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I. Speaking: Blood

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading.

Test yourself: do you remember these words and word combinations from school? Shop: A place where different things are sold is called a shop.

Department: medical department, pharmaceutical department. The institute has three departments. There are two departments at the chemist's.

Wash: a room for washing. Every day when I get up I wash my face and hands. After every experiment they wash glassware and vessels.

Plant: My father works at the plant as an engineer. We gather medical plants during our practice. Where is the plant you work at?

Keep: You may keep the book for two weeks. Keep your room ventilated. We keep drugs in a cold place. The shelf where we keep our medicines is on the left.

Letter: Our alphabet has 34 letters, the English one has 26. Children usually read big letters easier. What letters are most often used? Do you often write letters to your parents (sister, brother, grandparents)? Yesterday I received a letter from my friend.

Separately: I live separately from my parents. Every drug is kept separately.

Separate: England is separated from France by the English Channel and the sea.

Physicians: This institute trains physicians and pharmacists. We often come to consult physicians when we are not well.

Follow: You must follow the reaction attentively.

Remember: I can't remember his name. Do you remember how to do it? Contamination: contamination of water and air. Contaminate: contaminated river, a contaminated drug.

Exercise 2. Learn the following words and word combinations,

fluid ['floid] рідина carbon dioxide ['ka:bn,dai'r>ksaid] вуглекислий газ

scarlet ['skarlit] яскраво-червоний nitrogen ['пайгзгіззп] азот

dark red - темно-червоний proteins fprsotimz] білки

course [ko:s] курсувати, переміщуватись lipids [Tipidz] жири

plasma ['plaezma] плазма carbohydrates [,ka:b3u'haidreits] вуглеводи

red blood cells - еритроцити inorganic salts [,іпз: 'gEenik'sDlts] неорганічні солі

white blood cells - лейкоцити blood test - аналіз крові

platelets ['pleitlits] - тромбоцити abnormal - ненормальний

dissolved [di'zolvd] розчинений amount [з'тзопі] кількість

gas [gees] газ composition [,кптрз'гі/(з)п] склад

oxygen ['Dksid33n] кисень relatively constant - відносно постійний

Exercise 3. Choose the word that correctly completes each of the following sentences. Use the words below.

Heart and Blood

1. Your heart is a wonderful ... that works during every minute of your life. 2. You can help it work long and well: you can strengthen it, protect it from ... by exercises and regular ... . 3. Take your ... and you can control the work of your ... 4. About five liters of blood fill our arteries, veins and ... .5. ... carry blood from the heart. 6. ... carry blood to the heart. 1. ... has red blood cells, white blood cells and .... 8. Today doctors can take blood ... , listen to the heart, take blood tests and take the ... of the patient's heart.

a) arteries, b) heart, c) capillaries, d) blood, e) veins, f) regiment, g) disease, h) plasma, i) organ,]) in such a way, k) pressure, I) cardiogram, m) pulse

Exercise 4. Put words in the right order to make sentences.

  1. is, minute, 70, our, per, about, pulse, beats.

  2. the, exercises, after, heart, faster, heavy, works.

  3. be, the. after, or, will, a, two, again, minute, pulse, normal.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

Серце - головний орган кровоносної системи. Вени несуть кров до серця. Артерії несуть кров від серця до кожної частини людського тіла. Серце скорочується і перекачує кров. Вимірявши пульс, ти зможеш перевірити роботу свого серця.

Exercise 6. Read the text and retell it.


About five liters of blood fill our arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood is the fluid that courses through the blood vessels of the body, so the blood supplies the body cells with necessary substances for living. The blood is of the red color. In the arteries it's scarlet, in the veins it's dark red.

The blood consists of the plasma (a yellowish liquid composed of water), dissolved gases, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen; proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances and inorganic salts; red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The amount and composition of the blood in a healthy person are relatively constant. Various diseases cause changes in the blood. These changes we can see making blood tests. In laboratories today different blood tests are conducted.

If a person has any changes in his blood, he must immediately consult a doctor.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions.

  1. What substance is the blood?

  2. What is the composition of the blood?

  3. What is the main function of the blood?

  4. What colour does the blood have in the veins? In the arteries?

  5. What do changes in the composition of our blood show?

  6. How do we see changes of the blood?

Exercise 8. Make a plan of the text "Blood"".

Exercise 9. Read and translate the text. Give a title to the text.

An antigen is a substance that can provoke an immune (protective) response of the body. An antigen promotes production of antibodies that will interact only with that antigen. On the surface of all cells there are numerous antigens, which cause production of different antibodies. The major blood groups (types А, В, AB, and O) are differentiated on the basis of the presence on the red blood cells of those surface antigens: type A blood has antigen A, type В has antigen B, type AB has both antigen A and antigen B, and type О has neither antigen A nor antigen B, A person's blood type must be identified before a blood transfusion can be given because his or her blood may reject transfused blood of the wrong type. Type A blood plasma, for example, does not contain any anti-A antibodies. It does, however, contain anti-B antibodies. If type В blood is transfused, the anti-B antibodies in the plasma will destroy the type В red cells, which have type В antigens.

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