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(перевод 2 балла)

1 Основная задача руководства – достижение целей организации.

2 Необходимо координировать усилия служащих, чтобы достичь организационных целей.

3 Управление – это искусство и наука ведения бизнеса путем осуществления руководства персоналом.

4 Эффективное руководство невозможно без управленческих навыков.

5 Персонал имеет право принимать решения, которые влияют на дела компании.

6 Руководство координирует усилия служащих по достижению целей организации.

7 Организационная структура позволяет руководству распределять и контролировать обязанности.

8 Общение – важнейший компонент организационной структуры.

9 Руководство каждой организацией осуществляется на трех уровнях.


(перевод каждого текста 1 балл)


Concepts of management and organization

(for written translation)

Management has as many definitions as there are managers. Some, like a personell manager, have a natural bias towards the sociological approach, being concerned mainly with human activities. Others such as a financial tycoon can just as easily show a preference for the quantitative aspects.

Somewhere in between is the managing director, or general manager, with an integrated and balanced viewpoint – a bird’s-eye view – taking in the whole scene at once. That is at least is the theory. Yet all too often, despite promotion to general management, the former accountant, for example, still remains an accountant. One of the problems of any specialist in this context is learning how to stand back from his profession in order to look at the business objectively, as a whole, instead of from one side or the other.

There are debates whether management is an art or a science and whether managers are born or made. From a sociological point of view management would seem to be mainly an art (for example, how to motivate people to give of their best), whereas from a quantitative point of view it appears to be far more scientific. But even on the sociological side we are now familiar with behavioral scientists.

As to whether managers are born or made, there must, of course, be certain minimal innate qualities (i.e. potential) which can be added to effectively by proper training and planned experience. Fortunately, or unfortunately, we have already been created; but at least we can build on nature, such as it is in our case, by adopting the right management attitudes and using every possible means to come to grips with a fascinating career. The personal satisfaction arising from even modest managerial achievements usually makes such effort “well worth while.”

II Managerial performance (for written translation)

Successful managerial performance rests on three basic elements – leadership, motivation and communication.

Leadership The leadership style a manager adopts depends as much on personal goals and needs as on those of the subordinates involved. The general work environment also influences that style. While three basic styles can be isolated (i.e. autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire), effective managerial performance generally reflects a mix-choosing the right approach for each situation.

Motivation The modern concept of motivation refers to the process of creating a work environment that will stimulate employees to perform at super levels. On the manager’s part, it means presenting a clear picture of what is expected of employees, providing them with necessary guidance, and giving them the feeling that their work is important and contributes to end results. Basically, managers must make employees feel that they are valued in the total effort. For employees, performing at superior levels generally reflects the satisfaction of various personal needs – social, psychological, self-fulfillment, etc.

Communication In order for leadership and motivation to be effective, the manager must be able to communicate well with subordinates, and encourage feedback from them. A lack of effective communication leads to artificial barriers where there is little understanding between managers and subordinates, and where operational results are based on abuses of authority rather then strong leadership and motivation. In the latter case, operational results are generally less fruitful than they might otherwise have been.