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II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words: many, much, a lot of, a few, little, a little.

1. There are ... sportsmen in our college. 2. They spend ... time at the stadium every day. 3. ... students of our group read good in English. 4. I don't have ... free time. I am very busy. 5. There are ... English books in our library. 6. My brother works ... all day long. 7. Do you speak English? - Yes, I do .... 8. 1 can't go there. I have ... time. 9. He knows physics he didn't take its course. 10. Do you have ... water?

Exercise 2. Use the paired conjunctions both ... and, either ... or, neither ... nor. Translate the sentences.

1. ... angina pectoris ... acute pulmonary edema are helped by carotid sinus massage and nitroglycerin. 2. The doctor did not administer him ... a bed regimen ... a diet. 3. A physician revealed ... the increased respiratory rate ... the increased pulse rate.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences of Exercise 1 and Exercise 2.

Exercise 4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the possessive case of the nouns.

  1. The scalpel that belongs to Jack.

  2. The camera that belongs to my friend.

  3. The text books that belong to her students.

  4. The wards that belong to that surgeon.

  5. The gown that belongs to the nurse.

Exercise 5. Make up your own sentences using conjunctions from § 114.

III. Independent Work: Major Medical Specialty Fields

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Major Medical Specialty Fields

Allergy and immunology deal with disorders of the immune system, including allergies, autoimmune diseases, and immune deficiencies.

Anesthesiology is the study of anesthesia and anesthetics. Anesthesiologists give anesthetics during operations or supervise the administration of these drugs.

Cardiology is the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the heart.

Colon and rectal surgery is the surgical treatment of disorders of the lower digestive


Dermatology diagnoses and treats diseases of the skin, nails, and hair. Emergency medicine deals with the immediate recognition and treatment of acute injuries, illnesses, and emotional crises.

Family practice is the supervision of the total health care of patients and their families, regardless of age.

Neurological surgery, or neurosurgery, is the surgical treatment of disorders of the nervous system.

Oncology is the study of tumors.

Ophthalmology is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of eye diseases. Orthopedics is the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the skeletal and muscular systems.

Pathology is the study of changes in the body that cause disease or are caused by disease. Pediatrics is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of children's diseases. Radiology is the use of X-rays and radium to diagnose and treat disease. Thoracic surgery is the surgical treatment of diseases of the heart, lungs, or large blood vessels in the chest.

Urology deals with diseases of the organs that pass the urine and of the male reproductive organs.

Otolaryngology diagnoses and treats ear, nose, and throat diseases.

Exercise 2. Answer the question.

What departments are there at your district hospital?

Exercise 3. Describe the polyclinic at your hospital.




English Prescription

Control Tests


Independent Work

Nature's Medicines

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