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270  Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection

Figure 15.3  Countries in the three high-burden country lists for TB, TB/HIV, and MDR-TB being used by the WHO during the period 2016– 2020, and their areas of overlap.

MDR-TB, 18 (18.6%) with a prior history of TB, and 1 (1.0%) with an unknown history of previous TB diagnosis.3 Among the 97 MDR-TB cases in 2016, 89 (91.8%) occurred among 6,355 non-US born persons diagnosed with TB, accounting for 1.4% of all TB cases among non-US born persons.3 Although both MDRand XDR-TB numbers are rising globally, in the United States, in 2016, only one of the reported cases of MDR-TB in a non-US born person was XDR-TB.3

Reactivation and transmission of

M. tuberculosis


Early studies of PLWH with LTBI clearly demonstrated the power of the interaction between LTBI and HIV.14 A seminal study performed among people who inject drugs (PWID) in a methadone program in the Bronx, New York City in 1987 defined the consequences of this relationship. The study evaluated the risk of developing active TB among those with LTBI who were living with and without HIV. Prospective follow-up in the two populations revealed a significantly increased risk of developing active TB of 7.9 cases/100 years at-risk in purified protein derivative

(PPD) positive patients who were co-infected with HIV compared to 0 cases/100 years in persons without HIV coinfection (p < 0.002).

This high-annual rate contrasts dramatically with the lifelong risk of TB reactivation of 5%–10% among those with LTBI but without HIV coinfection. The WHO estimates the risk of developing TB to be >20 times higher in PLWH than in people living without HIV.1,2 Notably, PLWH’s annual risk of TB reactivation, equivalent to the lifetime risk of those without HIV far exceeds other co-morbid risks such as diabetes, silicosis, and other immunosuppressive conditions. This increased risk is proportionate to the level of HIV-induced immunosuppression but occurs at any level of CD4 cell count among co-infected individuals. An estimated quarter of the globe’s population is estimated to harbor LTBI.15 Introduction of HIV by either injection drug use or sex in populations with high-baseline prevalence of LTBI inevitably results in secondary TB rate increases and epidemics.

TB preferentially reactivates in PLWH through several mechanisms. One is reduced T-cell response in LTBI through depletion of anti-TB-specific CD4+ memory cells, and enhancement of CXCR3+CCR6+CCR4memory cells which play a critical role in the control of TB infection.16 In animal models, in addition, there is a dysregulation of cytokines in HIV infection which mediates several immune responses by activating Toll-like receptors in

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Epidemiology of the convergent TB and HIV epidemics  271

response to invasion of bacteria or viruses triggering signaling events leading to downstream transcription of genes involved in antiviral and antibacterial responses.16,17 HIV has also been shown to disrupt macrophage function leading to increased TB growth and dissemination.17 HIV-infected macrophages are also associated with reduced TB-induced apoptosis compared with macrophages infected with TB alone.


Conventional belief prior to HIV was that repeated episodes of drug-susceptible and drug-resistant TB were the result only of disease recrudescence secondary to inadequate or lapses in treatment and/or loss to follow-up.

Furthermore, it was felt that drug-resistant organisms had a diminished capability of transmission. However, in the presence of HIV, primary, repeated, and exogenous superinfection of drugsusceptible and drug-resistant TB can occur, including in community congregate and healthcare sites,18,19 prisons, and other crowded and poorly ventilated areas.20

This is a major and ongoing problem in TBand HIV-endemic areas where the force of infection is great, and continued exposure to active TB cases is inevitable. In low-TB prevalent settings, reactivation of LTBI is more common, whereas in areas of highTB prevalence, particularly among high-HIV-coinfection populations, although reactivation risk is high, transmission of both drug-susceptible and drug-resistant TB plays a larger role in epidemic propagation.7

The WHO end TB strategy and need

for simultaneously addressing TB and HIV

In 2012, although not fully recognized in the first decades of the HIV epidemic as central to ending TB, the WHO developed recommendations for TB and HIV collaboration. The importance of Intensified case finding, Initiating TB preventive therapy and ART, and Infection control in healthcare facilities and congregate settings (the “3 I s”) was recognized, as well as strategies to reduce the burden of HIV in patients with presumptive and diagnosed TB by HIV testing and counseling, HIV-prevention interventions, co-trimoxazole preventive therapy for PLWH, TB treatment, care for TB in PLWH, and rapid initiation of ART for TB patients living with HIV (Table 15.1).

In 2014, the significance of collaboratively addressing both HIV and TB were incorporated as a central component of the first of the three pillars of the WHO End TB Strategy. Addressing HIV in the context of TB elimination is now firmly established within the End TB strategy affirming the importance of collaborative TB and HIV activities with joint management of these comorbidities.1 The End TB Strategy was unanimously endorsed in the World Health Assembly by all Member States in 2014 and was embarked upon in 2016 to extend through 2035. The overarching goal of the strategy is to end the global epidemic by achieving specific milestones and targets. The strategy aims to end the global TB epidemic, with targets to reduce TB deaths by 95%, to cut new

cases by 90% between 2015 and 2035, to ensure that no family is burdened with catastrophic expenses due to TB, and to set interim milestones for 2020, 2025, and 2030 (https://www.who.int/tb/ post2015_strategy/en/). Historically, this represents the first time governments have set a goal to end TB.

