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Теория и практика перевода гос

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Теория и практика перевода

$$$ 1

How many verbal information types are used for practical application of translation:

A) 2.

B) 4.

C) 5.

D)& 3.

E) 6.

$$$ 2

What transformation technique is used in the translation: Ottawa – Оттава

A) Calque.

B) Loan translation.

C)& Transliteration.

D) Transcription.

E) Modulation.

$$$ 3

What transformation technique is used in the translation: Luis – Людовик

A) Calque.

B) Loan translation.

C) Transliteration.

D)& Transcription.

E) Modulation.

$$$ 4

What transformation technique is used in the translation: White House – Белый дом

A)& Calque.

B) Generalization.

C) Transliteration.

D) Transcription.

E) Modulation.

$$$ 5

Zero transformation is…..

A) It is translation which gives a more detailed description of the idea than does the word in SL.

B) It t is the use of an equivalent with a more general meaning.

C) It is the same as blue-print.

D)& Preserving the syntactic structure of the ST and using the analogous TL grammatical forms.

E) It is meaning development.

$$$ 6

How is interpretation related to Translation Studies:

A) Subject.

B)& Object.

C) Task.

D) Structure.

E) Aim.

$$$ 7

Fill in the blank with the most suitable word: Having exchanged opinions, _______ both parties enter into this Agreement.

A) Agreed.

B) Thereof.

C)& Hereby.

D) Herein.

E) The same.

$$$ 8

Fill in the blank with the most suitable word: All the States Parties shall maintain _______ peace and security.

A) Universal.

B) World.

C) Whole.

D)& International.

E) Integrationist.

$$$ 9

Fill in the blank with the most suitable word: the existence of racial barriers is ­________ to the ideals of any hu­man society.

A) Alien.

B) Strange.

C)& Repugnant.

D) Opposed.

E) Against.

$$$ 10

Translate the following specific oil and gas term assets:

A) Акционерный капитал.

B) Арендная плата.

C)& Активы.

D) Амортизация.

E) Воротники бура.

$$$ 11

Translate the following specific oil and gas term naphtha:

A) Перепускная линия.

B) Устройство для удаления пятен.

C) Исходное сырье.

D) Засорение.

E)& Бензинолигроиновая фракция.

$$$ 12

Translate the following specific oil and gas term арендная плата:

A) Depreciation.

B) Derrick.

C)& Royalty.

D) Tranche.

E) Annulus.

$$$ 13

Translate the following specific oil and gas term oil rigs:

A) Нефтяные месторождения.

B) Нефтяные артерии.

C) Нефтяные трубопроводы.

D) Нефтяные сверхдержавы.

E)& Нефтяные скважины.

$$$ 14

Translate the following medical term tetanus:

A) Запах изо рта.

B) Кишечник.

C) Бурсит.

D)& Столбняк.

E) Роды.

$$$ 15

Translate the following medical term cerebral hemorrhage:

A) Брюшная полость.

B) Кожный зуд.

C) Обмен веществ.

D)& Кровоизлияние в мозг.

E) Закупорка сосудов.

$$$ 16

Translation equivalence is

A) A measure of grammatical similarity between ST and TT.

B)& A measure of semantic similarity between ST and TT.

C) A measure of lexical similarity between ST and TT.

D) A measure of semantic difference between ST and TT.

E) A measure of grammatical difference between ST and TT.

$$$ 17

What is retained in the first type of equivalence:

A) The purport of communication and the indication of the situation.

B) The purport of communication, the identification of the situation and the method of its description.

C) The purport of communication, the identification of the situation, the method of its description, and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

D)& The purport of communication.

E) The purport of communication and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

$$$ 18

What is retained in the second type of equivalence:

A) The purport of communication and the indication of the situation.

B) The purport of communication, the identification of the situation and the method of its description.

C) The purport of communication, the identification of the situation, the method of its description, and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

D) The purport of communication.

E)& The purport of communication and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

$$$ 19

What is retained in the third type of equivalence:

A) The purport of communication and the indication of the situation.

B)& The purport of communication, the identification of the situation and the method of its description.

C) The purport of communication, the identification of the situation, the method of its description, and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

D) The purport of communication.

