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Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык.doc
1.19 Mб

10. Заполните пропуски предлогами, подходящими по смыслу.

1. We have many friends ... Moscow.

2. Take the magazines ... the shelf and put them ... my bag.

3. Peter is a student. He goes ... college.

4. Our English class usually begins ... 9 o’clock ... the morning.

5. Please, step aside ... the blackboard.

6. Mr. Grey’s desk is ... the corner.

7. There is a lawn ... our house and a small garden ... it.

8. My father is always busy. He works ... early morning ... late ... night.

9. Take my things ... the car.

10. Is the book ... the shelf? – No, it is ... the bookcase.

11. There is a picture ... the windows.

12. The students are ... the lecture, ... room 203.

13. There is a big lamp ... my table.

14. When I am free, I go ... the cinema or ... the theatre.

15. We eat fish ... a fork.

16. The article was translated ... Russian ... English ... our teacher.

11. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мой дом недалеко от института.

2. Не входите в комнату.

3. Не берите карандаши из этой коробки.

4. Возьмите книгу с полки и дайте её мне.

5. Посмотрите в окно.

6. Положите тетради на стол.

7. Не ходите через этот лес ночью.

8. Не пейте молоко из этой бутылки, оно не свежее.

9. Письма от Джейн всегда интересные.

10. Ходите на работу и с работы пешком, это полезно.

11. Дети, вылезайте из воды, она слишком холодная.

12. Поставьте вазу с цветами посреди стола.

13. Повесьте эту картину над диваном.

14. Посадите эти цветы перед домом, это солнечное место. Не садите их за домом.

15. Отдохните, поезжайте на юг, поплавайте в море, полежите на песочке.

16. Не ищите Петю среди этих студентов.

17. Не стойте у двери.

18. Встретьте его на автобусной остановке в 6 часов вечера.

19. Не открывайте учебник во время теста.

20. Это письмо Вашей маме? – Нет, это письмо моему другу.

21. Нарисуйте план карандашом.

22. Я делаю зарядку до завтрака, а после завтрака еду в институт.

23. У Вас есть компьютер дома? – Да, у меня есть компьютер, но нет принтера.

24. Принесите книгу через два дня.

25. Пройдите между этими двумя домами.

26. Где Ваша кошка? – Она под стулом.

27. Я надеюсь встретить его летом, во время каникул.

28. Я езжу в институт на автобусе.

29. Когда Вы бываете дома? – Я дома по вечерам. Позвоните мне в понедельник, с 7 до 8.

30. Он часто ходит в библиотеку и берёт там книги о животных.

2. Глагол

The verb

Времена глагола


2.1. Неопределённые (простые) видовременные формы

Indefinite (simple) tenses

2.1.1. Настоящее неопределённое (простое) время

Present indefinite (simple) tense

  1. Прочитайте вслух, обращая внимание на произношение:

[s] [z] [iz]

work – works live – lives wish - wishes

ask – asks aim – aims kiss - kisses

thank – thanks enter – enters watch - watches

pack – packs cry – cries push - pushes

want – wants tell – tells dress - dresses

fit – fits run – runs catch - catches

  1. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. They study English at the Institute of Foreign Languages.

2. We answer our teacher’s questions.

3. She speaks English at home.

4. The teacher gives us English magazines.

5. The students often take books from the library.

6. Classes begin at 8.

7. All students of our group speak English well, except me.

8. My sister looks through the newspapers every day.

9. We play volley-ball on our sports-ground on Mondays.

10. My brother is an engineer. He helps me to repair household appliances.

11. She often writes letters to her former teacher of English.

12. Your house is between the hotel and the hospital

13. There are many different kinds of books in the library of my parents.

14. You have no wish to go to the concert.

15. The boys usually watch TV after school.

16. She prefers to read detective stories.

  1. Выберите нужную форму глагола:

  1. I … English (speak-speaks).

  2. He … Russian (speak-speaks).

  3. John … two brothers (have-has).

  4. We … a big car (have-has).

  5. They … English (know-knows).

  6. My sister … French (know-knows).

  7. My brother … English books (read-reads).

  8. His sister … many books (read-reads).

  9. I … very happy (am-is-are).

  10. John … a student (am-is-are).

  11. We … students (am-is-are).

  12. His father … in London now (am-is-are).

  1. My parents … at home now (am-is-are).

  2. There … a big table in the room (am-is-are).

  3. There … two beds in the bedroom (am-is-are).

  1. Замените подчёркнутые слова словами в скобках и произведите необходимые изменения в предложениях (если нужно):

  1. Their children go to school. (Mike)

  2. We study Computer Science. (Mary)

  3. I come from America. (John)

  4. Our teacher speaks two foreign languages. (We)

  5. I always learn new words. (you)

  6. My cat loves me. (mother)

  1. This lady is very rich. (these men)

  2. I study at the University. (my friends)

  3. You study well. (Diana)

  4. This cat is white. (those dogs)

  5. I read interesting books. (Tom)

  6. He wants to enter the Academy. (we)

  7. I like dogs very much. (my sister)

  8. You always get good marks for the tests. (we)

  1. Закончите предложения. Используйте нужную форму следующих глаголов:

Boil, close, cost, cost, go, have, like, meet, open, smoke, speak, teach, wash.