More specifically and broadly, the United Nations (UN) 2016 Political Declaration to Fight Against TB advocates for coordination and collaboration between TB and HIV programs, as well as with other health programs and sectors, to ensure universal access to integrated prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care services, in accordance with national legislation. This includes testing for HIV among people with TB, screening all PLWH and AIDS regularly for TB, and providing TB preventive treatment (TPT), as well as eliminating the financial burden faced by affected people and addressing the common social, economic, and structural determinants of TB and HIV and the complex biological factors that increase TB incidence and mortality, worsen treatment outcomes, and increase drug resistance.

In September 2018, the United Nations General Assembly held its first-ever high-level meeting on TB to accelerate efforts of ending this global epidemic of TB and reaching all affected people, including those with HIV coinfection, with prevention and care.21 It acknowledged that current efforts had fallen short, but

Table 15.1  WHO-recommended collaborative TB/HIV activities, 2012

Establish and strengthen the mechanisms for delivering integrated TB and HIV services

1.Set up and strengthen a coordinating body for collaborative TB/HIV activities functional at all levels

2.Determine HIV prevalence among TB patients and TB prevalence among PLWH

3.Carry out joint TB/HIV planning to integrate the delivery of TB and HIV services

4.Monitor and evaluate collaborative TB/HIV activities

Reduce the burden of TB in PLWH and initiate early ART

“(the Three I’s for HIV/TB)”

1.Intensify TB case-finding and ensure high quality anti-TB treatment

2.Initiate TB prevention with INH preventive therapy and early ART

3.Insure airborne infection control of TB Infection in health care facilities and congregate settings

Reduce the burden of HIV in patients with presumptive and diagnosed TB

1.Provide HIV testing and counseling to patients with presumptive and diagnosed TB

2.Provide HIV prevention interventions for patients with presumptive and diagnosed TB

3.Provide co-trimoxazole preventive therapy for TB patients living with HIV

4.Ensure HIV prevention interventions, treatment, and care for TB patients living with HIV

5.Provide ART for TB patients living with HIV

Source: Taken from WHO policy on collaborative TB/HIV activities: guidelines for national programs and other stakeholders, 2012.

272  Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection

continued toward an ultimate goal of eliminating TB. The specific indicators were affirmed with specific reference to HIV; indicators included documentation of HIV status among 100% of patients with TB, provision of ART to 90% of those, and TPT to 90% of those eligible.

The estimated TB decline since 2010 in several high-bur- den TB and HIV countries has been over 5%: Zimbabwe—11%, Lesotho—7%, Kenya—6.9%, Ethiopia—6.9%, Tanzania—6.7%, and Namibia—6.0%. Although gratifying in itself, it is important to note that this is largely due to the parallel and more dramatic increased yearly decline in the incidence of HIV, a function of availability of use of ART and concerted public health efforts aimed at both diseases.1 The WHO estimates that from 2000 to 2017, the high mortality among those with TB and HIV coinfection has decreased globally by 44%.1 This decline in mortality attributed to TB and HIV has been steady over the past decade (but greater for HIV) (see Figure 15.4) with ART provided to PLWH as the attributed mitigatory factor. As a result, TB has now surpassed HIV as the most frequent cause of death from an infectious disease globally.

An estimated 6.6 million lives among PLWH had been saved through scale-up of TBand HIV-collaborative activities since 2005.2 This is largely attributed to the success of ART initiation and implementation of available HIV/TB integration strategies in high-TB burden countries in Asia and Africa.

Great strides have been made between 2010 and 2018 in improving ART coverage among PLWH and linking new coinfected cases to both HIV and TB care, leading to the decline in HIV and TB mortality.1 Nevertheless, despite the global scaleup of ART, and expanding TB services, the WHO estimates that nearly half of people with HIV-associated TB still fail to receive TB care, and less than one-third of new enrollees in HIV care



HIV deaths




TB deaths in







HIV-negative people

















TB deaths in







HIV-positive people










aFor HIV/AIDS, the latest estimates of the number of deaths in 2018 that have been published by UNAIDS are available at http://www.unaids.org/en/ resources/publications/all (accessed 16 August 2019). For TB, the estimates for 2018 are those published in this report.

bDeaths from TB among HIV-positive people are o cially classified as deaths caused by HIV/AIDS in the International Classification of Diseases.

Figure 15.4  Global trends in the estimated number of deaths caused by TB and HIV (in millions), 2000–2018.a,bShaded areas represent uncertainty intervals.

initiated TPT in the subset of countries that reported in 2017. In addition, although ART coverage among PLWH who were diagnosed with TB is high, only 41% of PLWH who were estimated to actually have TB were receiving ART. These numbers are even lower for children and adolescents. The trajectory of decline established by the WHO for the End of TB by 2035 requires an estimated 17% decline in TB annually. The aforementioned successes still fall far below that aspirational goal. Great challenges remain at all levels to implement and expand the coverage and quality of current collaborative TB and HIV services and to continue to develop new tools and strategies to achieve the WHO End TB strategy in the coming decades. However, this is not likely to be achieved by medical or public health strategies alone and without concerted and successful attention to the underlying social determinants of both TB and HIV.




Socio-economic circumstances including poverty, overcrowding, and malnutrition22 remain critically important factors underlying community and individual risk for contracting both TB and HIV infection and for poorer outcomes in each. The social determinants that contribute to both TB and HIV risk and poor outcomes are linked both directly and indirectly to social and economic vulnerabilities and human rights abuses and inequities. In lowand middle-income countries and those with concentrated HIV epidemics (>5% of population infected) and in key populations globally, including PWID, and incarcerated and homeless populations, the HIV epidemic has dramatically fueled the increases in TB rates.20,23 In all of these scenarios, political, financial, and health policies often underlie and have favored the development and perpetuation of the conditions of inequity upon which these two diseases thrive.