E) The purport of communication and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

$$$ 20

What is retained in the fourth type of equivalence:

A) The purport of communication and the indication of the situation.

B) The purport of communication, the identification of the situation and the method of its description.

C)& The purport of communication, the identification of the situation, the method of its description, and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

D) The purport of communication.

E) The purport of communication and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

$$$ 21

What is retained in the fifth type of equivalence:

A) The purport of communication and the indication of the situation.

B) The purport of communication, the identification of the situation and the method of its description.

C) The purport of communication, the identification of the situation, the method of its description, and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

D)& The purport of communication, the identification of the situation, the method of its description, and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures; the identical functional aim of the utterance.

E) The purport of communication and the invariant meaning of the syntactic structures.

$$$ 22

How many levels of equivalence are there:

A) 2.

B)& 5.

C) 6.

D) 4.

E) 3.

$$$ 23

Translation equivalence is

A) A measure of grammatical similarity between ST and TT.

B)& A measure of semantic similarity between ST and TT.

C) A measure of lexical similarity between ST and TT.

D) A measure of semantic difference between ST and TT.

E) A measure of grammatical difference between ST and TT.

$$$ 24

Choose the example of cognitive information

A)& 100% of natural resources are used within the country.

B) Tremendous victory.

C) The best employee.

D) He entered the room and her heart.

E) East or west home is best.

$$$ 25

Choose the example of cognitive information

A)& OPEC is known as the multinational organization.

B) Wonderful city of love.

C) Charming destiny.

D) War tonality.

E) Western technology is more suitable for production.

$$$ 26

Choose the example of emotional information

A) OPEC is a multinational organization.

B)& Wonderful city of love.

C) Charming destiny.

D) War tonality.

E) Western technology is more suitable for production.

$$$ 27

Choose the example of emotional information

A) 100% of natural resources are used in our country.

B) Tremendous victory.

C) The best employee.

D) He entered the room and her heart.

E)& This lovely place reminds me about those events.

$$$ 28

Choose the example of aesthetic information

A) Tremendous victory.

B) The best employee.

C)& He entered the room and her heart.

D) This lovely place reminds me about those events.

E) Magnificent and picturesque resort in Russia.

$$$ 29

Choose the example of aesthetic information

A) 100% of natural resources are used in our country.

B) Одним из основных стилеобразующих средств в модерне стал орнамент.

C)& Что за край – молочные реки, кисельные берега.

D) This lovely place reminds me about those events.

E) To plant a tree. To raise a son. To buy Ariston-dialogics.

$$$ 30

Context-free words are mainly found among

A)& Proper and geographical names, titles of magazines and newspapers, names of various firms, organizations, ships, aircraft and among technical terms used by experts in all fields of human endeavour.

B) Proper and geographical names, titles of magazines and newspapers.

C) Titles of magazines and newspapers, names of various firms, organizations, ships, aircraft.

D) Names of various firms, organizations, ships, aircraft.

E) Names of various firms, organizations, ships, aircraft.

$$$ 31

The permanent equivalents of context-free words are often formed by

A) Loan translations.

B) Transcription (with possible elements of transliteration).

C)& Transcription (with possible elements of transliteration) or loan translations.

D) Transliteration.

E) Transliteration and loan translations.

$$$ 32

What is the task of pre-translation analysis:

A) To understand the idea of the text.

B) To make a draft translation.

C)& To understand what kind of text we deal with.

D) To consult with an expert in the given field.

E) To understand and retell the text.

$$$ 33

Choose the basic aspect of pre-translational analysis

A) Collection of time and text creation.

B)& Collection of external data.

C) Analysis of complete text.

D) Find out what kind of text we deal with.

E) Let the reader of translation get enjoy.

$$$ 34

Choose the basic aspect of pre-translational analysis

A)& Define source-recipient relations.

B) Collection of internal data.

C) Analysis of complete text.

D) Find out what kind of text we deal with.

E) Let the reader of translation get enjoy.

$$$ 35

Define the peculiarities of scientific texts

A) Passive constructions, author’s attitude, complex words.

B)& Present tense, terms, complex syntax, passive constructions.

