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1) Fertility; 2) in vitro; 3) menopause; 4) to fail; 5) to insert; 6) to increase.

(a - menarche; b-to succeed; c-to withdraw; d-to decrease; e - in vivo; f— infertility)

  1. Can additional weight cause some problems?

  2. Can a woman participate in most activities and sports she was taking part in before her pregnancy?

  3. Who can advise her about any limitations?

II. Independent Work: Miscarriage

Exercise 1. Read the text.

.. .That night Clare woke with a pain in her back. When she looked she saw there was some vaginal bleeding. Graham telephoned Mr. O'Rory. Then he carried her outside in a blanket, and drove her 10 miles to the hospital. The gynecologist was already waiting. He put Clare into his ward, surrounded her with hot-water bottles, ordered an injection of morphine, prescribed doses of bromide and added well-polished encouraging words.

"Is she aborting?" asked Graham outside the ward.

"Well, it's an abortion," Mr. O'Rory said amiably. "It's just eight weeks since the lady's last menstrual period. So it wouldn't be an unheard occurrence at such a time, would if?" "Could anything have caused it?" Graham asked anxiously.

"Oh. these things happen, they just happen. To tell the truth, none of us knows really


"What's the chance of saving the fetus?"

"I'd say quite good. There's nothing to worry about, nothing at all." .. .The bleeding went on. The following day Mr. O'Rory shook his head and said he feared the lady must visit his operating room.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Why did Clare wake up?

  2. Where did Graham drive her?

  3. What did the gynecologist do?

  4. Could anything have caused an abortion?

  5. What did Mr. O'Rory say the following day?


I 1 Speaking I Precautions

I. Speaking: Precautions

Exercise 1. Learn the topical words, substance - речовина

find (found, found) - знаходити; установлювати; виявляти affect - впливати

survival - виживання

birth defects - вроджені вади

to be related (to) - бути пов'язаним (з)

vitamin deficiency - вітамінодефіцит, авітаміноз

cause - бути причиною, спричиняти

interaction - взаємодія

inherit - успадковувати

beware - остерігатися

hazard - ризик, небезпека

safety - безпека

safe - безпечний

medication - засіб для лікування

approval - схвалення, згода

Exercise 2. Read the text.


Many substances and organisms have been found to affect the development and survival of the fetus. It is estimated that 20 percent of all birth defects are directly related to environmental factors such as drugs, viruses, and vitamin deficiencies. Another 60 percent are caused by the interaction of an environmental factor and an inherited predisposition. So it is important for every woman who is contemplating pregnancy or is already pregnant to beware of the possible hazards to which her baby may be vulnerable.

One of the most important aspects of prenatal care is safety in the use of medications and the ingestion of nonfood substances. A pregnant woman (or one who even suspects she is pregnant) should never take a medication without her doctor's recommendation or approval. This caution includes over-the-counter preparations - even aspirin - as well as prescription drugs. In addition, a woman should not smoke during pregnancy, and she should limit, if not eliminate, consumption of alcoholic beverages. Smoking has been linked to miscarriage (expulsion of the fetus before it is capable of surviving on its own), low birth weight, and prematurity. Alcohol, too, has been linked to miscarriage, and studies have shown that alcoho. can affect the brain of the fetus. Products containing caffeine should probably also be limited The best guideline to remember is that no drug or nonfood substance can be assumed to be harmless during pregnancy.

The fetus is also susceptible to infections that affect the mother-to-be, especially rubella (German measles) and certain sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes. A pregnant woman should avoid immunizations with live viruses and postpone travel to foreign countries where infectious diseases are prevalent. Toxoplasmosis, an infection spread by eating or preparing uncooked meat or handling a cat's litter box, presents another risk. The parasite that cause^ toxoplasmosis is harbored in the bodies of some food animals (pigs, sheep, and cattle) and in the intestinal tracts of cats. A pregnant woman need not forgo meat or get rid of her cat. She should, however, be certain to cook meat thoroughly and to avoid emptying or cleaning the cat's litter box.

A woman's doctor will also advise against unnecessary X-rays during pregnancy.

As the medical profession has learned more about inherited diseases, it has been able to offer genetic counseling to couples concerned about the possibility of having a child with an inherited disease or abnormality. A genetic counselor or specialist in genetic disorders can estimate the likelihood that a couple's offspring will be afflicted with a problem due to an inherited trait or to the age of the parents. For some genetic disorders, tests can determine whether one or both parents are carriers or can detect whether a defect is present in a fetus. However, genetic counseling cannot guarantee the health of a child; it can only be a source of advice.


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