It is instructive to characterize the global synergistic HIV/TB socio-economic and structural determinants as the soil into which the two infectious agents have been implanted and then grown to epidemic proportions. We describe three such illustrative and diverse populations, separated by decades and thousands of miles distant from one other: in the Bronx borough of New York City in the 1980s, in young women and men in South Africa in the early 1990s, and in current incarcerated populations in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

First, the HIV/AIDS epidemics in New York City in the 1980s occurred principally in PWID and men who have sex with men (MSM).24 The dramatic rise in TB was concentrated in the population of PWID and in geographic areas of the city with documented high rates of poverty and homelessness.23,2527 These areas, exemplified by the borough of the Bronx, the poorest urban county in the country, had been subjected to planned public social policies of “benign neglect” or “shrinkage” resulting in deliberate economically motivated arson and destroyed housing, with massive increased crowding and homelessness underlying already high

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The importance of social determinants in origin and spread of current HIV/TB epidemics  273

rates of LTBI and active TB.27,28 The intentional policy process also included simultaneous removal of essential safety and health services, including TB services, all setting the stage for the arrival and implantation of HIV and an explosive epidemic of HIV/AIDS and the resurgence of TB and a secondary epidemic of MDR-TB, both with high rates of HIV coinfection. This epidemic scenario was further spread and exacerbated by the initial delayed and incomplete response and the accompanying rise of drug-resistant TB, with rates of TB rising in some areas to >200/100,000.29 During this period, an estimated 20,000 unanticipated cases of TB were reported in New York.30

Second, although geographically distant, separated in time by two decades, and affecting different populations, the intertwined TB and HIV epidemics in South Africa have features that are eerily similar to the TB and HIV epidemics in New York City among PWID. In the case of South Africa, the long history of colonialism, racism, and racial separation, institutionalized in the planned national dehumanizing social and economic policy of Apartheid, resulting destruction of traditional societies, a migrant labor system to provide labor for mines and plantations, the creation of rural African homelands, and removal of urban African populations to rural and urban townships, all resulted in both rural and urban severe poverty and crowding. This occurred in the context of already high-background rates of both latent and active TB and the presence of a weak and poorly functioning TB clinical and public health system.31,32 Once HIV entered the general population in the 1990s, as documented among young women in public pre-natal clinics, there was an explosive rise in HIV rates from <5% to >30% within 10 years with an associated dramatic increase in TB incidence rates from 200/100,000 to close to 1,000/100,000 in a similar time frame,33 also accompanied by a

subsequent explosion of MDR-/XDR-TB.6 The delayed response to these convergent epidemics has likely contributed greatly to their spread and severity (Figure 15.5).34

Third, in countries of the former Soviet Union, epidemics of TB and MDRand XDR-TB, associated with substantial increasing rates of HIV coinfection, are occurring in a pattern again reminiscent of the early HIV/TB epidemic in New York City in the 1980s and early 1990s and the epidemics in South Africa. The spread of HIV and drug-susceptible and drug-resistant TB in the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe has been accelerated by the decline and breakup of the Soviet Union and health service infrastructures. This social and political dislocation severely affected socioeconomic factors which in turn increased unemployment, injection drug use, migration, and incarceration. In prisons where HIV and TB transmission risk are highest, the proportion of prisoners who are affected by drug-resistant TB and HIV coinfection was found to be 24 times higher than the general population.35

The importance of stigma

These socioeconomic similarities are further exacerbated by the social stigma associated with the described social and political soil or root causes of the epidemic as well as the diseases themselves which have flourished in their presence. This accompanying challenge has complicated the lives of PLWH and TB and has complicated the fight against both epidemics, as observed in these specific examples and globally. Stigma is defined as the “social process of devaluing a person or group based on a real or perceived difference.”32,36 The social determinants underlying both HIV and TB, poverty, homelessness, racial, gender, and minority status,

HIV prevalence (%)

1) HIV prevalence and TB incidence in

South Afrcia: 1990 – 2013
























































































































































































































































Figure 15.5  Demonstrates dramatic rise of HIV prevalence among public neonatal clinics in South Africa (from <5% in 1990 to 30% by 2002, accompanied by dramatic rise in TB case notifications, rising from 200/100,000 in 1990 to >900/1,000 by 2012. The figure is provided by Professor Salim Abdool Karim, CAPRISA, Durban South Africa Source: Annual point estimates from the South African Department of Health; http://www.tbfacts.org/tb-statistics-south-africa/ and http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.TBS.INCD. (The lines are based on fitted mathematical models developed by E. Gouws [HIV] and A. Grobler [TB]).

274  Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection

and disapproved personal behaviors are themselves stigmatized resulting in people co-infected with HIV and TB experiencing an additional superimposed “double stigma.”37 Stigma regarding both diseases and those suffering from them is present in all aspects of society and continues to be problematic even within healthcare facilities. Such stigma is powerful and pervasive and, in addition to the aforementioned socioeconomic epidemic roots, can negatively impact prevention and care-seeking behaviors and the delivery of health care within the current infrastructures, thereby adversely influencing outcomes and further propagating both HIV and TB transmission.

