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3In the Object data docker, click the Copy data from button .

4Click the object from which you want to copy data.

Viewing an object data summary

The Object Data Manager provides the commands and functions you need to view your object data summary. It summarizes the information you’ve assigned to the objects in a drawing. While the Object Data Manager can be used to view and edit data associated with a single object, its main purpose is to help you view and manage large amounts of data associated with multiple objects contained in various groups in a drawing.

You can change how object data displays:

You can display individual group subtotals for fields shared by multiple groups. Use this command when more than one group of objects is displayed in a datasheet. This command applies only to fields with numeric formats.

To create a visible distinction between groups in a column, you can place a twospace indent before data relating to objects in groups.

You can have the Object Data Manager automatically total the values in the selected column. The total is displayed at the bottom of the column.

To view an object data summary

1Select the object or objects using the Pick tool .

If you want to view an object data summary for the entire document, click Edit `

Select all ` Objects.

2Click Tools ` Object Data Manager.

3In the Object data docker, click the Open spreadsheet button .

From here

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In the Help index, see...



customizing and printing object data

object data summaries, viewing






CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 User Guide

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