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Lied (Lieder) (Germ.) - song (songs). The word is applied to a distinctive type of German solo vocal composition that came into being at an outcome of the late 18th and early 19th c. Some great names in the history of the Lied are Schubert, Schumann, Franz, Brahms, Wolf, Mahler, and Richard Strauss.

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Curlew River-parable for church performance by Britten to the


text by W. Plomer after a Japanese Noh play Sumidagawa (parable - story, esp. in the Bible told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth («притча»)

Elgar's Gerontius - The Dream of Gerontius, an oratorio by El-gar, first performed in 1900. The text is a poem of Cardinal Newman.

CBE - Commander (of the order) of the British Empire (кавалер ордена Британской империи 2-й степени)

knight - рыцарь, личное дворянское звание, обычно присваи­вается за особые заслуги (перед именем ставится титул «сэр» - sir)


1. American Negro Songs and Spirituals/Ed, by John Work. N.Y., 1974.

2. American Composers on American Music (A Symposium)/Ed. By Henry Cowell. N.Y., 1933.

3. Apel W., Daniel R. The Harvard Brief Dictionary of Music. N.Y., 19th printing.

4. Ardoin, John. The Callas Legacy. G. Duckworth & Co Ltd. 1977.

5. Bernstein, Leonard. The Joy of Music. N.Y., 1959.

6. Boroff E. Music in Europe and the United States: A History. New Jersey, 1971.

7. The Complete Book of Twentieth-Century Music/Ed, by David Ewen, 1959.

8. Collins Encyclopedia of Music/Ed, by J. Westrup, 1978.

9. Chase, Gilbert America's Music: From the Piligrims to the Present. N.Y., Toronto, London, 1955.

10. Composers on Music (An Anthology of Composer's Writings)/Ed. by S. Morgenstern. N.Y., 1956.

11. Conversations with Igor Stravinsky (by I. Stravinsky and Robert Caft). Faber, L., 1979.

12. Dorian, Frederick. The History of Music in Performance (The Art of Musical Interpretation from the Renaissance to Our Day). N.Y., 1942.

13. The Dictionary of Composers/Ed, by Ch. Osborne. N.Y., 1978.

14. Ertich, Lilian. What Jazz Is All About? N.Y., 1972.

15. Ginsburg, Lev. Ysaye/Ed. by Dr. H.R. Axelrod. Paganiniana Publications, 1980.

16. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London, N.Y., 1980.

17. Gillespie, John. Five Centuries of Keyboard Music. Belmont, California, 1966.

18. Hindemith, Paul. A Composer's World. N.Y., 1952.

19. Kennedy, Michael. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Oxford Univ. Press, 1980.

20. The Larousse Encyclopedia of Music/Ed, by Geoffrey Hindley, 1977.


21. Mach, Elyse. Great Pianists Speak for Themselves. N.Y., 1980.

22. Manoff, Tom. Music: A Living Language. N.Y., 1982.

23. The New Harvard Dictionary of Music/Ed, by D.M. Randel. Cambridge, Mass., L., 1986.

24. The New Book of Modern Composers/Ed, by D. Ewen. N.Y., 1961.

25. The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll, 1983.

26. Southern, Eileen. The Music of Black Americans (A History). N.Y., 1983.

27. Streamline English, Oxford, 1979.

28. Twentieth-Century Views of Music History/Ed, by W. Hay. N.Y., 1972.

29. The New Grove Dictionary of American Music. I-IV vls./Ed. by H.W. Hitchcock and S. Sadie. Macmillan Publ, 1986.

Журналы: High Fidelity (1983), Gramophone (1987, 1988), Music Teacher (1986), Opera (1986), Opera News (1982).

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