Remedies are complex and difficult and require “people-first” cultural and systemic solutions. A direct and sensitive approach to clinical and public health humane language can help reduce stigma. A key paradigm shift in the Global Plan to End TB and within the HIV global strategy is “changing the mindset, language, and dialogue on TB and HIV to reduce stigma and to put people with each or both diseases at the center of the global response.”1 This should start with acknowledging that the language commonly used to speak about TB can influence stigma, beliefs, and behaviors, and may determine if a person feels comfortable with getting tested or treated. Just as the HIV/AIDS community would avoid using terms such as “AIDS control” or “AIDS case,” preferring, “person living with HIV (PLWH),” the TB community should shift to more empowering, people-centered language to avoid the use of judgmental terms such as “TB suspect” and “TB defaulter” which place blame on the patient for the disease and frequent adverse treatment outcomes, which, in reality, often are attributable to structural and programmatic and not personal deficiencies.38,39



Despite the favorable epidemiological trends noted earlier, TB with and apart from HIV remains an important global opportunistic illness in all nations. Unlike most HIV-related opportunistic infections, TB is readily transmissible from person to person, particularly to other persons with HIV infection and to those working in healthcare settings. Therefore, all clinicians and particularly those providing care for persons with HIV must remain vigilant in efforts to prevent and diagnose TB, knowledgeable about the clinical presentation and diagnostic challenges of HIVrelated TB, and aware of and familiar with the complexities of the co-treatment of HIV and TB.

The symptoms of pulmonary TB are similar in PLWHand HIV-uninfected persons. These include cough, fever, weight loss, and night sweats. The presence of any one of these four cardinal symptoms should prompt further diagnostic assessment, and consideration of TB. The WHO supports a simple “rule-out” screening algorithm in resource-limited settings whereby the absence of all four of these symptoms portends a low probability of TB in PLWH.40 A 2010 Vietnamese study evaluating a screening algorithm for TB found that the presence of cough, fever, or night sweats lasting 3 or more weeks in the preceding 4 weeks was 93% sensitive and 36% specific for TB in PLWH.41 A meta-analysis

found that this rule reliably excluded active TB in 90% to 98% of patients depending on whether the background prevalence of TB was 20% or 5%, respectively. It should be noted that this has limited generalizability to children and adults with extrapulmonary TB (i.e., lymph nodes, bones, liver, kidneys, brain, and blood, all more common in PLWH and advanced immunosuppression), and its efficacy is likely to be more limited in very high-prevalence TB settings where subclinical TB rates are high and the duration of HIV/AIDS-associated symptomatic TB appears to be shorter than the duration of HIV-negative TB with more rapid progression from minimal symptoms to far advanced disease.

LTBI is defined as a state of low level infection by M. tuberculosis with a persistent immune response to stimulation by M. tuberculosis antigens but without evidence of clinically manifest active disease. Although thought of as part of a binary classification of inactive and active disease, contemporary information supports the view of a dynamic and bidirectional relationship. Latent infection dogma established chronic lung granulomas as the only site where mycobacteria are located, but recent evidence indicates that M. tuberculosis can persist intracellularly in pulmonary and extrapulmonary tissues without histological evidence of tuberculous lesions, which have important implications for strategies aimed at the elimination of latent and persistent bacilli. M. tuberculosis is located in macrophages and also in other non-phagocytic cells, providing a mechanism of immune evasion.

The estimated 1/4–1/3 of the world’s population or approximately 1.7 billion people who harbor LTBI15 are the major source of future infections and disease. LTBI has a significant impact on the epidemiology and population dynamics of active TB among PLWH, because of significantly higher rates of disease reactivation compared to non-HIV infected populations, and more rapid progression to active disease and represents a huge reservoir of potential disease and ongoing transmission.

Subclinical TB is an important entity characterized by microbiologic and/or radiographic evidence of pulmonary TB in PLWH in the absence of symptoms.42,43 One study from Durban, South Africa, found that up to 22% of PLWH screened with sputum cultures prior to starting ART had subclinical TB.44 Clinicians should maintain a high index of suspicion for TB when initiating ART, particularly in high-burden TB settings and in patients with low CD4 cell counts.

Radiographic features

In PLWH, TB radiologic features vary widely with the degree of immunosuppression. At higher CD4 counts, the pattern tends to mirror both initial and reactivation disease in people without HIV disease with upper lobe infiltrates with or without cavities and associated hilar adenopathy.45 As the CD4 count decreases, there is less cavitation, a reflection of impaired cell mediated immunity and impaired ability to form necrotic granulomas.46 In severely immunosuppressed patients (CD4 <200), non-cavitary infiltration and consolidation dominate with either diffuse or middle and lower zone lobe involvement or a hematogenous (miliary) pattern rather than classical upper lobe involvement, again a reflection of impaired immunity.47 Because cavitation is associated with a greater mycobacterial load and smear positivity, HIV-associated

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Laboratory diagnosis of TB and HIV coinfection  275

pulmonary TB is more likely to be smear-negative and thus, more difficult to diagnose.48



TB diagnostics for PLWH are similar for persons living without HIV. The sensitivity of TB diagnostics, however, is decreased in PLWH, largely due to paucibacillary disease—most prominently observed as a low burden of Mycobacterium bacilli in sputum. Extrapulmonary TB is more frequent in PLWH as is accompanying paucibacillary disease at these sites. In addition, classical TB granulomas, with caseation and multinucleated giant cells are observed less frequently, particularly in advanced HIV disease with severe immunosuppression.

Tuberculin skin testing

Tuberculin skin testing (TST) is still utilized to determine the presence of LTBI and eligibility for isoniazid prevention therapy (IPT) in PLWH. Given that there is a known loss of tuberculin skin test reactivity in PLWH which worsens as CD4 cell count falls, an induration of 5 mm is considered positive. In PLWH, sensitivity is estimated to be between 64% and 71% in those with smear-positive sputum.49 The loss of sensitivity is secondary to anergy, defined as the absence of delayed type hypersensitivity in sensitized individuals and characterized by a TST reaction <2 mm.

Interferon gamma release assay

A variety of interferon gamma release assays (IGRAs) are currently available. A recent meta-analysis suggested that IGRAs perform similarly to TST in PLWH50 and vary similarly in sensitivity and specificity related to the degree of immunosuppression. There are limited data on the use of IGRA in children under 5 years old and persons recently exposed to TB. Although sensitivity is equivalent to TSTs, IGRAS are preferred in persons who received Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) because they do not cross react with BCG and in persons who may not be able to return for a TST reading.

Smear microscopy and culture

Smear microscopy has poor sensitivity in PLWH, ranging from 43% to 51%,51 a consequence of paucibacillary disease. Sensitivity can be improved up to two-fold by fluorescence microscopy in PLWH compared with conventional microscopy.52,53 Specificity remains similar in both fluorescence and conventional microscopy in PLWH. Additionally, bleach and concentrating sputum by centrifugation can further increase sensitivity by up to 11%.54,55 Although still widely used globally, smear microscopy should be replaced by rapid and more sensitive molecular platforms such as Xpert MTB/RIF as the initial diagnostic test in adults and children suspected of having HIV-associated TB or MDR-TB.

Gene Xpert MTB/RIF

The advent of Gene Xpert MTB/RIF developed by Cepheid (Sunnyvale, California, United States) has greatly improved ­diagnostic abilities in PLWH.56 Endorsed by the WHO, it provides detection of both M. tuberculosis and RIF resistance simultaneously within a 2-hour window. In the 2010 seminal multi-center prospective study in which Gene Xpert MTB/RIF was compared to smear microscopy, 40% of patients were PLWH, and among these, sensitivity was 93.9% (vs. 98.4% in persons without HIV).57

In a 2014 meta-analysis of 27 studies in low and middle-income countries, in PLWH, TB detection pooled sensitivity was 79% compared with 86% in people without HIV infection. Among those co-infected with TB/HIV, patients with smear-positive disease were more likely to be diagnosed with the use of Xpert MTB/ RIF—97% sensitivity for smear positive, culture positive disease than those with smear-negative disease—61% sensitivity for smear negative, culture positive TB. Similarly when either Xpert MTB/ RIF or point-of care light-emitting diode fluorescence microscopy (LED FM) in symptomatic patients were compared, TB was more likely to be detected in patients by Xpert MTB/RF (2.4%) than by LED FM (1.2%).58

Gene Xpert MTB/RIF ultra

This assay was also developed by Cepheid as the next generation assay in rapid molecular testing and recommended to replace XpertTB/ RIF because of increased sensitivity. Sensitivity is improved by the addition of two targets, IS6110 and IS1081, and a larger reaction chamber. Real-time polymerase chain reaction gives way to four probes that identify RIF resistance on the rpoB gene using temperature. A multicenter prospective study in lowand middle-income countries in 2016 enrolled patients to compare the efficacy of Xpert Ultra with Xpert.59 For PLWH, TB detection sensitivity was 90% with Ultra versus 77% with Xpert; compared with 91% and 90%, respectively, in people without HIV infection. Additionally, Ultra has a higher sensitivity in smear-negative, culture positive specimens, and in specimens from PLWH.60 Modeling of Ultra use in high-burden TB/HIV co-infected areas suggests that there will be a significant beneficial clinical impact on mortality in PLWH.61

Gene Xpert Omni

In 2015, Cepheid announced Gene Xpert Omni, the first “close- to-care” point-of-care (POC) molecular assay for TB, HIV, and Ebola. The Omni is expected to complement existing multimodule GeneXpert instruments, including the GeneXpert Edge® (a single-module GeneXpert instrument connected to a tablet device for transfer of data with an auxiliary battery that allows operation in more decentralized settings at the same level as microscopy in primary care clinics or even community-based settings). Both the Omni and the Edge have been developed to facilitate wider access to rapid molecular testing for TB and rifampicin resistance, and virology parameters for HIV and hepatitis C virus.

A new cartridge built on this platform is able to detect additional mutations that confer resistance to fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, and INH. In this cartridge, there are probes to detect

276  Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection

approximately 25 mutations in six genes and promoter regions. A prospective study using this cartridge was recently conducted in China and South Korea among adults with symptoms of TB.62 Although the high sensitivity and specificity is promising, there are no data yet on its performance in PLWH. It is anticipated that there may be sufficient data by 2020 to allow evaluation by the WHO (https://www.who.int/tb/publications/global_report/en/2019).

Xpert practical limitations

Although a great diagnostic advance, Xpert use is limited by several factors. In lowand middle-income countries, empiric TB treatment based on clinical symptoms is often instituted prior to result availability. Although the test performance only takes 2 hours, it is not a true POC test and communication of results from laboratory to clinical decision-making sites often is substantially delayed. As a consequence, this delay results in treatment decisions often based on clinical judgment alone. Thus, in resourcelimited settings with health system weaknesses, early studies indicated that Gene Xpert availability did not impact mortality as large numbers of patient were empirically started on TB therapy while awaiting Xpert results. Newer portable versions, allowing onsite use at clinical sites are now available that can provide close to POC results. Limited Xpert capacity in high-prevalence clinical or screening programs still limits universal utility. With current versions, in areas with substantial rates of MDR-/XDR-TB, treatment institution delay may also occur as performance of additional resistance testing is critical. Despite these limitations, the development and implementation of Xpert has become an extremely valuable tool in settings where systems infrastructure enables timely accurate and effective decision-making regarding treatment initiation for drug-susceptible and MDR-TB.

Line probe assays

The GenoType MTBDRplus (MTBDR-Plus; Hain Lifesciences GmBH, Nehren, Germany) identifies INH and RIF resistant by mutations in the rpoB, katG, and inhA genes. A multicenter study across seven sites in South America and Southern Africa, exclusively in PLWH, showed detection of 92% of RIF resistance and 71% of INH resistance. In smear-positive specimens, sensitivity was 97%, and in smear-negative specimens, sensitivity was reduced to 75%.63 However, this test requires sophisticated laboratory treatment and expertise and is not easy to implement in programmatic settings.


The TB-urine lipoarabinomannan (LAM) dip stick test has shown particular utility in patients with advanced AIDS with disseminated TB in resource-poor inpatient settings and where patients are unable to produce sputum. As a true POC test, it is especially useful where conventional diagnostics are not readily available or delayed and therapeutic decisions in severely ill patients must be made. This is also of substantial importance with regard to infection control practices and ward isolation. In PLWH, LAM has modest sensitivity (67%) and high specificity (98%) among those with advanced AIDS. Its utility has recently been demonstrated

Table 15.2  Results compared to culture



Sensitivity (%)







Diagnostic test

Smear +


Specificity (%)

Smear microscopy





Gene Xpert





Gene Xpert Ultra









Line Probe Assay




a Urine.

in a large-scale randomized trial of LAM use versus conventional TB diagnostics, including Xpert/TBRIF in hospitalized PLWH in Malawi. Although all-cause mortality did not differ among those with and without LAM use, mortality was significantly lower in the LAM use intervention group than that in the standard-of-care group for those with CD4 counts <100 cells per µL (p= 0.036), those with severe anemia (hemoglobin <8 g/dL p= 0.021), and those with clinically suspected TB.64

LAM testing to diagnose TB among hospitalized or severely immunosuppressed ambulatory PLWH is feasible and accepted. It is a true rapid POC test that requires minimal training and can lead to more widespread implementation. The WHO has now expanded its recommendations for use. In May 2019, the WHO commissioned a systematic review of the use of a lateral flow LAM assay (LF-LAM) (Alere) for the diagnosis of TB in PLWH and convened a Guideline Development Group (GDG) to update the WHO guidance issued in 2015. The key change in the 2015 guidelines is a strengthened indication for the use of LF-LAM among hospitalized HIV-positive patients with signs and symptoms of TB (pulmonary and extrapulmonary); the test is now recommended for all such patients, irrespective of their CD4 count. If the CD4 count is below 100, LF-LAM is recommended even in the absence of TB symptoms. Updated WHO recommended guidelines are in progress (Table 15.2).65

Development and deployment of rapid diagnostic tests are essential for achieving earlier identification of active TB disease, institution of therapy, and reduction of morbidity and mortality, particularly among PLWH. All HIV Testing Services in health facilities and community-based settings should integrate screening for TB symptoms into the HIV testing algorithm and correspondingly, TB screening should be accompanied by integrated HIV screening and rapid testing.



HIV/TB prevention and treatment integration

“Two diseases, one patient, two epidemics, one population”

Although synergistic and co-morbid disastrous epidemics, TB and HIV have been historically and largely approached and managed

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Integrated management of TB and HIV infection and disease  277

separately. The logic of integration of treatment is compelling, although it has required overcoming many logistical, structural, and programmatic barriers. A major impediment to the integration of prevention and treatment of the two diseases has also been the divergent cultures associated with the approach and management of each (Figure 15.6).

TB is an ancient disease, present for centuries and stitched into the fabric of history, and has developed, promoted, and implemented a successful global public health “one-size-fits-all” programmatic approach, with program standardized procedures and outcomes. This has achieved great success, with millions of lives restored and saved. However in past decades, the rate of global decline of TB has slowed, drug-resistant TB has emerged and grown, and HIV has added new dramatic growth, complexities, and urgency requiring reassessment and redefinition of the approach to TB prevention and management. Conversely, HIV is historically a new epidemic disease that rapidly adopted an individual patient-centered approach through activism, with new strategies in prevention and treatment and human rights advocacy at its core.

Both diseases originate in and are the product of challenging sociodemographic environments, creating social, economic, and political instability and are cloaked in stigma and isolation. The culture of response and management differences between the two diseases, however, has been difficult to integrate and surmount, particularly in the landscape of largely separate national TB and HIV programs with varying levels of communication.66 This was initially characterized by the complete separation of TB and HIV programs, funding streams, and personnel from national to local

operational levels. More recently and with much effort these barriers to integration have begun to recede.

As the HIV/AIDS epidemic grew, a wave of activism with a revolutionary patient-centered human rights approach engendered a government, foundation, and industry response with an influx of funding, allowing the creation of new infrastructures and an explosion of new drugs and successful treatment strategies for HIV/AIDS whereas TB remained underfunded, and slow to innovate and change. With the resurgence of TB, now surpassing HIV as one of the leading causes of death globally, as the leading cause of death in PLWH, and with the emergence of drug-resistant TB and growing global advocacy, TB has regained deserved and critical attention on the global scene. Although each have markedly different therapeutic paradigms, programs and infrastructures, the collaboration and integration of HIV and TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment initiation and monitoring to improve outcomes for both diseases has grown and is now advocated by both TB and HIV global and national organizations and programs.1,3 The details of implementation of integration remains varied and challenging globally though all would agree that “No one living with HIV should die of TB.” and “No one with TB and HIV should be without ART.”

