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Read the statements and mark them as T (true) or F (false).

1. George Lee was happy that their visit to Mr Lee made it possible for them to save some money.

2. Old Mr. Lee had made his fortune digging for gold in Alaska.

3. Margaret Lee felt annoyed not to get as much money as she wanted from old Mr. Lee.

4. Margaret Lee didn't know anything about George's brothers or sisters.

5. Margaret was eager to spent Christmas with her husband's relatives.

6. Margaret was at a loss because she had a lot of un-paid bills.


Describe George Lee.

Describe Margaret Lee.

Comment on Harry Lee's position in the family.

Say, whether Margaret Lee liked the idea of spending Christmas with her husband's family. Give your reasons for her accepting the invitation.

Part 1 Chapter 6


Active vocabulary words

  1. flamboyant adj.

  2. costly adj.

  3. vigour n.

  4. gasbag n.

  5. heredity n.

  6. litter n.

  7. carve v.

Recognition vocabulary

  1. gold-mounted

  2. namby-pamby

  3. chamois

  4. grandfather armchair

Word combinations

  1. pillar of society

  2. to take after smb

  3. to keep sth a secret

  4. the prodigal son

  5. to let bygones be bygones

  6. to know a thing or two

  7. to be done for

Find English equivalents for the following word combinations.

  1. Трость с золоченым набалдашником

  2. Совершать ошибки

  3. Держу пари на пять фунтов

  4. Воспитание сказывается

  5. Заклать упитанного тельца

  6. Радушно встретить блудного сына

  7. Чувствительный юнец

  8. Держать/ сохранять ч-л в секрете.

Fill in the correct preposition where necessary, then make sentences using the completed phrases. Suggest Russian equivalents for the phrases given.

1. to dart a look _____sb/sth

2. to take sth _____ consideration

3. to give _____sb a welcome

4. to get some fun _____life

5. to keep sth_____ secret

Find the words/ phrases in Chapter 6 which mean the same as:

1. an old-fashioned tall armchair_______________________

2. a person who is dull, stiff and reserved_______________________

3. a young member of the family_______________________

4. an active and important member of society _____________________

5. one's relations_______________________

6. sb who is not too quick in acting but never failing to succeed ______

Match the following set phrases to their definitions. Suggest your variants of translating them in the context.

1. to take after sb

2. to kill the fatted calf

3. to know a thing or two

4. to get on (with sb)

5. to settle down

6. to be done for

a. to start living in a place with the intention of staying there, especially after you have travelled a lot

b. to have a friendly relationship with each other

c. to have common sense and practical experience

d. to welcome sb home with a big meal etc. after they have been away for a long time

e. to look or behave like an older relative

f. to be in serious trouble or likely to fail

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Яркий оранжевый галстук снова мне напомнил о тебе.

  2. Покупка дома обошлась нам намного дороже, чем мы ожидали.

  3. Этот болтун выдал всем мой секрет!

  4. Детьми мы вырезали свои инициалы на кухонном столе. Как же нам попало от мамы!

  5. Не могли бы Вы подать мне вон ту трость с золотым набалдашником!

  6. Некоторые болезни передаются по наследству.

  7. Ваш начальник такой сдержанный, галантный. Сразу видно, что он хорошо воспитанный человек.