C) Present tense, complex words, spoken literary norm.

D) Rhetorical questions, abbreviations, high density of information.

E) High density of information, neologisms, foreign words.

$$$ 36

Define the peculiarities of popular-scientific texts

A)& Passive voice, narration from the first person, emotional means, means for conveying aesthetic information.

B) Present tense, terms, complex syntax, variety of language means.

C) Present tense, complex words, spoken literary norm.

D) Rhetorical questions, abbreviations, high density of information.

E) High density of information, neologisms, foreign words, direct address to the reader.

$$$ 37

Define the peculiarities of instructions

A) Passive constructions, author’s attitude, complex words.

B) Present tense, terms, complex syntax.

C)& Present tense, specific terms, imperative structures, validity.

D) Rhetorical questions, abbreviations, high density of information.

E) High density of information, neologisms, foreign words.

$$$ 38

Define the types of instructions

A) Medical, juridical, consumer.

B)& Medical, manual consumer for goods, departmental instructions, job description.

C) Job description, medical, consumer for goods.

D) Departmental instructions, hand book, manual for goods, medical.

E) Job description, medical, juridical, manual for goods.

$$$ 39

To what type of instructions does the given abstract refer to: “1.2 Корпоративный секретарь освобождается от занимаемой должности приказом советом директоров Общества”

A) Medical description.

B) Departmental instruction.

C)& Job description.

D) Juridical description.

E) Manual consumer for goods.

$$$ 40

To what type of instructions does the given abstract refer to: “Предусмотренная здесь гарантия распространяется только на первого покупателя или получателя Изделия в течение двух лет с момента его приобретения”

A) Medical description.

B)& Departmental instruction.

C) Job description.

D) Juridical description.

E) Manual consumer for goods.

$$$ 41

To what type of instructions does the given abstract refer to: “Витамин C - таблетки шипучие со вкусом красного апельсина: 1 таб. содержит: аскорбиновая кислота 500 мг; в упаковке 10, 20 или 30 шт”

A)& Medical description.

B) Departmental instruction.

C) Job description.

D) Juridical description.

E) Manual consumer for goods.

$$$ 42

To what type of instructions does the given abstract refer to: “Remove vaporizer from shipping container and take out the safety relief valve and pipe that are attached to the shipping”

A) Medical description.

B) Departmental instruction.

C) Job description.

D) Juridical description.

E)& Manual consumer for goods.

$$$ 43

Define the peculiarities of business correspondence

A)& Forms of politeness, predominance of nouns, great number of clichés.

B) Present tense, terms, complex syntax.

C) Present tense, complex words, spoken literary norm.

D) Forms of farewell, abbreviations, high density of information.

E) High density of information, neologisms, foreign words.

$$$ 44

Choose the right communicative task of business correspondence

A)& To maintain and establish contacts, convey topical information.

B) Inform about business plans.

C) Inform about new authentic data.

D) To establish contacts for making discoveries and support main ideas.

E) To regulate the actions of administrative bodies.

$$$ 45

Define the peculiarities of documents of natural persons and legal entities

A)& Great number of clichés, the absence of emotionally colored lexis, complex syntax, legal terms.

B) Present tense, terms, lofty style, evaluative lexis.

C) Present tense, complex words, spoken literary norm.

D) Clichés, abbreviations, high density of information, non equivocal sentences.

E) High density of information, neologisms, foreign words.

$$$ 46

Define the peculiarities of musicological texts

A)& Passive constructions, present tense, archaic and obsolete words, synesthesia.

B) Present tense, terms, complex syntax, neologisms.

C) Present tense, complex words, spoken literary norm.

D) Rhetorical questions, abbreviations, high density of information.

E) High density of information, synesthesia.

$$$ 47

Define the peculiarities of texts of advertisement

A)& Positive exaggerated evaluation, positive evaluation hyperbole, fashionable words, lexical repetition.

B) Present tense, terms, fashionable words.

C) Spoken literary norm, deviations to lofty style, parallelism.

D) Rhetorical questions, abbreviations, exclamation, unfinished offers.

E) High density of information, neologisms, foreign words.

$$$ 48

What are the examples of documents of natural persons:

A) Passport, birth certificate, contracts, declarations.

