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When We Have Pain

When we have a headache, an earache, a stomachache, a toothache, a cold, a sore throat or a pain in some other parts of the body, we go to the doctor. He takes our temperature and feels our pulse. He listens to our heart and lungs. He examines our stomach and checks our blood pressure. He asks what hurts us, and tells what the matter is with us. He says, "You have caught a cold", "You have a slight temperature", "You have a flu (грип)", or "Your have a heart disease".

The doctor gives us a prescription. We must take the medicine. If we follow doctor's instructions, we get better. If we disobey the doctor, we may get worse. And when we don't get better at home, we must go to the hospital.

Exercise 9. Answer the questions.

  1. What do you do when you are ill?

  2. What does the doctor do?

  3. What do you feel when you have a flu?

  4. Why must we follow doctor's instructions?

5. Whom do you consult when you have a headache (a sore throat, a broken leg, astomachache)?

Exercise 10. Read and retell the text.


Fever is a rise of body temperature above normal. The symptoms of high temperature are headache, aches all over the body, red face, hot dry skin, loss of appetite, quick pulse and breathing.

A feverish person must be put in bed, not allowed to get out of bed, drink much water. The nurse must keep the patient warm, give him warm drinks. When the patient is sweating, replace the damp bedclothes as quickly as possible and dress the patient in a clean warm bedgown or pyjamas. When the temperature is normal, the patient may sit in bed and then have a short walk.

Exercise 11. Communicative situations.

  1. You complain to the doctor of the illness you have.

  2. Tell about the nurse's duties when she cares for a feverish patient.

3. Your friend has caught a cold during your visit to England and you have to act as aninterpreter.

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Name the parts of speech of the following words.

Developer, undeveloped, newly, electronic, diagnostic, diagnostician, condition, connected, connective, connection, sensor, sense, sensitive, mathematician.

Exercise 3. Learn the meanings of the word since.

Exercise 2. Make up sentences, pay attention to the meaning of the verb to have.

I have

a normal pulse.

She has

three children.

We have

a good dictionary.

He has

to perform the operation.

to speak to the doctor.

asked some questions.

described the new method.

Частина мови








з тих пір

з (після чого)

з тих пір як

Translate the sentences.

  1. 60 years have passed since that event.

  2. Since then a number of other substances have been isolated.

  3. Since their report, numerous studies have shown a relation between these diseases.

  4. 1 haven't seen him since last month.

  5. We have seen the effect many times since.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences. Mind the tense of the verbs.

  1. Цю нову лікарню щойно збудували.

  2. Я вже ходив до лікаря.

  3. У мене був сильний кашель, нежить і боліло горло.

  4. Лікар коли-небудь приходив до тебе додому?

  5. Ти вже прийняв ліки і прополоскав горло?

  6. Він коли-небудь відвідував цього лікаря?

  7. Медсестра щойно зміряла пульс і тиск у цього лежачого хворого.

  8. Він сьогодні вже оглянув усіх своїх пацієнтів.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the introduction of the attributive clause.

1. The valves which direct one-way blood flow are found in the heart. 2. The symptoms of flu may be all those present in case of cold. 3. A special test that shows what blood composition must be used. 4. The present problem includes 10 patients with influenza who were under special care. 5. The patients the doctor examined were all children.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык