, 2012

© Яровая Л.А., 2012



Перед чтением текста WHAT IS BUSINESS напишите список слов на английском языке, которые на ваш взгляд могут встретиться в тексте.


Business is a word which is commonly used in many different languages. But exactly what does it mean? The concepts and activities of business have increased in modern times. Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. Today it has a more technical definition. One definition of business is the production and sale of goods and services for a profit. To examine this definition, we will look at its various parts.

First, production is the creation of services or the changing of materials into products. One example is the conversion of iron ore into metal car parts. Next these products need to be moved from the factory to the marketplace. This is known as distribution. A car might be moved from a factory in Detroit to a car dealership in Miami.

Third is the sale of goods and services. This is the exchange of a product or service for money. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money. Goods are products which people either need or want: for example, cars can be classified as goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization. For instance, an auto mechanic performs a service when he repairs a car. A doctor also performs a service by taking care of people when they are sick.

Business, then, is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution, and sale. However, there is another important factor. This factor is the creation of profit or economic surpass. A major goal in the functions of an American business company is making a profit. Profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid. Creation of economic surplus or profit is, therefore, a primary goal of business activity.

Выпишите из текста все слова и выражения по теме BUSINESS. Сравните этот список со списком соседа. Сравните его со списком слов, который вы делали до чтения текста.


Business is


products which people either need or want.


Production is


the money that remains after all expenses are paid.


Profit is


the production, distribution and sale of goods and services




for a profit.


Distribution is


the creation of services or the changing of materials into





5.Sale is

6.Goods are

7.Services are

e)product's movement to the market.

f)the exchange of product or service for money.

g)activities which a person or a group of persons perform for other persons or organization.


Прочитайте текст WHAT IS MANAGER. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1.What terms are used for "manager"?

2.What's the difference between "a manager" and "management"?

3.What are characteristic features common for all managers?

4.What does the job of a manager involve? (включать).


A number of different terms are used for "manager", including "director", "administrator" and "president". The term "manager" is used more frequently in profit-making organizations, while the others are used more widely in government and non-profit organizations such as universities, hospitals and social work agencies.

What, then, is a manager?

When used collectively the term "management" refers to those people who are responsible for making and carrying out decisions within the system.

An individual manager is a person who directly supervises people in an organization. Some basic characteristics seem to apply to managers in all types of organizations; they include hard work on a variety of activities preference for active tasks and direct personal relationships.

Almost everything a manager does involves decisions. The reason for making a desision is that the problem exists. In decision-making there is always some uncertainty and risk.

Managing is a hard job. There is a lot to be done and relatively little time to do it. The engineer can finish a design on a particular day, and the lawyer can win or lose a case at a certain time. But the manager's job is like "Old Man River" – it just keeps going.

Задание 1.

Какие из приведенных ниже утверждений верны, а какие нет? Используйте в своих ответах следующие фразы:

Certainly (not); That's right; I quite agree; I think so; No doubt about it; I'm perfectly sure about it; Not quite so; On the contrary; Just the opposite; I don't think so; I greatly double it.

1.A manager is a person who supervises only production.

2.Managing is not a hard job. It can be stopped at any moment.

3.A manager is a person who directly supervises people.

4.A manager is a person who works for a profit -making organization.

5.Almost everything a manager does involves discussions with collegues.


6.A manager never works with people.

7.The main task of a manager is to make a decision and to carry it out.

8.A manager's work never finishes. It just keeps going.

Прочтите определение понятия ''manager''. Все ли характеристики, данные в тексте этому понятию, включены в это определение?

A MANAGER is a profit – making organization worker. He is a person who is responsible for making and carrying out decisions. His work involves uncertainty and risk. A manager directly supervises people in an organization. A manager's job never finishes; it just keeps going.

Прочтите текст MARKETING MANAGEMENT. Оцените значимость его информации для менеджмента в:

a)туристическом бизнесе;

b)творческом коллективе.


Management, by definition, is a function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling. Any managerial SYSTEM, at any managerial level, is characterized in terms of these general functions.