B)& Work record book, passport, university diploma, credit book.

C) Rent, contracts, rendering of service, sale and purchase documents.

D) Passport, renting, birth certificate.

E) Rent, contracts, rendering of service, credit book, university diploma.

$$$ 49

What are the examples of documents of legal entities:

A) Passport, birth certificate, contracts, declarations.

B) Work record book, passport, university diploma, credit book.

C)& Rent, contracts, rendering of service, sale and purchase documents.

D) Passport, renting, birth certificate.

E) Rent, contracts, rendering of service, credit book, university diploma.

$$$ 50

Define the peculiarities of media texts

A) Passive constructions, positive exaggerated evaluation, fashionable words, lexical repetition.

B) Present tense, terms, complex syntax.

C) Passive constructions, present tense, archaic and obsolete words, synaesthesia.

D) Rhetorical questions, abbreviations, evaluative style, contamination.

E)& Prevalence of clichés, words with evaluation semantics, phraseological units, fashionable words.

$$$ 51

Define the peculiarities of juridical texts

A) Passive constructions, author’s attitude, complex words.

B) Present tense, terms, complex syntax, evaluative language means.

C)& Present tense, juridical terms, the tautological text cohesion.

D) Abbreviations, high density of information, brackets and numbers.

E) High density of information, juridical terms, prevalence of present tense.

$$$ 52

Define the peculiarities of art texts

A) Passive constructions, present tense, archaic and obsolete words, synesthesia.

B)& Present tense, neologisms, vernacular, abbreviations, jargonisms.

C) Present tense, complex words, spoken literary norm.

D) Rhetorical questions, abbreviations, high density of information.

E) High density of information, synesthesia.

$$$ 53

Define Source-Recipient relations in scientific text

A)& Expert – Expert.

B) Expert- Any adult citizen.

C) People – Any adult citizen.

D) Business partners.

E) Producer of goods – consumer.

$$$ 54

Define Source-Recipient relations in popular scientific text

A) Expert – Expert

B)& Expert- Any adult citizen (incompetent reader).

C) People – Any adult citizen.

D) Business partners.

E) Producer of goods – consumer.

$$$ 55

Define Source-Recipient relations in art text

A) Expert – less competent reader.

B) Expert art critic – expert only.

C)& Expert art critic – expert and amateur.

D) People – Any adult citizen.

E) Business partners.

$$$ 56

Define Source-Recipient relations in aphorisms, proverbs and headlines

A) Expert – less competent reader.

B) Expert art critic – expert only.

C) Expert art critic – expert and amateur.

D)& People, author – Any adult citizen.

E) Business partners.

$$$ 57

Define Source-Recipient relations in instructions

A) Expert – less competent reader.

B)& The manufacturer of the goods, the ministry – worker, patient, consumer.

C) Expert – expert only.

D) Expert art critic – expert and amateur.

E) People, author – Any adult citizen.

$$$ 58

Define Source-Recipient relations in juridical text

A) Expert – lawyer.

B) The manufacturer of the goods, the ministry – worker, patient, consumer.

C) Expert – expert only.

D) Expert art critic – expert and amateur.

E)& Professional lawyer – Any adult citizen.

$$$ 59

Define Source-Recipient relations in business correspondence

A) The manufacturer of the goods, the ministry – worker, patient, consumer.

B) Expert – expert only.

C)& Business partners.

D) People, author – Any adult citizen.

E) Professional lawyer – Any adult citizen.

$$$ 60

Define Source-Recipient relations in documents of NP and LE

A)& Administrative bodies.

B) The manufacturer of the goods, the ministry – worker, patient, consumer.

C) Expert – expert only.

D) Expert art critic – expert and amateur.

E) People, author – Any adult citizen.

$$$ 61

Define Source-Recipient relations in media informational texts

A)& Publishing house – broad masses of population.

B) The manufacturer of the goods, the ministry – worker, patient, consumer.

C) Publishing house – expert only.

D) Expert art critic – expert and amateur.

E) Newspaper – Any adult citizen.

$$$ 62

Define Source-Recipient relations in advertisement text

A) Publishing house – broad masses of population.

