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Exercise 6. Match the words/word combinations.

  1. dangerous to health а) підвищений тиск

  2. to work out b) залишатися здоровим

  3. fitness c) небезпечний для здоров'я

  4. to stay healthy d) добрий стан здоров'я

  5. high pressure e) приділяти увагу

  6. to pay attention f) тренуватися

  7. adequate quantities g) відповідна кількість

Exercise 7. Aswer the questions.

  1. What is now part of people's daily lives?

  2. What kind of sports do people go in for?

  3. What has taken place over the last twenty years?

  4. What are major factors?

  5. What else influences our health'?

  6. What should people do to keep their health up to the mark?

  1. What do we call a diet?

  2. What are the constituents of food?

  3. Is overeating dangerous to health?

10. In what form is the food eaten in exess of the body's energy requirements stored?

Exercise 8. If you want to live to 100, you may use the "Eternal Youth Laws". Read them, follow them and you'll be all right ail your life!

Eternal Youth Laws

Obey the following rules for wellness to keep your immune system functioning properly and working for you to prevent diseases and put life into your years and years into your life.

Dietary Wellness is the foundation for having a healthier, happier, more youthful life, and actually reversing disease. Do you really care enough about yourself to gain optimum health? Eternal Youth is your choice!

  1. Healthy diet must be a life long endeavor.

  2. Digestion starts in the mouth, chew your food well.

  3. Avoid ice cold beverage and do not drink beverages with meals.

  4. Do not eat heavy foods upon arising or before retiring.

  5. Eat only when very hungry, then undereat.

  6. Rest on the seventh day.

  7. Do not consume saturated fats.

  8. Consume only natural whole foods, as God intended.

  9. Avoid highly processed foods which overwork the organs.

  10. Avoid precooked and processed foods that destroy enzymes and nutrients.

  11. Consume 50 % raw "living" foods and extra fiber.

  12. Steam, boil or bake your foods and undercook vegetables.

  13. Omit white flour, white rice, white salt and pepper.

  14. Cleanse your system periodically by fasting with pure, fresh juices.

  15. Consume foods free of toxic insecticides and chemicals.

  16. Avoid foods with preservatives and additives.

  17. Avoid alcohol - cigarettes - caffeine - drags - stress.

  18. Take quality multivitamin and mineral supplements daily.

  19. Drink 6-8 glasses of pure mineral or steam distilled water.

  20. Enjoy fresh air and sunshine daily.

  21. Exercise daily - include walking and stretching.

  22. Keep active mentally and physically.

  23. Maintain a positive state of mind.

  24. Pray and be thankful for everything.

  25. Be grateful for who you are and where you are.

  26. Do not expect the impossible, set realistic goals and achieve them.

  27. Love your neighbor as yourself.

  28. Have faith in God.

Exercise 9. Make a dialog with your friend: he says that unhealthy life is good, and you prove that healthy life is better.

Exercise 10. Explain the meaning of the American proverb: "Live every day of your life as though you expect to live forever".

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