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1 What advertising strategies can you name?

Unit IV


(Наизусть 4 балла)

Management is the process of coordinating the resources of an organization to achieve the primary organizational goals.

Management is the art and science of getting things done through other people, but it also includes effective use of your own time. To operate a successful business you need strong management skills. Effective management is the key to business success.

Management is the activity or skill of directing and controlling the work of a company and organization. Organization is the means by which management coordinates the efforts of employees to achieve the company’s objectives.

Organization involves structure. An organizational structure is a framework enabling management to delegate and control the responsibilities of individuals and departments. Communication is of great importance in organizational structure.

Also management is the people who are in charge of a particular company or organization at different levels rather than ordinary employees. Management includes those personnel who have the right to make decisions that affect company’s affairs. There are three management levels: top management, middle management and operating management. Top management includes the president, the vice-president and the general manager. Middle management includes department managers, plant managers and production managers. Operating management includes supervisors, foremen.

Active Vocabulary (наизусть 1 балл)

to achieve – достигать

primary – основной

goal – цель

skill – навык

effort – усилие

affair – дело

objective – цель

to delegate – распределять

level – уровень

supervisor – заведующий

foreman – мастер


1 Translate the following combinations into Russian.

1 the process of coordinating

2 the resources of an organization

3 to achieve the primary organizational goals

4 the art and science

5 to get things done through other people

6 effective use of your own time

7 to operate a successful business

8 strong management skills

9 effective management

10 the key to business success.

11 the activity or skill

12 to direct and control the work of a company and organization

13 to coordinate the efforts of employees

14 to achieve the company’s objectives

15 to involve structure

16 to delegate and control the responsibilities

17 communication

18 to be in charge of a particular company

19 at different levels

20 to have the right to make decisions

21 to affect company’s affairs

22 ordinary employees

2 Translate the following combinations into English.

(наизусть 2 балла)

1 достичь целей компании

2 искусство и наука

3 эффективное использование собственного времени

4 ключ к деловому успеху

5 влиять на дела компании

6 достигать целей компании

7 усилия служащих

8 включать структуру

9 давать возможность руководству

10 оперативное управление

11 процесс координации

12 ресурсы организации

13 делегировать и контролировать ответственность

14 иметь право принимать решения

15 направлять и контролировать работу компании и организации