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I. Speaking

Exercise 1. Read and learn the words hardware - апаратне забезпечення monitor монітор keyboard - клавіатура printer принтер

connection - зв'язок; з'єднання, сполучення software - програмне забезпечення run on the computer - запускати на

комп'ютері word processing programs - текстовий


graphics program - графічний редактор spreadsheets program - бухгалтерська програма

desktop publishing program - видавнича програма

and word combinations.

key in, type in - друкувати save information - зберігати інформацію retrieve information - отримувати інформацію database management program - програма

управління базами даних personal computer - персональний комп'ютер local network - локальна мережа IBM compatible - сумісний з обладнанням

фірми IBM vendor - продавець hard disk - жорсткий диск

Exercise 2. Read the text and translate it.

Computers in Our Life

Everybody knows that computers can facilitate our everyday duties, work or study. But are ~>u computer literate? Do you know the essential concepts in informatics? Can you work with .. computer? These notes will help you to get some information about computers.

Computer hardware consists of a computer, a monitor, a keyboard, a printer, and their connections. The software contains the various programs you run on your computer. The most common programs used in business are those for word processing (writing letters, faxes, documents, contracts), spread sheets (for budgets and financial analysis), database management programs (for keeping names and addresses of customers), accounting (for bookkeeping), graphics programs (for drawing charts), communications programs (for electronic mail, Internet), desktop publishing programs (for producing manuals, catalogs); the operator keys in (types in) the information which can be saved and retrieved at a later date.

Most businesses nowadays use personal computers (or PCs), which are often linked together in a local network. This is a big change from the days when time had to be rented on mainframe computer. Nowadays these are only used by very large businesses, universities, or government departments.

The two most popular types of computers currently are those of IBM and Apple (the Macintosh). It was IBM who set the standard for the PC which others later imitated. That is why, in order to be able to use the widest range of software, a computer has to be IBM compatible.

The most successful software company now is Microsoft with its Windows programs for different years. Microsoft has done a good job of making Windows of each year compatible with software developed for previous versions of Windows, and with MS-DOS.

Prices for what is now considered the minimum standard for a new PC are hundreds of dollars more than they were just a couple of years ago.

PC makers have simply been selling desktop systems based on the Intel 486 processor. Nearly all new systems are now sold with an Intel Pentium processor. Laptop vendors are also carrying mostly Pentium systems. It is true that those newer models have a faster processor, more memory, a larger hard disk drive and a faster CD-ROM drive than previous models.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. New electronic technology is potentially the greatest educational innovation since the invention of the printing press. 2. The computer can project your actions in a special program for 50 year into the future and show the consequences. 3. Computers have two big problems to overcome: the high cost of the equipment and the opposition of some teachers. 4. Now small, self-contained microcomputers priced as low as 600 USD perform all the tasks needed by most. 5. Do computers actually help students learn better than traditional methods? 6.What software do you use while working with computer? 7. Have you saved the new information? Do you remember the file name?

Exercise 4. Make up sentences with the words and word combinations.

  • hardware, software

  • to connect, connection, connecting, connector

  • to key in, to type in, a key, a typist

  • to save (life, time, information, money)

  • to retrieve (information, mistake, fortune), retrieval, retrievable

Exercise 5. What would you say if you took part in these conversations? Act them


A: Our firm bought 4 computers recently. But I don't know whether they will help us in our work. What do you think about it?

В: I suppose that ....

A: I know that computers are necessary for quick processing of information. But we have no modern software on our computers. Do you think it will influence the quality of our work? В: I think ....

A: We have word processing, spreadsheets, database management, graphics, desktop publishing programs. But actually I can't understand why we need them. В: I can help you ....

A: I can't save information on my computer. Could you explain how to do it? B: Yes, with pleasure ....

A: Will you help me to print the information I've just saved as the file "'march.doc"? What tools shall I use for it?

B: You should, first of all, ... .

Exercise 6. Act as an interpreter in the conversation:

Mr. Rubin: Наша компанія планує забезпечити свій головний офіс 10 комп'ютерами. Я б хотів знати, яке апаратне та програмне забезпечення Ви б порекомендували нам використати?

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