B) The manufacturer of the goods, the ministry – worker, patient, consumer.

C)& Company – certain group of people.

D) Expert art critic – expert and amateur.

E) Newspaper – Any adult citizen.

$$$ 63

Which sentence of the given list below refers to scientific text

A)& A prolonged period of under-investment, starting in 1998, may now have come to an end. High prices are encouraging oil companies to change their investment criteria.

B) Depending on the organization's needs, the HR Director often directs administration, and may even be responsible for facility security.

C) Karaganda is often called a "space harbor". Cosmonauts launch into space from from Baykonur cosmodrome.

D) Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement.

E) During this time she has proved herself as an honest and responsible person, fast learner, and a team player.

$$$ 64

Which sentence of the given list below refers to popular scientific text

A) Aprolonged period of under-investment, starting in 1998, may now have come to an end. High prices are encouraging oil companies to change their investment criteria.

B) Depending on your organization's needs, the HR Director often directs administration, including reception, and may even be responsible for facility security and upkeep in addition to space planning.

C)& Karaganda is often called a "space harbor". Cosmonauts launch into space from from Baykonur cosmodrome. D) Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement.

E) During this time she has proved herself as an honest and responsible person, fast learner, and a team player.

$$$ 65

Which sentence of the given list below refers to art text

A) Prolonged period of under-investment, starting in 1998, may now have come to an end.

B) Depending on your organization's needs, the HR Director often directs administration, including reception, and may even be responsible for facility security and upkeep in addition to space planning.

C) Активизируется и гармоническое сопровождение: мотивы в партии левой руки превращаются в ямбические, тогда как раньше они имели слабые окончания.

D) During this time she has proved herself as an honest and responsible person, fast learner, and a team player.

E)& Сюрреалистический канон формулируется в тройственном лозунге: “Любовь, красота, бунт”.

$$$ 66

Which sentence of the given list below refers to aphorisms, proverbs and headlines

A) Why is Rachele Cincinnati's finest Women's store? Because here the customer is the most important article!

B) Depending on your organization's needs, the HR Director often directs administration, including reception, and may even be responsible for facility security and upkeep in addition to space planning.

C)& That which does not destroy us makes us stronger.

D) During this time she has proved herself as an honest and responsible person, fast learner, and a team player.

E) Сюрреалистический канон формулируется в тройственном лозунге: “Любовь, красота, бунт”.

$$$ 67

Which sentence of the given list below refers to instructions

A) Prolonged period of under-investment, starting in 1998, may now have come to an end.

B)& Depending on your organization's needs, the HR Director often directs administration, including reception, and may even be responsible for facility security and upkeep in addition to space planning.

C) Активизируется и гармоническое сопровождение: мотивы в партии левой руки превращаются в ямбические, тогда как раньше они имели слабые окончания.

D) During this time she has proved herself as an honest and responsible person, fast learner, and a team player.

E) In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars.

$$$ 68

Which sentence of the given list below refers to juridical text

A) The HR Director often directs administration, and may even be responsible for facility security.

B) During this time she has proved herself as an honest and responsible person, fast learner, and a team player.

C) 5 января 1992 года настоящая доверенность удостоверена мною, Кузнецовой Т.А., государственным нотариусом 4-й Карагандинской государственной нотариальной конторы.

D) In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars.

E)& The Convention is child-centric and deals with the child-specific needs and rights.

$$$ 69

Which sentence of the given list below refers to business correspondence

A) During this time she has proved herself as an honest and responsible person, fast learner, and a team player.

B) Доверенность удостоверена мною, Кузнецовой Т.А., государственным нотариусом.

C) In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars.

D) The Convention is child-centric and deals with the child-specific needs and rights.

E)& I’m writing following the meeting on the 21st of June in which we discussed, Cepsa's business opportunity.

$$$ 70

Which sentence of the given list below refers to documents of NP or LE

A) A teacher is better than two books.

B)& 5 января 1992 года настоящая доверенность удостоверена мною, Кузнецовой Т.А., государственным нотариусом 4-й Карагандинской государственной нотариальной конторы.

C) In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars.

D) The Convention is child-centric and deals with the child-specific needs and rights.

