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axilli lymph nodv>


lymphatic duct

mammary els *

lymph vesse

lumbar lymph nodes

*\1 \ iliac

... lymph nodes

occipital lymph nodes

Vessels in grey area drain into right lymphatic duel

vessels in white area drain into thoracic duct

lymph nodes and vessels of the head

cervical lymph nodes

femoral vessels

popliteal lymph nodes

tibial lymph nodes

Fig. 13—1. The lymphatic system

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Read and translate the words, pay attention to the suffixes.

  1. Difference, assistance, attendance, presence, importance.

  2. Ventricular, corpuscular, muscular, vascular, regular, particular.

Exercise 2. Note the translation of the Ukrainian sentence.

They say that he lives here. Кажуть, що він тут живе. It is said that he lives here.

One says that he lives here.

Exercise 3. Name the parts of speech of the words in bold type. Translate the sentences.

  1. Please count from one to ten.

  2. You must do the white blood cell count of this patient.

  3. You must count how many days on average we shall spend on this experiment.

  4. What is the average temperature in the Crimea during August?

  5. The doctor is going to discharge this patient from the hospital because his condition has become good.

  6. Why does the wound continue to discharge much blood?

  7. The discharge of blood out of the wound continues.

Exercise 4. Define the role and function of participles in each sentence. Translate.

A. 1. The therapeutist examined the patient yesterday. 2. The patient was examined by the therapeutist attentively. 3. The patient examined by the therapeutist yesterday felt bad. 4. The examined patient was ill with heart disease.

8. 1. The doctor saw the changed condition of the patient. 2. That was why he changed theadministrations (призначення) to this patient. 3. The administrations were changed to restorehis health rapidly. 4. The nurse did not forget to carry out the administrations changed by thedoctor.

C. 1. The delivered lecture was very interesting. 2. The lecture delivered interested everybody. 3. The lecture delivered yesterday by Prof. Smirnov was very interesting.

Exercise 5. Define the Objective Participle Construction and translate the sentences.

  1. We watched him approaching our house.

  2. We heard Nina coming up the stairs slowly.

  3. I saw them walking along the street.

  4. He watched a boy playing on the river bank.

  5. The students watched the patients being examined.

  6. I saw Sydorenko running along the avenue.

  7. We watched them reading an English text.

III. Independent Work: Disorders of Lymphatic System and Lymphoid Tissue

Exercise 1. Write down the following clinical terms into your vocabulary, learn their pronunciation.






зараження крові, сепсис



слоновість, слонова хвороба







infectious mononucleosis


інфекційний мононуклеоз



збільшення селезінки




Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Disorders of Lymphatic System and Lymphoid Tissue

There are many different disorders of the lymphatic system.

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