Management is revealed (проявляется) in a variety of specific activities. Marketing management refers to a broard concept covering organization of production and sales (продажа) of products, which is based on consumer requirements research (исследование потребительского спроса). All companies must look beyond (впе-

ред) their present situation and develop a long -term strategy to meet changing conditions in their industry. Marketing management, therefore, (поэтому) consists of evaluating (оценка) market opportunities, selecting markets, developing market strategies, planning marketing tactics and controlling marketing results.

Strategic planning includes defining the company's long-term as well as specific objectives (цели), such as sales volume, market share (доля), pofitability and innovation, and deciding on financial, material and other resourses necessary to achieve (достичь) those objectives.

In problems of market selection and product planning one of the key concepts is that of the PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE. That products pass through various stages between life and death (introduction, growth, maturity (зрелость) -decline (упадок) is hard to deny (отрицать). Equally accepted is the understanding that a company should have a mix of products with representation in each of these stages. Companies can make far more effective marketing decisions if they take time to find out (выяснить) where each of their products stands in its life cycle.


However (однако) the concept of the product life cycle seems frequently forgotten in marketing planning, which leads to wrong decision making. This may well be seen in the following story.

A supplier (поставщик) of some light industrial equipment felt that the decline in the sales of his major product was due to (из-за) the fact that it was not receiving the sales support (поддержка) it deserved. In order to give extra sales support to this problem case (случай) a special advertising campaign was run. This required cutting in too marketing by cuts of several missing (многообещающих) products that were still growth phase. In fact, the major product has long since passed the zenith of its potential sales, and no amount of additional sales support could have extended (продлить) its growth. This became quite clear in the end-of-year sales results which showed no improvement. The promising products, however, went into gradual (постепенный) sales decline.

In short, management failed (не удалось) to consider each product's position in its life cycle.

Задание 1.

Найдите в тексте MARKETING MANAGEMENT определения следующим понятиям.




Прочтите диалог, в котором члены дирекции компании обсуждают ее стратегию. Напишите аналогичный диалог, в котором обсуждается стратегия вашей фирмы в деятельности по получению большей прибыли.

Fox: Since our main objective is to gain (получить) market share I believe we must first of all reduce our prices.

Brown: But if we reduce prices that will cut our profits.

Fox: That's right, but we can slowly increase production, which will enable (даст возможность) us to cut unit costs.

Smith: That's really a long-term prospect. Unit costs can only come down if we invest in a new plant and machinery. I personally think we should go for higher profitability. If we upgrade the product, we can charge (установить) higher prices and get larger profits.

Fox: Look, the market is already very complete. If we increase prices, whatever the quality, the market will immediately respond (ответит) and sales will drop rapidly (быстро). But if we reduce costs in manufacturing that will put us in a strong position to adapt to the market.


Задание 1.

Напишите список маркетинговых мероприятий, влияющих на увеличение прибыли фирмы.



Читая текст, обратите внимание на то, каковы традиционные способы поисков работы. Сделайте их список. Какие способы Вам более приемлемы?


What must you begin with?

There are several traditional ways of looking for a job, choosing one of which (or better all at once) is it possible to count on success.

The first is the typical approach in which you are to communicate to all your friends and acquaintances.

A more civilized and active means of looking for a job is studying the' market of the offered vacancies to get an insight into the level of necessary demands and size of your own chances.

The best way of doing this is to use the help of employment agencies or to independently study the ads of job opportunities being published.

Announcements of job opportunities can be read in different, printed publications, heard on the radio, and so on. But which them is worth paying attention to?

In many respects this depends on exactly what kind of work you want to get. Decide this in advancethis will help to concentrate your efforts and achieve success.

DON'T PUT MUCH TRUST in ads in the gutter or yellow press, especially if they are addressed to "young attractive girls without complexes". Solid companies place ads in prestigious publications with a firm reputation.

How is it possible to get a better understanding of the ad in English? Let us dwell on this in greater detail.

Your main task is to understand whether the position being offered is consistent with the levels of your skills, education and experience in work.

The structure of job opportunities ads is usually the same: the name of the vacant position, the list of the candidate's professional duties, the demands made of the candidate, and the system of compensations and benefits.