E) I’m writing following the meeting on the 21st of June in which we discussed, Cepsa's business opportunity.

$$$ 71

Which sentence of the given list below refers to media informational texts

A) In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without heart.

B)& Every day, Bill Higgins, co-owner of Real Restaurants - a group of 13 San Francisco eateries including the popular Fog City Diner - confronts the reality of food inflation. “Prices have increased, whether it’s flour, corn”.

C) The Convention is child-centric and deals with the child-specific needs and rights.

D) Melody is organized to deal with changing harmonies that accompany it, setting up consonance and dissonance.

E) 5 января 1992 года настоящая доверенность удостоверена мною, Кузнецовой Т.А., государственным нотариусом 4-й Карагандинской государственной нотариальной конторы.

$$$ 72

Which sentence of the given list below refers to advertisement text

A) In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without heart.

B) Every day, Bill Higgins, co-owner of Real Restaurants - a group of 13 San Francisco eateries including the popular Fog City Diner - confronts the reality of food inflation.

C)& Вы хотите общаться на английском, знакомиться с новыми людьми, быть всегда в курсе жизни города.

D) Melody is organized to deal with changing harmonies that accompany it, setting up consonance and dissonance.

E) 5 января 1992 года настоящая доверенность удостоверена мною, Кузнецовой Т.А., государственным нотариусом 4-й Карагандинской государственной нотариальной конторы.

$$$ 73

Which sentence of the given list below refers to musicological text

A) In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without heart.

B) Every day, Bill Higgins, co-owner of Real Restaurants - a group of 13 San Francisco eateries including the popular Fog City Diner - confronts the reality of food inflation.

C) Вы хотите общаться на английском, знакомиться с новыми людьми, быть всегда в курсе жизни города.

D)& Melody is organized to deal with changing harmonies accompanying it, setting up consonance and dissonance.

E) 5 января 1992 года настоящая доверенность удостоверена мною, Кузнецовой Т.А., государственным нотариусом 4-й Карагандинской государственной нотариальной конторы.

$$$ 74

What 3 groups can we divide the transformations into:

A)& Lexical, grammatical and lexical-grammatical.

B) Lexical, grammatical and phonetical.

C) Lexical, grammatical and phraseological.

D) Grammatical, phraseological and phonetical.

E) No correct answer.

$$$ 75

What technique is meant: a phrase borrowed from another language and translated literally word-for-word:

A) Literal translation.

B) Borrowing.

C) Transliteration.

D) Transcription.

E)& Loan translation.

$$$ 76

What text types does the classification by K. Reiss include:

A) Informative, operative, audiomedial.

B) Expressive, operative, audiomedial.

C) Informative, expressive, operative, audiovisual.

D) Informative, expressive, operative.

E)& Informative, expressive, operative, audiomedial.

$$$ 77

In what type of translation does the translating start after the original speech or some part of it has been completed:

A) Simultaneous translation.

B) Written translation.

C)& Consecutive translation.

D) Informative translation.

E) Literary translation.

$$$ 78

In what type of translation is the interpreter supposed to be able to give his translation while the speaker is uttering the original message:

A)& Simultaneous translation.

B) Written translation.

C) Consecutive translation.

D) Informative translation.

E) Literary translation.

$$$ 79

What type of translation involves the use of special equipment:

A) Literary translation.

B) Written translation.

C) Consecutive translation.

D) Informative translation.

E)& Simultaneous translation.

$$$ 80

The process of putting down precocious information…

A) Oral translation.

B) Translation aid.

C)& Translator’s note-taking.

D) Translation memory.

E) Translator’s memory.

$$$ 81

Precocious information usually consists of...

A) The longest words.

B)& Personal names, dates, figures and numbers.

C) Text type information.

D) Pictures.

E) The most important information.

$$$ 82

Dubbing and subtitling are the subtypes of…

A) Oral translation.

B) Web site translation.

C) Written translation.

D) Simultaneous translation.

E)& Film translation.

$$$ 83

What does the following definition describe: “… the process of modifying an existing product to make it accessible, usable and culturally suitable to a target audience...”

A) Film translation.

B) Product adaptation.

C) Specialized translation.

