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II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1, Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets, translate the sentences.

1. 1 (to live) at the student's hostel now. 2. My friend (to graduate) from the college last year. 3.1 think he (to enter) the medical year. 4. The students of his group (to take) an active part in the meeting last Saturday. 5. My sister (to go) to the library every week. 6.1 (to come) home late today. 7. Ann lives near our college and never (to take) a bus to come there. 8. In three years you (to get) a diploma of a nurse. 9. He often (to receive) letters from his parents.

Exercise 2. Look at the following words, find similar roots in English and Ukrainian, try to translate them without the dictionary.

Potential, natural, final, practically, rational, cubic, local, crystal, concentrate, function, regulator, preventive, intensive, productive, test, text, result, system, diagnostic, incubator, microscope, filter, minute, computer.

Exercise 3. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

Emotional, healthy, cold, low, good, warm, weak, famous, dependent, little, clear, far, important, bad.

Exercise 4. Write out the verbs in the Future-in-the-Past Tense.

Is giving, will have operated, will be prescribing, saw, did, dressed, were decided, would repair, will be given, should visit, are making, would look after, were calling, should speak.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the sentences.

1. The doctor told me that the next lesson would not be difficult. 2. They said that thetreatment of cancer would be developed soon. 3. I thought that I should get the job at ourhospital. 4.1 didn't know that Mr. Grey would come. 5.1 thought she would help me.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences, name the types of clauses (типи підрядних речень).

  1. 1. Medical experience knows cases when people who were regarded clinically dead returned to life and are still alive. 2. There are all grounds to hope that with scientific progress new preparations will be found which will make surgical intervention unnecessary. 3. For the first time ever, doctors had the means with which they combated an incurable disease where previously they had been only helpless observers. 4. If a person falls ill, he will ring up his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. 5. The only problem is that, while we are putting ourselves in the hands of trained experts who have devoted their lives to medicine, they are now basing their diagnoses on the results of laboratory tests which in many cases are done by people barely out of high school.

  2. 1. She said she knew him very well. 2. He would come here were he in Kyiv. 3. The hotel we stayed at is in the center of the city. Had he time, he would have come.

Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences.

1.1 should have missed the lesson, if ... .

  1. If I were you, ....

  2. If my friend were a surgeon, ....

  3. If I had money about me, ....

  4. They would operate this patient if... .

  5. If the nurse had spare time, ....

  6. If he left home at twelve, ....

  7. If the patient received good results of analysis, ....

Exercise 8. Translate into English.

1. Ми запізнимося на операцію, якщо заняття триватиме до кінця. 2. Якби я був на твоєму місці, я обрав би професію хірурга. 3. Якби ти була операційною медсестрою, ти дотримувалася б правил асептики. 4. Вони прооперують пацієнта, якщо результати аналізів підтвердять діагноз. 5. Медсестра зробила б ін'єкції швидше, якби в неї був вільний час.

Exercise 9. Make up sentences.


do the operation.

In your situation


apply a dressing.

But for me



cut it with scissors.

But for them



put the stitches out.


desinfect the operation area.


look after patients.

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