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урок 6 клас sports and games

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Виховний захід з англійської мови у 4 Б,В класi

Студенти: Шевцова О.О., Горяк А.В.

дата : 3.02.2014

Тема «Моє хобi»

Пiдтема «Спорт та спортивнi iгри»»


практична - практикування лексичного матеріалу теми ; практикувати вживання глаголів play/go/do у Теперішньому неозначеному часі на письмі та в усному мовленні,продовжувати формувати уміння відповідати на запитання;

розвиваюча- розвивати навики аудіювання та читання, розвивати уміння роботати у парі,вести діалог; розвивати логічне мислення та мовну догадку;

освітня- поглибити знання учнів про види спорту та спортивні ігри,розширювати загальний кругозір учнів;

виховна- виховувати позитивне відношення до спорту як до хобі



  1. Greeting.

T.Good afternoon, children! We are very glad to see you!

P. Good afternoon! We are glad to see you too.

T. Kids, we have a lot of guests today. Please, greet them. (говорят хором “Good morning, dear guests!”) Sit down, please.

T. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? How are you? Do you like to do morning exersices? Why do pupils must do morning exercises?

(1.5 мин)


Today we are going to have an interesting action. We’ll revise the previous material , practice using the words about sport and make sentences, we’ll play the guessing game and answer the questions,at the end of the action you will able to play the dialogue. But what is the theme of our action? Some pictures we’ll help us to answer this question. (1.5 мин)

3.Warming up

T. Let’s look at the screen on the board.There are some pictures (слайд 1-9)

T. So What is the theme of our action?

P. The theme of our action is Sport and Sports Games. (слайд 10)

T. Right you are. Sport and Sports Games can also be a part of our hobby. ( 2мин)


1. Vocabulary practice.

T. There are lots of different kinds of sports and games. We can divide them into the different groups. For example winter and summer sports (слайд 11),indoor and outdoor sports(12),team games and individual sports(13). Work in pairs. Classify these sports into the following groups.

Hockey, skating, skiing, sledging, figure skating, ski jumping, swimming, boating, cycling, football, cricket, volleyball, basketball, badminton, boxing, gymnastics, track and field events, aerobics, martial arts, table tennis, chess, baseball, golf, handball, jogging, ballooning, camping, car-racing, domino, horse racing, running, windsurfing.

Winter Sports

Summer sports





Team games

Individual sports



skiing, sledging, figure skating,

ski jumping,

swimming boating






table tennis







car-racing ballooning

horse racing



volleyball basketball






martial arts track and field events



T. Many children like sports and games. It is their hobbу. Let’s read and say :What sports are these children talking about? (слайд14-18)

P1.I like this sport because it makes me strong- I think it’s martial art.

P2.It helps me to keep fit. - I think it’s running

P3.I like it because this sport helps me to make friends.- I think it’s football

P4..I enjoy it because this sport teaches me to control my body- I think it’s gymnastic

2. Listening.

T. And now it’s time to play a guessing game. Your task is to listen to the riddles about sports and name it.

Riddles ’’Guess the sport’’ (cлайд 19-27)

  • This is an outdoor sport for two or four people. You need a net, a racket for each player, and a small ball for it.(tennis)

  • You can do this sport in summer. You can do it alone or with your friends. You need to be at the river or at the seaside and you need to have a boat. (sailing)

  • This is an indoor game for two teams of five players. You need a ball and two baskets for this game.(basketball)

  • It’s an outdoor winter sport.It mostly an individual sport.You need a ski-suit, warm socks and mittens,a hat,special boots,goggles,skis and poles.(skiing)

3.Grammar practice

T. When we are talking about sports we must use special verbs? They are go/play/do.

When do we use…? (cлайд 28)

GO – if you speak about sport ending in –ing.

(e.g. I go swimming.)

PLAY – if you speak about ball games (or chess).

(e.g. I play football.)

DO – if you speak about other sports.

(e.g. I do athletics.)

Complete the sentences in these sheets of paper(слайд 29):

      1. We like to ___ skiing in winter.

      2. Our school team ___ volleyball every Saturday.

      3. Most of the girls ___ gymnastics in the gum with our new teacher.

      4. The boys of our class ___ wrestling on Fridays.

      5. I ___ swimming after school.

      6. My Dad ___ chess in the evening.

Now change your sheets of paper with your neighbour and check it.(слайд 30)

Continue the sentences using words-combinations from word bank to speak about your favourite sport.( слайд 31)

As for me I’m good at …

doing aerobics doing exercises playing basketball

playing football running swimming

4.Physical activity.

T. Let’s sing a song and do some activity

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, And eyes and ears and mouth and nose, Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat, Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat, And hair and hips and chin and cheeks, Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat.

5. Reading

T: Now I’ll divide you in two teams. The first team will read the text about football. The second team will read the text about ice-hockey. Then do the tasks “True or False”.

Pre – reading activity.

Look at the word before the text and read it.


Text for the1st team.

whistl[’wɪsəl] -свист, свисток

Football is the most popular game in England and in Ukraine. It was first played in England. Both men and women can play it now. The players have a ball. The game lasts 90 minutes. It has 2 halves. The players kick the ball and run after it. There is a referee on the field. He blows a whistle from time to time. The players try to score a goal.

Text for the 2nd team.

sticks [stɪks]-клюшка

Ice-hockey is one of the most popular games in the world. It was first played in Canada. It is team game. It is a winter game. Only men and boys can play it. Many people like to watch this game on TV. The players don’t run on the field. They skate. They have sticks in the hands.

After – reading activity.

Read and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

Task for the1st team.

1. Football was first played in Brazil.

2. Only men can play football.

3.The game lasts 60 minutes.

4.The players run after the ball and kick it.

5.It has two halves.

Task for the 2nd team

1.Ice-hockey is played in winter.

2.It is team game.

3.Men and women can play ice-hockey.

4.The players run on the field.

5.They have sticks in the hands.

6. Speaking.Role-play

T: Now let’s work with the dialogue. There are two columns: first is the question and second is the answer.Your task is to match them and play the dialogue.

Questions Answers

1. Can I ask you some questions? A) Yes,I do. It’s my hobby.

2. Do you like sports? B ) I like swimming and I like football.

3. Do you like team or individual sports ? C) Yes,of course

4. What are your favourite sports and games? D) I like individual sports.

5. Are you good at swimming ? E) Yes,I am.

-Can I ask you some questions?

- Yes,of course

- Do you like sports?

-Yes,I do. It’s my hobby.

-Do you like team or individual sports ?

- I like individual sports.

-What are your favourite sports and games?

-I like swimming and I like football.

-Are you good at swimming ?

-Yes,I am.



T: What have you learnt at today's action? What can you do now?

P1: I can recognize different kinds of sports.

P2: I can speak about my favourite kind of sports.

T: To sum up our lesson I propose you to read the poem (слайд 34)

Sport is very cool

People think it’s good

Only swimming pool

Really raises mood

Try to do it!

Thank you for your attention. Goodbye!