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I. Speaking: Labor

Exercise 1. Translate the words.

Amniotic fluid, cell division, embryo, fertilization, fetus, ovum, amniotic sac, sperm, umbilical cord, cervix.

Exercise 2. A pattern of signs often alerts a woman that she may be pregnant. A different pattern of signs occurs when labor begins at the end of pregnancy. Work in pairs to complete the list of signs using the words below. Decide if each sign in the exercise indicates pregnancy or labor. Write P (pregnancy) or L (labor).

bloating morning pelvis

contractions mucus rupture

discharge need strength

fatigue nipple temperature

mood period trembling

  1. You will miss a menstrual period. P

  2. False, 'Braxton Hicks' occur.

3. And sleepiness are common.

  1. Contractions become more rhythmic and increase in .

  2. Some women feel abdominal .

6. swings and stress are often reported.

  1. You notice an increase in pink or white .

  2. You may experience sickness.

  3. Your basal body will be elevated.

10. There may be a 'show', which is the release of a plug from the cervix.

  1. You may feel the to urinate frequently.

  2. The baby's head engages - that is, it lowers into the .

  1. It is common for the area around the to darken.

  2. Shivering or without reason is common.

15. Your waters break, which is the of the amniotic sac.

Exercise 3. Read and act out the dialog.

Pain Relief

J — Janice, K - Karen J: Hello, my name's Janice. K: Hello, Janice. I'm Karen. J: Hi, Karen. Boy or girl? K: A boy. And yours? J: A girl.

K: Lovely. I think we gave birth at the same time last night, didn't we? J: Yes. I heard you.

K: Was I making so much noise? Well, it was the pain. J: Didn't you have any pain relief?

K: Oh yes. I had just gas and air at first. It does relieve the pain a bit, but the effect wears off very quickly. It makes you feel so light-headed if you have too much. It made me feel sick too. Anyway, when the pain became unbearable, I had an epidural.

J: Did that help you cope with the pain?

K: It took away the pain completely! My whole lower half went numb! It was great. How about you?

J: This was my third, so the pain was easier to bear. I did breathing exercises. I decided to have gas and air if the pain got worse, but I didn't need it. I had an epidural last time, but I didn't like losing all sensation. This time I wanted to feel the birth.

K: I'm sorry, Janice - 1 think you must be mad.

Exercise 4. Read Marie's birth story quickly. What complication was there with her birth?

We started trying for/making a baby three years ago. When I didn't get/go pregnant after two years, we made/had tests, which showed that my husband had a low sperm count. We had IVF, and six weeks later I found 1 was waiting for/expecting a baby. I was nervous when I had/ did my scan at twelve weeks, but everything was fine.

My waters broke in the middle of the night and I went into/entered labor a couple of hours later. The midwife made/did a vaginal examination and found that the baby was breech. I'd thought about a home birth, but was now glad I was having/giving birth in hospital. As it turned out, though, the medical team weren't needed. The midwife made/put a small cut and I managed to push out/remove the baby's legs and torso fairly easily - it was a girl! Then I made/ gave a big push and the head came out. Liliagfirve birth/was born at 6.28 p.m. I was sobbing as the midwife handed/delivered her to me.

Exercise 5. Underline the correct form of the verbs in italics.

Exercise 6. Tell a true story about a pregnancy and birth.

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