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The Prepositional Infinitive Complex

Предложный инфинитивный оборот (комплекс) вводится в предложение предлогом for.

Данный оборот состоит из существительного в общем падеже или личного местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива.

Предложный инфинитивный оборот употребляется в различных синтаксических функциях. В предложении он может быть подлежащим, предикативом (именной частью составного именного сказуемого), дополнением, определением и обстоятельством цели или следствия.

На русский язык такая конструкция переводится при помощи неопределённой формы глагола или придаточного предложения. Например:

It’s time for us to go. – Нампораидти.

He opened the door for me to get out. – Он открыл дверь, чтобы я вышел.

For me to come to you today is impossible. – Мне невозможно сегодня к тебе прийти.

We waited for him to come. – Мы ждали, пока он придёт.

I’ll re-read the rule for you to understand it better. – Я прочитаю правило снова, чтобы вы его

лучше поняли.


1 Insert the particle to where it is necessary:

1.1 She can … speak English.

1.2 We let them … go there.

1.3 Don’t help her … do it.

1.4 May I … take your dictionary?

1.5 He made me … do it.

1.6 They wanted … speak to us.

1.7 We would rather … go home.

1.8 Would you like … drink?

1.9 You had better … take this medicine.

1.10 I’d like … believe you.

1.11 His joke made … me laugh.

1.12 He isn’t going … answer my question.

1.13 The children were not allowed … eat an ice-cream.

2 Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the Infinitive:

2.1 She seems (to translate) scientific articles.

2.2 She seems (to translate) a scientific article at the moment.

2.3 She seems (to translate) two articles already.

2.4 She seems (to translate) this article since early morning.

2.5 Jane is sorry (to break) a cup.

2.6 The pupils want (to help) by his teacher.

2.7 I expect (to tell) the news by them.

2.8 I am glad (to work) with you.

3 Combine the following couples of sentences into one using the Infinitive:

3.1 I teach English here. I am glad of it.

3.2 We helped him. We are happy about it.

3.3 I was examined yesterday. I am glad of it.

3.4 They are going to Paris. They are happy about it.

3.5 She is listening to the symphony. She is glad of it.

3.6 He spent his holidays in the country. He is happy about it.

3.7 I passed my examination yesterday. I am glad of it.

3.8 We don’t understand this rule. We are sorry about it.

3.9 She was not invited to the evening party. She is sorry about it.

3.10 We are taught English. We are glad of it.

3.11 He was not informed of it. He is sorry about it.

4 Paraphrase the following using the Prepositional Infinitive Complex:

4.1 It is necessary that she should come here in time.

4.2 It is important that he should work systematically.

4.3 It is necessary that you should air the room twice a day.

4.4 It is important that they should go in for sports.

4.5 The text is too difficult. The pupils can’t translate it.

4.6 The car is too expensive. We can’t buy it.

4.7 The story is easy enough. I can read it without a dictionary.

4.8 The coat is too long. She can’t wear it.