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Publishing to the Web

You can ensure that your CorelDRAW files and objects publish to HTML successfully by setting document elements to be Web-compatible, selecting the settings you want, and checking Preflight issues. You can then publish to HTML. The resulting HTML code and images can be used in HTML authoring software for creating a Web site or page.

In this section, you’ll learn about

preparing files and objects for Web publishing

publishing to HTML

Preparing files and objects for Web publishing

You can prepare your files and objects for the Web by setting preferences and verifying the objects before you export them.

The CorelDRAW application provides options for publishing your document to the World Wide Web. You can determine layout options, set link colors, and select HTML text preferences. Among the text export options, you can export Web-compatible text as plain text so that users can copy and reuse the text, or you can export all text as images so that the text will always display as you designed it.

You can export your graphics to preset JPEG, GIF, or PNG formats. You can also publish your document as a single image, from which the application creates an image map. An image map is a hypergraphic whose hotspots link to different URLs — including pages, locations, and images — when you view the HTML document with a browser. Note that large image maps might cause slow downloads for those with a slow Internet connection.

You can check the download times of your Web page objects through a browser preview.

To change text export preferences

1 Click Tools ` Options.

CorelDRAW: Publishing to the Web


2In the list of categories, double-click Document, Publish to Web, and click Text.

3Enable one of the following options:

Export HTML compatible text as text — exports the Web-compatible text as


Export all text as images — exports the text as images and ensures compatibility for all browsers

Export HTML compatible text as text using TrueDoc font technology

exports the text using TrueDoc

Exporting all text as images can increase download times because of the larger file sizes.

To change link export preferences

1Click Tools ` Options.

2In the list of categories, double-click Document, Publish to the Web, and click


3Enable the Underline check box.

4Enable the following check boxes, and select a color for each:

Normal link

Active link

Visited link

The link colors set in the Options dialog box are exported with the file, eliminating any conflict between link color and your document’s page background color.

To change image export preferences

1Click Tools ` Options.

2In the list of categories, double-click Document, Publish to the Web, and click


3In the Export image using area, enable one of the following image format options:





CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 User Guide

4 Set any bitmap options.

You can also

Apply anti-aliasing

Enable the Anti-alias check box.



Create a Client-side image map

Enable the Client check box.



Create a Server-side image map

Enable the Server check box, and choose a





To change HTML layout export preferences

1Click Tools ` Options.

2In the list of categories, double-click Document, and click Publish to the Web.

3Type values in the following boxes:

Position tolerance — lets you specify the number of pixels text can be automatically nudged to avoid introducing rows or columns that are only a few pixels in size

Image white space — lets you specify the number of pixels that can occur in an

empty cell before it’s merged with an adjacent cell. This lets you avoid splitting a single graphic that spans adjacent cells. Cells or tables are used to position Internet objects in your Web document when you choose the HTML Tables layout method

Position white space — lets you specify the amount of white space allowed in an image

To preview a Web page

1Click File ` Publish to the Web ` HTML.

2Click the General tab.

3Click Browser preview.

To set Web preflight options

1Click File ` Publish to the Web ` HTML.

2Click the Issues tab.

3Click Settings.

4In the Issues to check for list, expand the Publishing to Web tree.

CorelDRAW: Publishing to the Web


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