D) Brand translation.

E)& Product localization.

$$$ 84

The translation models are used because…

A) They make translation easier.

B) The mental processes of translation are directly observable.

C)& The mental processes of translation are not directly observable.

D) They help to translate correctly.

E) The mental processes are not directly connected with translation.

$$$ 85

The situational model is also known as…

A)& Denotative.

B) Transformational.

C) Dynamic.

D) Structural.

E) Sanguage correspondence model.

$$$ 86

Which of the translation models considers the process of translation as an act of two-language communication:

A)& Communication.

B) Information.

C) Situational.

D) Transformational.

E) Language correspondence.

$$$ 87

Which of the translation models postulates that, in any two languages, there is a number of nuclear structures which are fully equivalent to each other:

A) Communication.

B) Information.

C) Situational.

D)& Transformational.

E) Language correspondence.

$$$ 88

The psycho-linguistic classification distinguishes…

A)& Oral and written translation.

B) Psychological and linguistic translation.

C) Literary and informative translation.

D) Oral and literary translation.

E) Oral and simultaneous translation.

$$$ 89

The genre-and-style classification distinguishes…

A) Oral and written translation.

B) Psychological and linguistic translation.

C)& Literary and informative translation.

D) Oral and literary translation.

E) Oral and simultaneous translation.

$$$ 90

The main function of literary translation is…

A) To deal with literary texts.

B) To render into the target language non-literary texts.

C) To convey a certain amount of ideas.

D)& To make an emotional or aesthetic impression upon the reader.

E) To bring out more specific problems in translation.

$$$ 91

The main function of informative translation is…

A) To deal with literary texts.

B) To render into the target language non-literary texts.

C)& To convey a certain amount of ideas.

D) To make an emotional or aesthetic impression upon the reader.

E) To bring out more specific problems in translation.

$$$ 92

The translation of an air conditioner user guide is…

A) Literary translation.

B) Linguistic translation.

C) Simultaneous translation.

D)& Informative translation.

E) Consecutive translation.

$$$ 93

The translation of “Romeo and Juliet” is…

A)& Literary translation.

B) Linguistic translation.

C) Simultaneous translation.

D) Informative translation.

E) Consecutive translation.

$$$ 94

The translation of a financing agreement is…

A) Literary translation.

B) Linguistic translation.

C) Simultaneous translation.

D)& Informative translation.

E) Consecutive translation.

$$$ 95

The translation of a medical certificate is…

A) Literary translation.

B) Linguistic translation.

C) Simultaneous translation.

D)& Informative translation.

E) Consecutive translation.

$$$ 96

What is the presumption of semantic identity based on:

A) Various degrees of translation.

B)& Various degrees of equivalence.

C) Various degrees of adequacy.

D) Various degrees of pragmatics.

E) Various degrees of comprehensibility.

$$$ 97

What is structural parallelism:

A)& The structure of the translation should follow that of the original text.

B) The structure of the original text should follow that of the translation.

C) The structure of the translation should follow that of all the original texts.

D) The structure of the original text should follow that of all the translated text of the same type.

E) The structure of the translation should not follow that of the original text.

$$$ 98

Who is the author of the communicative approach to translation:

A) J. Catford.

B)& V. Komissarov.

C) R. Jacobson.

D) E. Nida.

E) M. Snell-Hornby.

$$$ 99

Whose definition of translation emphasizes the creative role of a translator:

A) J. Catford.

B) V. Komissarov.

C)& I. Alekseyeva.

D) E. Nida.

E) M. Snell-Hornby.

$$$ 100

Fill in the blank with the most suitable word: Having exchanged opinions, _______ both parties enter into this Agreement.

A) Agreed.

B) Thereof.

C)& Hereby.

D) Herein.

E) The same.

$$$ 101

To observe the phenomenon of translating and translations is Translation Studies ___________ .

A) Subject.

B)& Object.

C) Task.

D) Structure.

E) Aim.

$$$ 102

What does the special theory of translation study:

A) Studying of general principles of translation.

B) Studying of target text to source text adequacy.

C) Studying of practical aspects of translating activity.

D)& Studying of certain types of translation.