1. She’s very clever. She … four languages.

2. Steve … ten cigarettes a day.

3. We usually … dinner at 7 o’clock.

4. I … films. I often … to the cinema.

5. Water … at 10 degrees Celsius.

6. In Britain the banks … at 9.30 in the morning.

7. The City Museum … at 5 o’clock every evening.

8. Food is expensive. It … a lot of money.

9. Shoes are expensive. They … a lot of money.

10. Tina is a teacher. She … mathematics to young children.

11. Your job is very interesting. You … a lot of people.

12. Peter … his hair twice a week.

  1. Вставьте подходящую форму глагола:

1. I am 17 years old and she … 16.

  1. My sisters are at school now and I … at home.

  2. I have two brothers and he … one brother.

  3. She has two brothers and I … one.

  4. I speak English and my mother … Russian.

6. He knows English and we … French.

  1. My brother … English and my sisters study French.

  2. I go to school and she … to college.

  3. He … in a big town and they live in a small village.

  4. I read English books and she … French books.

  5. We like coffee and he … tea.

  6. The table stands near the window and the beds … near the door.

  1. There is one book on the table and there … three books on the shelf.

  2. There are two beds in the big room and there … one bed in the small room.

  1. Вставьте подходящее местоимение:

  1. I like tea and … likes coffee.

  2. … am a teacher and they are students.

  3. … speaks English and they speak Russian.

  4. We go to school and … goes to college.

  5. … is in London now and we are in Moscow.

  6. … reads very much and … read very little.

  7. You study English and … studies French.

  8. … know only Russian and … knows Russian and English.

  9. … are in the garden and … am in the house.

  10. … is twelve years old and … am seventeen.

  11. … has a big car and … have a small car.

  12. … have one brother and … has two.

  13. The book is not on the table, … is under the table.

  14. There are two beds in the room, and … stand near the window.

  1. Начните рассказ словами “The author says that…”, используя косвенную речь:

I am always afraid to forget my toothbrush when I go traveling. Sometimes, when I sleep, I see it in my dream, and remember that I must pack it. So I wake up, get out of bed and run to the bathroom for my toothbrush. Then I pack it in my bag, and go back to sleep. But in the morning I remember that I must brush my teeth. So I go to the bag and open it and begin to look for the toothbrush. As a rule, I have to take all the things out of the bag before I find it. At last I get it out of the bag and use it, and then I forget to put it back. So at the last moment I have to run upstairs to the bathroom for my toothbrush, and finally I carry it to the railway station in my hand. (Jerome)

  1. Переведите предложения:

  1. Он учит два языка, а я учу три.

  2. Она знает английский, а мы знаем немецкий.

  3. Мы – студенты, а Вы – учитель.

  4. Джон говорит по-французски, а его сестра говорит по-английски.

  5. Моя сестра читает русские книги, а я читаю английские книги.

  6. У Ника один брат, а у меня два.

  7. Я люблю чай, а мой брат любит кофе.

  8. Он сейчас в школе, а я дома.

  9. Он живёт в Москве, а его сестра живёт в Лондоне.

  10. Мой брат ходит в школу, а я хожу в колледж.

  1. Выберите форму глагола. Перескажите шутки:

A. John (say-says) to his friend, “My brother (want-wants) to come with us on a walking tour. He (am-is-are) a very good boy, and he (know-knows) very many funny stories”. His friend (ask-asks), “(am-is-are) he afraid of work?” “Oh, I (am-is-are) sure that he (am-is-are) not afraid of it”, John (answer-answers), “because he always (lie-lies) down when work (begin-begins), and (fall-falls) asleep at once”.

B. A young man (run-runs) into the doctor’s room, and (say-says), “Oh, doc-tor!...” But the doctor (stop-stops) him and (say-says), “Don’t hurry, young man, sit down. I (see-sees) that your face (am-is-are) red and I (think-thinks) that you (have-has) a temperature”. “But, doctor!..” the boy (cry-cries) again.

“No, no!”, the doctor (say-says), “don’t say anything. I (want-wants) to examine you”. And he (begin-begins) to examine the boy. After some time the doctor (say-says), “It (seem-seems) to me that everything (am-is-are) all right with you. You (am-is-are) only very excited”. “Of course I (am-is-are) excited”, the boy (answer-answers), “because there (am-is-are) a fire in this house”.