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Text c English Universities and Colleges

The oldest universities in Great Britain are Oxford and Cambridge. Many universities are fairly new. Modern English universities are in large cities, such as London, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham and others. London University is the biggest of the modern English universities. In many ways the London University has departed from the traditions of Oxford and Cambridge. It consists of various colleges and other institutions. It has medical schools too.

A university usually has both faculties and departments. The most common faculties are medicine, law, arts, science and theology. There are various departments, such as engineering, economics, commerce, agriculture, music, etc.

The course of studies at a university lasts six years. The curriculum is wide. All universities admit men and women but the share of men is 75 per cent.

Each faculty is headed by one or more professors. A staff of lecturers and tutors (teachers) help them. Professors and lecturers give lectures to large numbers of students, and tutors teach smaller groups.

Colleges provide specialized training. There are medical, teachers', technical and other colleges at a university. The course of studies at a college is only three years. At medical colleges students study various subjects, learn to treat patients and have practical work at hospitals. After graduating from a college they are given a certificate.

Students pay for taking exams, for attending lectures, for taking books from the library.

A student being a great success in study may take a degree of Bachelor of Arts or of Science.

Exercise 1. Read the text and translate it, answer the questions.

1. What universities are the oldest ones in Great Britain? 2. What cities are modern English universities located in? 3. What university is the biggest of the modern universities? 4. What colleges does London University consist of? 5. What faculties are the most common ones? 6. What departments are there at a university? 7. How long does the course of studies last? 8. Whom is each faculty headed by? 9. What kind of training do colleges provide? 10. What colleges are there at a university? 11.What do students study and learn at medical colleges? 12. What do students pay for? 13. What degree may a student being a great success in study take?

Exercise 2. Write a short text about London University using the table.

London University It


consists of has

the biggest modern university, various colleges and institutions, medical schools too.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences.

1. Лондонський університет - найбільший із сучасних університетів Великобританії. 2. У нього входить кілька медичних шкіл і коледжів. 3. Він складається з різних коледжів і навчальних установ. 4. Він не має давніх традицій.

Exercise 4. Tell about education in Great Britain using the following word com­binations.

The oldest English universities; modern universities; London University; its colleges and medical schools; the course of studies; the most common departments; university staff; colleges and their specialized training; medical colleges; pay for study; taking a degree of Bachelor of Science.

Text D

- What do you think of school?

Emma: I go to Newtown School of Performing Arts so in some ways it's different from a normal school. We learn all the same subjects but there is a lot more emphasis on drama, dance and music. I had to do an audition to get into the school.

- Is there anything that you think you should be taught but are not?

Our school is quite progressive so we have to learn a lot about things like drugs and AIDS so I think it's a good curriculum. I think it might also be useful to learn things like how not to be awkward around guys.

Jesse: School does not affect me too much. I go to quite a good school but for me the most important thing about the school is the other kids going there. That can make your school experience brilliant or terrible. Kids can sometimes gang up against each other, then it's horrible. They are often horrible to people who get good marks. They think that they are swots.

- Is there anything that you think you should be taught? We don't learn psychology. I think that's really bad.

Ned: I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing but school influences me quite a lot. That's not surprising when I spend three quarters of my life there.

c) to leave, to graduate:

  1. Коли ти закінчив школу? — Я закінчив її у 2005 році.

  2. Де ти залишила свій зошит?

  3. Він зазвичай залишає тут свій портфель.

d) to leave (for), to go:

  1. Вони поїхали з Києва минулого тижня.

  2. Коли ти їдеш до Києва?

  3. Він поїхав у село і проведе там усе літо.

e) to finish, to be over:

  1. Урок закінчився?

  2. Іноді його робота закінчується о п'ятій.

  3. Він завершив писати книгу.

  4. Медсестра закінчила робити ін'єкцію.

  5. Наші заняття закінчуються пізно.

Exercise 6. Make up questions to the underlined words. The number of questions is given in brackets.

1. They didn't go to any foreign countries. (3) 2. We saw this new film. (3) 3. His friendtranslated two English books into Ukrainian. (3) 4. The doctor examined this bed patient. (2)

Exercise 7. Answer the questions.

1 1. What kind of books do you like to read?

  1. What did you do yesterday?

  2. Which lesson are you doing now?

  3. When are you going to have the test?

  4. How long will it take you to go home?

2 1. What kind of TV shows does your friend like to watch?

  1. Which book did you read last week?

  2. Did you like it?

  3. When are you going to give it to me to read?

  4. Can you give me the book now?

  5. What do you think she is doing now?

3 1. Does the nurse usually make injections?

  1. Did the doctor prescribe the medicine?

  2. What medicine are you going to take?

  3. Where are you going to buy it?

Exercise 8. Explain how to take a pulse and how to check BP.

Exercise 9. Complete the questions and answer them.

Can you...

to close, to open

May I...

to sit down, to come

Could you...

to see, to use, to talk

Shall we...

to tell, to finish

Will you...

to give back, to show

Must they...

to play, to hear

Won't we...

to meet, to bring

Exercise 9. Make up dialogs.

  1. Привітайтеся з містером Блеком; скажіть, що ви раді знову бачити його в Україні; запитайте, як довго він збирається бути тут.

  2. Подзвоніть доктору Брауну; привітайтесь, домовтесь про зустріч у середу о 9-ій.

  3. Запитайте свого друга про здоров'я; чи він уже одужав; запропонуйте допомогу з домашніми завданнями.

  4. Запропонуйте подрузі сісти, висловіть співчуття з приводу того, що стоїть погана погода, пригостіть її чашечкою кави.

  5. Представте групі нового студента, скажіть, що він приїхав зі столиці і буде завершувати навчання у нашому коледжі.





Diseases. Symptoms



1. Дієслово в Present Perfect (§63).

2. Present Perfect зі словами since, for a long time, for ages (§64).

3. Складнопідрядні означальні речення (§65)


Independent Work

From the History of Medicine

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