E) Studying of principles of a certain pair of languages.

$$$ 103

What does the particular theory of translation study:

A) Studying of general principles of translation.

B) Studying of target text to source text adequacy.

C) Studying of practical aspects of translating activity.

D) Studying of certain types of translation.

E)& Studying of principles of a certain pair of languages.

$$$ 104

What parts does Holmes divide Translation Studies:

A) Theoretical and descriptive.

B) Applied and general.

C) General and partial.

D)& Pure and applied.

E) Applied and theoretical.

$$$ 105

‘… a written or spoken expression of the meaning of a word, speech, book, etc. in another language…’ This definition describes translation as a _____.

A) Process.

B)& Product.

C) Phenomenon.

D) Object.

E) Subject.

$$$ 106

Which of the levels of ST and TT identity is based on the other two:

A) Structural.

B) Semantic.

C)& Functional.

D) A and B.

E) A and C.

$$$ 107

Magazine = Магазин. This is an example of the source language interference at the level of _____.

A) Grammar.

B)& Terminology.

C) Culture.

D) Phonology.

E) Poetics.

$$$ 108

What French humanist was executed for his ‘error’ in the Bible translation:

A) J. Darbelnet.

B) M. Luther.

C) Voltaire.

D)& E. Dolet.

E) J.P. Vinay.

$$$ 109

How many key periods are there in the history of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world:

A) 1.

B) 2.

C)& 3.

D) 4.

E) 5.

$$$ 110

What discipline is Translation Studies interconnected most of all with:

A) Philosophy.

B) Literary studies.

C)& Linguistics.

D) Culture studies.

E) Language engineering .

$$$ 111

Relative notion which, despite obvious differences in linguistic structure meaning can still be adequately expressed across languages.

A) Untranslatability.

B)& Translatability.

C) Adequacy.

D) Pragmatics.

E) Comprehensibility.

$$$ 112

Is the target text fully identical to the source text:

A) Yes.

B) Not always.

C) Seldom.

D) Completely.

E)& No.

$$$ 113

What is the second universal of translation but the law of growing standardization:

A) The law of understanding.

B) The law of communication.

C) The law of high standards.

D)& The law of interference.

E) The law of situation.

$$$ 114

How many key periods in the history of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world:

A) 1.

B) 2.

C)& 3.

D) 4.

E) 5.

$$$ 115

What is the name of the period which is characterized by studying aphorisms and sayings of the translators:

A)& Prescientific.

B) Ancient.

C) Scientific.

D) Greek.

E) Prehistoric.

$$$ 116

What country was a special translators training school established for the first time:

A) Ancient Greece.

B) Ancient Sumer.

C)& Ancient Egypt.

D) Babylon.

E) Assyria.

$$$ 117

Sense-for-sense translation means _________

A) Oral translation.

B)& Literal translation.

C) Written translation.

D) Contextual translation.

E) Faithful translation.

$$$ 118

What scientist reduced all translation to three categories: metaphase, paraphrase and imitation:

A)& Dryden.

B) Denham.

C) Cowley.

D) Dolet.

E) Cicero.

$$$ 119

How many principles of translation did Etienne Dolet offer:

A) 1.

B) 2.

C) 3.

D) 4.

E)& 5.

$$$ 120

What does the applied translation study:

A) Studying of general principles of translation.

B) Studying of target text to source text adequacy.

C)& Studying of practical aspects of translating activity.

D) Studying of certain types of translation.

E) Studying of principles of a certain pair of languages.

$$$ 121

Translation is ___________.

A)& A means of interlingual communication.

B) An object of phonetic research.

C) The phenomenon that cannot be described.

D) Physical demonstration of grammar and lexicon of a language.

E) The study of words.

$$$ 122

Translation Studies formed as a science in ____________

A) The XIXth century.

B) The second half of the XIXth century.

C) The beginning of the XXth century.

D)& The second half of the XXth century.

E) The XXIst century.

$$$ 123

Who was the author of the book „Toward a Science of Translating“:

A)& Nida.

B) Chomsky.

C) Darbelnet.

D) Vinay.

E) Malblanc.

$$$ 124

Forewords, afterwords and comments of translator for their translations belong to ________.