Past and many current WHO and national TB control programs have relied heavily on passive case finding and directly observed therapy (DOT) as the centerpiece of treatment delivery and treatment success. This strategy has been highly successful in many areas over time, particularly where resources have been sufficient and consistently available, but is incompletely implemented in many settings, particularly where healthcare systems






Latent, short term, curable

Disease trajectory




Political/consensus driven/changes slowly



Demography and social determinants


Resource poor areas stigmatized


Infection and disease screening


Public notification


Contact tracing


Standardized regimes and outcomes

Disease management


Directly observed therapy


Treatment = prevention


New prevention strategies



Culture of care

“One size fits all”

Program centered


Collective Public Health approach






Sex, blood, birth

Lifelong, progressive, incurable

New/energetic/community advocacy

Resource poor and rich areas stigmatized

Inflection screening/voluntary testing Confidentiality

Multiple tretment options Patient literacy and empowerment Adherence support

Treatment = prevention

New prevention strategies


Patient centered

Individualistic approach

Comprehensive, holistic

Figure 15.6  Program collaboration amidst the contrasting cultures of TB (left column) and HIV (right column). (Adapted from Daftary A, Calzavara L, Padayatchi N tuberculosis care. AIDS 2015.)

278  Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection

are under-resourced and weak. Medication adherence and care for both drug-susceptible and -resistant TB-HIV could be improved by fully implementing HIV style patientand community-based education and team-based patient-centered care; empowering patients through education, counseling, and support; maintaining a rights-based approach, whereas acknowledging the responsibility of healthcare systems to provide comprehensive care; and prioritize critical research gaps.

Patient centered, individualistic approach has been a hallmark of HIV care but has not been as strongly articulated as a component of TB care. Driven by activism, HIV programs place enormous emphasis on patient education, confidentiality, and empowerment, and recognize and advocate against stigma and discrimination. In contrast, TB programs have traditionally been more hierarchical, impersonal, and program centered. Patient-centered care respects an individual’s right to participate actively as an informed partner in decisions and activities related to TB diagnosis and treatment. The Institute of Medicine defines patient-centered care as “providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.” Given that TB treatment requires that multiple drugs be given for many months, it is crucial that the patient be involved in a meaningful way in making decisions concerning treatment supervision and overall care. International standards have recently been developed that also support using patient-centered approaches to the management of TB. The culture of TB and global and local leadership has recently added its strength and success by incorporating and advocating for an HIV/ AIDS characteristic people first, human rightsand evidencebased approaches to overcome barriers to universal access to TB ­diagnosis, prevention, ­treatment, care, and support services.67 The WHO has now highlighted “patient-centered care and prevention for all people with TB” as the first of the three central pillars of its End TB strategy68 with collaborative TB/HIV activities and management as one of the crucial components. The global population with and at-risk for both TB and HIV will benefit further from both cultural and programmatic collaboration and, indeed, evidence-based integration of the management of both diseases.



TB and HIV treatment integration- early studies

In high-prevalence HIV and TB areas, ART, even if available, was routinely withheld until after completion of TB treatment because of concerns regarding drug–drug interactions, additive toxicity, increased pill burden, adherence challenges, and the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).

Starting in 2001, pilot studies of integration of people with smear-positive TB and HIV coinfection were carried out within an urban and public health TB clinics and rural sites in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa and elsewhere. These studies were initially designed to assess the acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness of

integrating HIV/TB care and therapy.69,70 Patients found to have pulmonary TB and HIV coinfection were placed on standard antiTB therapy and ART regardless of CD4 count. A once daily ART regimen (efavirenz, didanosine, and emtricitabine [EFV, DDI, and 3TC, respectively]), was chosen to coincide with daily TB dosage and simplify medication adherence. Both studies employed patient treatment literacy and home-based DOT using family, community, and patient treatment supporters. Both DOT and self-adminis- tered therapy (SAT) with social support strategies were employed. Medication adherence was excellent and drug adverse toxicity minimal. HIV and TB outcomes were excellent in both mentioned studies and in the presence of effective and supportive treatment, stigma was minimal. Since then, multiple larger studies, including several randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) have examined the relationship between initiation of ART during TB therapy and clinical outcomes, including mortality. Integration of TB and HIV treatment has been convincingly and consistently shown to reduce mortality and improve outcomes of both diseases.7174

Randomized-control studies on when to integrate TB and HIV treatment

The Starting Antiretroviral Therapy at Three Points in Tuberculosis (SAPiT) study was an urban TB clinic RCT in Durban, South Africa which compared the initiation of ART during TB therapy to sequential initiation after completion of standard TB therapy on morbidity and mortality.71,72 In the SAPiT study, patients with CD4 cell counts <500 cells/mm3 were randomized to one of three arms—the early integrated arm which initiated ART within 4 weeks of starting TB therapy, the late integration arm which initiated ART within 4 weeks of completing intensive TB treatment, or the sequential treatment arm which initiated ART only after completion of TB treatment. The sequential treatment arm was stopped early because a highly significant (56%) reduction in mortality was found in the integrated arms. The results provided strong evidence to support integration of TB and HIV treatment. SAPiT II consisted of a secondary analysis of the patients in the early integrated therapy group and the late integrated therapy group.72 The study results supported early initiation in patients with CD4 counts <50 cells/mm3 given that it increased AIDS-free survival by 68%. It further recommended deferral of treatment in patients with CD4 counts >50 cells/mm3 but within 8-weeks of TB treatment ART initiation because this reduced the risk of IRIS and adverse events related to ART without increasing mortality.