QUITE OFTEN THE NAME OF THE COMPANY ITSELF IS NOT INDICATTED. Ads are often published by employment agencies on behalf of their clients. The address of the office is usually not givenis suggested that the resume should be sent to a P.O. box or else faxed. On very rare occasions is the phone number given, where is possible to get additional information. Publishing an ad, the company usually strives to cut down its expenses on handing the responses being received, that is why


preliminary selection is carried out on the bases of resumes, and only finding yourself at the interview will you be able to find out some new details.

FIRST, ONE MUST PAY ATTENTION TO THE NAME OF THE POSITION. The not always adequate-translation of the position's name does not make it possible to judge what one will have to do in reality. Therefore, using all possible means, try to learn as much as possible about this position to prepare yourself as best as possible for a meeting with the employer.

Carefully read the demand made of the given position. The demand to know a foreign language is very important. In most cases there is a need for free command of the language – Fluent English. Free command implies not only the knowledge of the professional vocabulary, reading and translation with a dictionary, but also an ability freely to deal with a foreign manager, competently to compile documents, and speak on the phone. This demand may prove to be the most important.

BE ATTENTIVE to expressions like "Willinglss to travel" as a rule, this means two-three weeks of business trips a month to the remotest parts of the CIS.

Quite often the ads do not decipher (расшифровывать) other demands in detail. For example, the ability to type in Russian /Latin. According to international standards, an adequate level typewriting is a speed of 60 words per minute. This speed is rarely met even among professional typists, to say nothing of the fact that there is a need to type with a similar high speed on both keyboards. Therefore, when claiming the given position, you need to check your speed or bring it up to the required level. Besides a secretary is usually required to be able to work on a personal computer. The question concerns the professional text editors of Word, Word for Windows and Word Perfect type. In general, if the ads enumerate the software products, systems, languages, etc. which the candidate must necessarily know, remember that these demands have a strictly binding force.

Quite often the ads use abbreviations which must be clear to specialists, but may give rise to questions among dilettantes. For example, the knowledge of GAAP standards for bookkeepers. Such special demands set the level of the candidate's indispensable qualifications.


Manager for Marketing and Advertising at Ancor Employment Agency. The Ancor firm is one of the largest and oldest (founded in 1989) agencies for the selection of personnel in Russian Market.


Задание 1.

Предложенный ниже список утверждений содержит как верную информацию, так и противоречащую информации текста. Назовите номера предложений, которые дают неверную информацию. Выпишите только те, которые составят план структуры объявления о вакансиях.


1. Full address of the company.

2. The name of the vacant position.

3. Professional duties.

4. Damands made of the candidate.

5. The system of compensations and benefits.

6.The full name of the company.

7.The telephone number of the company.

8. The telephone number of the advertising agency.

9. The address for sending CV and resumes.

Задание 2.

Все ли упомянутые в тексте традиционные пути поисков работы перечислены ниже.

Какие другие способы вы можете предложить?


1.To communicate the intentions to all friends and acquaintances.

2.To study the market of the vacancies through the employment agencies.

3.Independent study of the ads of job opportunities in the solid publications, on the radio and TV.

Задание 3.

Найдите в данных ниже утверждениях те, которые противоречат фактам текста.

1.The full address of the company is usually given in the ads.

2.Ads are published by the clients themselves.

3.The resume should be sent only by fax.

4.The telephone number for additional information is usually given.

5.Preliminary selection is carried out on the basis of resumes.

6.Trust all information in any kinds of printed matter.


Задание 4.

Изучите предложенный ниже список специалистов. Кто из них должен отвечать следующим требованиям?


Fluent English

Willingness to travel

High speed of typing on both keyboard

Work on a personal computer

The knowledge of GAAP standards for bookkeeping




Foreign relations manager

General manager

Deputy director

information manager

executive secretary

commercial manager

sales manager

office manager

marketing director

head of office

marketing manager



personal assistant

advertising manager


storehouse manager

finance director

personnel manager

chief accountant


Задание 5.

Какие еще умения в пользовании иностранного языка, кроме перечисленных ниже, могут быть полезны в деятельности:

1.менеджера по туризму;

2.IT manager.

Fluent English means:

knowledge of the professional vocabulary; reading and translating with dictionary; ability to deal with a foreign manager;

to compile documents;

to speak on the telephone.