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Chapter 4. “murom. My Home town”


73. Read the wordlist and try to remember the words of the topic “Murom. My home town”.

  1. home (native) town – родной город

  2. found – основывать

  3. founder – основатель

  4. call – звать, называть

  5. because – потому что

  6. tribe – племя

  7. is (are) situated – располагается

  8. population – население

  9. railway junction – железнодорожный узел

  10. industrious – промышленный

  11. major – основной, главный

  12. industry – промышленность, отрасль промышленности

  13. railway switches – железнодорожные стрелки

  14. soft roofing – рубероид

  15. wood production – деревообработка

  16. develop – развивать

  17. trade – торговля

  18. store (Am) – магазин

  19. shopping centre – торговый центр

  20. build (built) – строить

  21. inhabitant – житель

  22. performance – представление

  23. is (are) held – проводится

  24. palace – дворец

  25. exhibition (hall) – выставка (выставочный зал)

  26. cinema – кино

  27. competition – соревнование

  28. annually – ежегодно

  29. icon – икона

  30. arms – оружие

  31. clothes – одежда

  32. furniture – мебель

  33. manuscript – рукопись

  34. painting – картина

  35. artist – художник

  36. bone – кость

  37. ancient – древний

  38. animal – животное

  39. square – площадь

  40. church – церковь

  41. monastery – монастырь

  42. cathedral – собор

  43. masterpiece – шедевр

  44. great – великий

  45. is (are) famous –знаменитый

  46. field –область

  47. inventor – изобретатель

  48. society – общество

  49. count – граф

  50. epic hero – былинный герой

  51. warrior – воин

  52. defender – защитник

  53. borders – границы

  54. land – земля, страна

  55. places of interest – достопримечательности

  56. admire – восхищаться

74. Look through the text and tell what each passage is about. Read the text again and answer the questions. *Murom

Murom is one of the oldest Russian towns. It is called so because Ugro-finish tribes «Muroma» lived here. It was founded in 862. It is situated on the left bank of the Oka river. About 150,000 people live in Murom.

Murom is an industrious town. Murom’s major industries are mechanical engineering, radio-engineering, locomotive making, textile, food and others. Now the plants of Murom have many economic problems. At present the town is also a trade center. There are many new shopping centres.

Muromers can get a good education here. There are secondary schools, special schools, vocational secondary schools and three institutes in Murom.

The cultural life of Murom is good. Concerts and performances are held in the Place of Culture. Exhibitions are organized in the Exhibition Hall. Murom has a good historical museum with a collection of icons, old arms.

There are several squares, monuments and parks in Murom. Murom has many churches and monasteries.

Murom is associated with the name of the epic hero Ilya Murometz.

Many great men were born in Murom. Among them are Vladimir Kuzmich Zvorykin – the television inventior, Count Uvarov – the founder of the Russian Archeological Society, Ivan Kulikov – the academician of Painting.

Many tourists come to Murom to admire its past and present.