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Глава 7. Правило согласования времен. Прямая и косвенная речь. Типы высказываний. Типы вопросов. Глаголы речи.

7.1. Правило согласования времен.

7.1.1. Правило согласования времен запрещает использовать в придаточном предложении формы настоящего и будущего время, если в главном предложении сказуемое выражено глаголом в одном из прошедших времен.

В таблице показано, каким образом обычно изменяются времена при переходе от прямой речи к косвенной.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Present Simple (“I live”)

Present Contin. (“I am living”)

Present Perfect (“I have lived”)

Present Perfect Contin.(“I have been living”)

Past Simple (“I lived”)

Past Contin. (“I was living”)

Going to (Future) (“I am going to live”)

Will Future (“I will live”)

Can (“I can live”)

May (“I may live”)

Must (“I must live”)

Past Simple (He said he lived)

Past Contin. (He said he was living)

Past Perfect (He said he had lived)

Past Perfect Contin. (He said he had been liveng)

Past Perfect (He said he had lived)

Past Perfect Contin. (He said he had been living)

Was going (He said he was going to live)

Would (He said he would live)

Could (He said he could live)

Might (He said he might live)

Had to (He said he had to live)

Указатели времени меняются следующим образом:

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь






«tomorrow (night)»

«next week»

«last week»



That day




That night

The next / following day (night)

The following week

The previous week

The previous day

Previously / before

Упражнение 7.1.1.a. позволяет отработать это правило для разных грамматических времен. В предложениях упражнения 7.1.1.b. использованы модальные глаголы.

Преобразуйте высказывания в прямую речь подобно тому, как это показано в таблице.


  1. “I’ve attended two conferences this year.”

  2. “I’ve visited several genetic laboratories.”

  3. “I’ve seen a lot of interesting things.”

  4. “I’ve given two lectures at Prinseton University.”

  5. “I’m planning to visit Oxford.”

  6. “I’m hoping to go to Scotland.”

  7. “I’m writing my thesis now.”

  8. “I’m studying an interesting problem.”

  9. “I’ll start my next paper with the statement of the problem.”

  10. “My paper will consist of four sections.”

  11. “In the introduction I’ll outline the present state of research in the field of immunology.”


  1. “I can ring the Bank Manager.”

  2. “I may go abroad.”

  3. “We must observe the experimental conditions.”

  4. “I can’t promise you my assistance in this matter”

  5. “I may not be able to send you a copy of my paper shortly.”

  6. “I must think about it.”

  7. “I can’t do anything about it tonight.”

  8. “I must write an account of my work.”

Упр.7.1.1.c. Следующие примеры показывают различные способы выражения будущего времени:

We are going to play tennis. (намерение)

She’s meeting her publisher. (запланированное действие)

“I’ll come,” he said. (неожиданное решение)

“He’ll win, I’m sure,” I thought. (предсказание)

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени.

  1. Henry! Good Lord! I forgot you _____________ (come) for supper. I haven’t bought anything to eat at all! Never mind. Come in.

  2. The start of the film was dreadful. I hoped it ___________ (get) better, but in fact it got worse as it went on.

  3. I went to bed early as I ___________ (leave) for New York the next day, and I wanted to feel refreshed when I arrived.

  4. She didn’t worry about her son, Tom. He was a sensible boy, and she knew he __________ (take) care of himself.

  5. I had invited Pat and Peter for supper at 8.00, but I didn’t start getting things ready until 7.30 because I knew they __________ (be) late. They always were.

  6. Aren’t you Annie Beecroft? Do you remember me? Last time I saw you, you ___________ (emigrate) to Canada! Did you?

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