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II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Form verbs from the following words with the help of the given prefixes and suffixes. Translate them into Ukrainian, en-: rich, large, circle, joy -fy: simple, test, pure -ize: critic, real, summary, analysis -en: short, strength, wide, light, weak

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences.

1. I wish ... .2. She looks as if ... . 3. If I were you, ... . 4. It is important that ... . 5. I suggest that ... . 6. If I were a president, .... 7. Had 1 more spare time, I ... .

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the place of the adverbs in them.

1. Іноді речовина може бути твердою чи м'якою. 2. Стан речовини зазвичай залежить від температури. 3. Вода рідко зустрічається в природі у чистому вигляді. 4. Кілька років тому вчені ще не знали всіх властивостей цього хімічного елемента. 5. Ця речовина щойно вступила в реакцію з повітрям. 6. Зазвичай ця сіль білого кольору. 7. Він зараз у лабораторії зі студентами. 8. Зараз ми поговоримо про стан речовин, а потім про їхні властивості.

Exercise 4. Put in articles where required.

1. Here is ... prescription for ... vitamin B. 2. I'll put you on ... sick leave till ... end of ... week. 3. ... other day we carried out ... experiment on ... animals during our practical studies. A. ... chemist's shop in ... Kyiv Street is ... largest in ... city. 5. Not to confuse different remedies ... label must be stuck on ... bottle or ... box containing drugs. 6. ... name of ... medicine and ... direction for its administration are usually written on ... label. 1. ... last week my brother caught ... cold. We called in ... district doctor. When ... doctor examined my brother, he prescribed my brother ... home treatment, ... scalding foot bath and ... medicine for ... headache and cough. 8. Here are ... ampules of... glucose you need for ... intravenous injections. 9. 1 made ... appointment with ... district doctor for 12 o'clock. When ... doctor examined me, he wrote out... prescription for ... medicine. I ordered it, ... chemist gave me ... bottle of mixture and said that I had to keep it in .. .cool place.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

У сучасній медицині проблемам акушерства та гінекології приділяється велика увага. Вивчаються питання ведення пологів, профілактики асфіксії плода. Учені запроваджують у практику (to introduce into practice) міри профілактики та лікування безпліддя, токсикозів вагітності, акушерського травматизму, кровотеч та інших ускладнень вагітності та пологів. Ведуться дослідження щодо знеболювання пологів. Спеціалісти вивчають методи діагностики різних хвороб.

III. Independent Work: Childbirth

Exercise 1. Read the text and translate it:

Scarlett looked at Prissy. For a moment her mind refused to accept the truth, but when realization came finally to her that Prissy knew no more about midwifery than she did, anger went over her like a flame.

At that moment the moaning from the second floor ceased and Melanie's voice, weak and trembling, called, "Scarlett, is it you? Please, come! Please!"

For a moment Scarlett stood still, listening to the low moaning which had begun again. She tried to think of all the things Mammy1 and Ellen had done for her when her son was born, but the merciful blurring of the childbirth pains obscured almost everything in mist2. She did recall a few things and she spoke to Prissy rapidly, authority in her voice.

"Make a fire in the stove and keep hot water boiling in the kettle. Bring all the towels you can find. And give me the scissors. Don't come telling me you can't find them. Bring them and bring them quick. Now hurry."

She jerked3 Prissy to her feet and sent her to the kitchen. Then she started up the stairs. It was going to be difficult telling Melanie that she and Prissy were to deliver her baby.

She wished she had paid more attention to the whispered conversations of matrons on the subjects of childbirth. If only she had! If only she had been more interested in such matters she would know whether Melanie was taking a long time or not4. She had a vague memory of one of Aunt Pitty's stories of her friend who was in labor for two days and died without having the baby. Suppose, Melanie should go on like this for two days! But Melanie was so delicate. She wouldn't stand two days of this pain. She will die soon if the baby doesn't hurry.

... It was all over. Melanie was not dead, and the new born boy, who made noises like a little kitten, was receiving his first bath at Prissy's hands. Melanie was asleep. How could she sleep after the nightmare of screaming pain and ignorant midwifery that hurt more than it helped? Why wasn't she dead? Scarlett knew that she herself would have died under such handling. But when it was over, Melanie had even whispered so weakly that she had to bend over her to hear, "Thank you".


'Mammy - матінка; няня-негритянка

2the merciful blurring of the childbirth pains obscured almost everything in mist - все розпливалося як у тумані, милосердно стерте із пам'яті муками пологових перейм 3to jerk - різко штовхати

4she would know whether Melanie was taking a long time or not - їй було б зрозуміліше зараз, затягнулись у Мелані пологи чи ні

Exercise 2. Find English equivalents in the text.

Пологові болі, приймати пологи, протягом двох днів, витримати біль, пронизливий біль, догляд за, акушерство.

Exercise 3. Translate the typical questions an obstetrician asks her patients.

  1. At what age did you have your first period?

  2. How long is your period?

  3. Are discharges excessive (moderate)?

  4. Do you have pains during your period?

5. Are these attacks accompanied by giddiness, nausea, vomiting, urinary frequencyincrease, breathlessness, loss of consciousness, high temperature?

6. Have you had any gynecological disorders?




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