The Cambodian Early versus Late Introduction of Antiretrovirals (CAMELIA) study in HIV/TB co-infected patients randomized patients to receive ART at either 2 or 8 weeks after starting TB treatment.73 The results indicated that initiating ART within 2 weeks after starting TB treatment in PLWH with CD4 counts of 200 cells/ mm3 or lower significantly improved survival.

The AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study (ACTG) A5221 STRIDE was a multi-national RCT which evaluated initiation of ART in TB and HIV co-infected patients within 2 weeks versus between 8 and 12 weeks in PLWH with CD4 counts <250 cells/mm3 and without a previously diagnosed AIDS-defining illness.74 In the subgroup of patients with CD4 cell counts of <50 cells/mm3 in whom ART

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Integrated treatment of TB in PLWH  279

was initiated early, there was significantly greater survival and less progression to AIDS defining illness compared to the group with delayed ART initiation group.

Based on the data acquired from these trials and accumulated clinical studies, the following recommendations can be strongly made regarding the integration and timing of HIV treatment initiation in patients with TB and HIV:

●●All PLWH with active TB who are ART-naïve should start ART during treatment for TB in an integrated manner.

●●The timing of initiation of ART is influenced by the severity of immune deficiency and severity of both HIV and TB disease.

●●If the CD4 count is <50 cells/mm3, ART should be started within 2 weeks after TB treatment initiation.

●●If the CD4 count is >CD4 counts >50 cells/mm3, ART should be initiated within 8 weeks of starting TB therapy.

●●Although these numerical measures of severity of HIV disease are strongly evidence based, have become generally and widely accepted, and have simplified treatment initiation timing and treatment integration, there is still opportunity for special considerations in individual patients.

Many clinicians and experts appreciate that in individual cases, the timing of initiation of ART should be further influenced, beyond the CD4 cell count, by issues of clinical severity of both HIV and TB disease including severe anemia, malnutrition, evidence of organ system failure, and extent of pulmonary or extrapulmonary disease, all of which are independently associated with early mortality12,75 (https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/guidelines/ html/1/adult-and-adolescent-arv/27/tb-hiv).

Even if the CD4 cell count is >50 cells/mm3, if these clinical indicators of disease severity are present, they argue for ART initiation closer to or within 2 weeks, as well as aggressive correction of metabolic and hematologic derangements.

An important additional exception is HIV-infected patients with TB meningitis, in whom timing of initiation of ART has been controversial and delayed because of dangers of IRIS in the central nervous system. Expert opinion now favors initiating ART within 2–8 weeks of starting anti-TB treatment (within 2 weeks in individuals with CD4 counts <50 cells/mm3, with careful monitoring for central nervous system adverse events, and within 8 weeks for those with CD4 counts >50 cells/mm3) (https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/guidelines/html/1/ adult-and-adolescent-arv/27/tb-hiv).

●●All pregnant women with HIV and active TB should be started on ART as early as feasible, both for treatment of the person with HIV and to prevent HIV transmission to the infant. The choice of ART should be based on efficacy and safety in pregnancy and should take into account potential drug–drug interactions between ARTs and rifamycins.

●●Comprehensively, these observational and randomizedcontrolled studies represent a body of knowledge that has substantially informed our current treatment strategies and decisions regarding treatment initiation and the integration

and timing of ART therapy to reduce both HIV and TB morbidity and mortality. They have been important in changing and improving the management and outcomes of PLWH with clinically and microbiologically diagnosed TB.

Special issues regarding HIV and TB integration challenges including IRIS, drug–drug interactions, and shared toxicities are discussed in the section “Integrated treatment of TB in PLWH.”

Treatment regimens for drug-susceptible and drug-resistant TB and HIV should be harmonized and integrated, depending upon the clinical setting and overall experience with both TB and HIV, in TB-specific healthcare management settings in conjunction with an HIV expert as it is essential to ensure proper ART selection, medication adherence, toxicity monitoring, and monitoring and documentation of HIV treatment outcome success (see section “Utilizing the cascade and continuum of care”).



Drug-susceptible TB

The treatment of active TB disease in patients with HIV should follow the general principles guiding treatment for individuals without HIV.76 The standard regimen for the treatment of TB in people with and without HIV caused by organisms that are not known or suspected to be drug-resistant is a regimen consisting of an intensive phase of 2 months of INH, RIF, pyrazinamide (PZA), and ethambutol (EMB) followed by a continuation phase of 4 months of INH and RIF. EMB may be stopped if the organism is found to be pansensitive. This regimen has been preferred and unchanged for over 35 years.

TB treatment has relied on multidrug chemotherapy to achieve three objectives:

1.Rapidly reduce bacterial burden to decrease disease morbidity, mortality, and transmission;

2.Eradicate persistent populations to prevent relapse; and

3.Prevent acquisition of drug resistance.

Both HIV and treatment of TB rely on a synergistic combination of drugs administered for sufficient time and proper dose to result in treatment success. For TB, this goal is cure whereas for HIV, at this point, the goal is lifelong HIV replication suppression and immune reconstitution. Important issues that differentiate TB treatment in PLWH are potential and actual and include IRIS, treatment duration and schedules, medication adherence strategies, pharmacological and pharmacodynamic drug–drug interactions between HIV and TB medications, and overlapping drug side effects and toxicities.

Early ART initiation requires, at the very least, close collaboration between HIV and TB clinicians and clinics with expertise in management of ART regimen selection and close monitoring of treatment success and challenges. This is most confidently done in a setting of site integration of the care of PLWH and TB.

In addition to TBand HIV-specific medications in PLWH, pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is recommended to be given with INH