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Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык.doc
1.19 Mб

15. Вставьте глагол ‘feel’ или ‘fall’ в нужной форме:

1. I had a temperature last night, and I … very bad.

2. When Mary began to skate, she … down several times.

3. Did the bone … into the river when the dog jumped down?

4. Harris did not … that he was sitting on a piece of butter.

5. What … on the floor when George was packing the butter?

6. Jerome … that something interesting was going to happen soon.

7. Please, be careful, don’t … from the tree!

8. ‘I’m really very sorry’. – ‘Oh, it’s all right, don’t … sorry about it!’

9. The Crow opened her mouth and the cheese … down.

10. The Fox … the smell of cheese in the air.

16. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Indefinite; перескажите историю о слонёнке:

Long, long ago elephants (to have) no trunk. They (to have) a very small nose, and so they (can) not raise anything from the ground, and (can) not reach fruits from the trees. There (to live) in Africa an Elephant’s child, who (to be) fond of asking questions about everything. He (to ask) his brothers and sisters, and his uncles and aunts, but they only (to become) very angry and (to spank) him for asking so many questions. And he (can) not spank them himself, because he (to be) very small, and his nose (to be) very small too.

One day the Elephant’s Child (to wonder) what the Crocodile (to eat) for dinner, but he (to get) no answer. The wise Snake, who (to hear) his question, (to think) long, and then (to advise) him to go to the Limpopo River, where the Crocodile (to swim). Early the next morning, just as the Sun (to rise), the Elephant’s Child (to set) on his way to the Limpopo River. The Snake (to go) after him to help the Elephant’s Child if he (to get) into trouble.

Finally the Elephant’s Child (to reach) the river and (to notice) the Crocodile who (to lie) on the water near the bank. The Elephant’s Child (to go) up to the Crocodile and (to ask) him what he usually (to have) for dinner. The Crocodile (to think) a little and (to say): ‘Come closer, Elephant’s Child, and I’ll whisper in your ear’. The Elephant’s Child (to move) closer to the water, and the Crocodile (to announce): ‘Today I shall have an elephant for dinner’. He quickly (to catch) the Elephant’s small nose in his teeth and (to begin) to pull him into the water. When the Wise Snake (to see) this, he (to wind) himself round the Elephant’s legs and (to begin) to pull him back. As the Crocodile (to pull) him in, and the Snake (to pull) him out, the Elephant’s nose (to begin) to grow. It (to grow) longer and longer until, at last, the crocodile (to get) tired and (to let) go of his nose.

The Elephant’s child (to run) back to his forest very happy, but then he (to notice) what a long and ugly nose he (to have). He (to burst) out crying, but the Wise Snake (to explain) to him that it (to be) great luck to have such a long trunk, because now he (can) reach any fruits from any trees, and he (can) spank his big brothers when they (to try) to bite or spank him. And when the Elephant’s Child (to raise) his trunk and (to reach) the highest branches of the trees, he (to become) very happy.

( after Kipling)