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1. education facilities — навчальне обладнання, умови для занять

2. a study — кабiнет

3. ... have free access ... — можуть безкоштовно користуватися

4. to be admitted to the University — вступити до унiверситету

5. entrance examinations — вступнi іспити

6. to enroll in day-time (evening, correspondence) department — вступити на денне (вечiрнє, заочне) вiддiлення

7. a graduate — випускник вищого навчального закладу

to graduate from — закінчувати вищий навчальний заклад

8. with different forms of ownership — з рiзними формами власностi

9. to combine studies with work — поєднувати навчання з роботою

10. to pass examinations — скласти іспити

11. preparatory faculty тут. факультет довузiвської пiдготовки

Text C

Kyiv National Economic University offers a wide choice of programmes and courses for the students: Bachelor’s programmes in economics and management, Master’s programmes, postgraduate and doctorate programmes. They are aimed to develop individual and professional abilities of the students and represent different level of academic achievement.

Bachelor’s degree programmes in economics and management are profession-oriented and require four years of study. The first two years (the freshman year and sophomore year) are aimed at providing general education and preparing for more special studies. The last two years (the junior and senior years) are devoted almost entirely to the majors. The undergraduates major in those subjects which are essential for their future activity.

The academic year is usually nine months duration and is divided into two terms. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. At the end of their studies they have to submit a graduation paper and take the state examinations. The Bachelor’s degree is usually known as the first degree and may be a terminal qualification. But it is often considered as a background for further specialization, a step toward higher degree.

The Master’s degree programmes require one or two years of study beyond baccalaureate. The Master’s degree candidate follows a rather specific course of study, usually in a single field.

The postgraduate programmes provide a deeper study of philosophy, foreign languages and subjects related to the chosen major and lead to the candidate degree.


1. Bachelor’s programmes in economics and management — бакалаврськi програми з економiки та менеджменту

2. Master’s programmes — магiстерськi програми

3. postgraduate and doctorate programmes — програми аспірантської та докторської пiдготовки

4. freshman — першокурсник

5. sophomore — другокурсник

6. junior — студент третього курсу

7. senior — старшокурсник

8. undergraduate — студент останнього курсу

9. to major in a subject — вивчати основний предмет

10. academic year — навчальний рiк

11. term — семестр

12. to submit a graduation paper — захистити дипломну роботу

13. to take the state examinations — складати державнi іспити

entrance examination — вступний іспит

final examination — випускний іспит

to sit for an exam/to take an exam — складати іспит

to give/set an exam — приймати іспит; екзаменувати

re-examination — перездача іспиту

to fail in an examination — провалитися на іспиті

to pass an exam — витримати іспит

to pass an examination with distinction/honours — скласти іспит з вiдзнакою

to go through one’s exam/to do well at an exam — успiшно скласти іспит

to examine smb (in/on smth) — екзаменувати когось (з чогось)

end-of-exam — іспит у кінці семестру

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