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Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык.doc
1.19 Mб

12. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я пью мало кофе. Я не люблю его.

2. Пойдем в зоопарк, там много животных.

3. У нас мало денег. Мы не можем купить автомобиль.

4. В часы пик на улицах много людей.

5. У меня мало времени, поэтому я не могу идти с тобой.

6. У нас есть немного овощей. Мы можем приготовить салат.

7. Сколько ошибок в моем диктанте?

8. Сколько крови в теле человека?

9. Я могу сказать несколько слов на итальянском языке.

10. Я хочу пить. Дай мне немного воды, пожалуйста.

11. Мало людей знают иностранные языки в совершенстве.

12. -Я немного голоден. -К сожалению, в холодильнике мало еды.

13. Употребите much, many, few, little в следующих высказываниях. Поясните их.

1. … drops make a shower.

2. If you have … friends you probably have … time.

3. Don’t speak …, and speak to the point.

4. … people realize how … we know.

5. We often read with as … talent as we write. (R.W. Emerson)

6. Too … cooks spoil the broth.

7. … laws but … justice.

8. So … done, so … to do.

Употребите little или a little.

1. Wise men speak ….

2. If you have … talent perseverance (constant effort) will do the rest.

3. … knowledge is a dangerous thing. (Pope)

4. Instead of loving your enemies treat your friends … better.

5. Worry is like sand in an oyster. … produces a pearl, too much kills the animal. (M. Cox)

Употребите few или a few.

1. … men make good husbands.

2. … people, if any, like being criticized.

3. … men get what they desire and … deserve what they get.

4. Books and friends should be … but good.

5. Power of speech is given to all, wisdom of mind to ….

14. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I eat … meat. I prefer fish.

A few B a few C little

2. ”Has he got many friends? “Yes, ….”

A a little B a lot C much

3. I’ve got … free time now!

A many B few C little

4. Very … people can speak Welsh.

A little B many C few

5. She doesn’t eat … sweets because she is on a diet.

A many B much C few

6. There are … pencils in the drawer. Take one.

A few B many C much

7. You haven’t got … flowers in your garden this year.

A a lot B much C many

8. Put … chocolate in the cake.

A a little B a few C few

9. There is … shampoo. Can you buy some at the supermarket?

A few B much C little

10. Jack has got … comics. He buys one every week.

A a lot of B few C much

11. He’s got … sweets in his pocket.

A little B a few C a little

15. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. There is very few soup in the bowl.

2. How much carrots are there in the fridge?

3. Pita has got many money.

4. There are a little people in the shop.

5. There is few snow on the mountains.

6. How much deer can you see in the picture?

7. I have got little CDs but a lot of cassettes.

8. How many sugar is there in the bowl?

9. There is few ink in my pen.

10. There isn’t a lot of pepper in the soup.