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376 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

on clinical examination features and structural imaging may fail to identify such changes in brain dynamics arising in the setting of abnormal connective topologies induced by severe injuries.


Decisions concerning care for patients with severe disorders of consciousness necessarily involve surrogates. Family members, friends, or other intimates must make decisions about care or its withdrawal. In this section, we consider the special challenges faced by those decision makers entrusted with the care of a patient with a disorder of consciousness and describe what practitioners might do to ease their burden by improving communication.

Surrogate Decision Making,

Perceptions, and Needs

A surrogate decision maker is a person, other than the patient, who directs care when the patient is unable to provide consent. Under prevailing legal and ethical norms, surrogate decisions should be based on what is known about the patient’s expressed choices when he or she was able to give informed consent.164 Thus, surrogates should follow expressed wishes of the patient when they are known and invoke substituted judgment, what is believed or inferred about patient choices, when actual preferences are unknown. In the absence of evidence of prior wishes or known patient values, surrogates should invoke a best interests standard, intended to represent what an average person would do when confronted by prevailing circumstances.

When working with surrogates, the physician must determine who among many has standing and priority.165 A surrogate designated by the patient through an advance directive has precedence over other potential decision makers because he or she was expressly chosen by the patient. This exercise of patient selfdetermination can take place through an advance directive, variably called a durable power

attorney for health care, health care agent, or health care proxy.166 Alternately, a patient without a designated surrogate can express preferences in a living will. A living will details patient wishes, but does not authorize a designated spokesperson. If there is no designated surrogate, family members and close friends are selected in order of their relationship to the patient (spouse > parents > children > siblings > other relatives > friends).

The importance of advance care planning, or the use of living wills or health care proxies, has been inextricably linked to prominent legal cases involving patients in a VS. In the Cruzan case, which considered the withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration in a young woman in a persistent VS, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor first suggested a greater role for advance care planning, a mechanism for patients to express their wishes before decisional incapacity. The lack of such an advance directive became part of the conflict in the now well-known case of Terri Schiavo, who remained in a permanent VS following a cardiac arrest and anoxic brain injury in 1990.167 Her case gained national prominence in 2003 and again in 2005 when family members disputed the propriety of removing her feeding tube. Multiple courts ruled that her prior wishes were known and that her husband, who advocated the removal of her percutaneous gastrostomy, was the appropriate surrogate decision maker under state law. Nonetheless, the tragedy of that family dispute illustrated the utility of talking about preferences in advance and sharing wishes with one’s family and friends. Prompting discussions ahead of incapacity is a lesson for the

general medical and neurology outpatient clinics as much as it is for the neurology ICU.168,169

Even without an advance directive surrogate designate, the ethical challenge of determining the best course of action remains. Surrogates balance their knowledge of the patient’s pref-

erences with their own sense of prognosis and likely outcome,170 as it is unusual for the pa-

tient to have anticipated the precise set of circumstances in advance. When the patient is comatose, surrogates may step forward and authorize a DNR order and pursue a less aggressive course of care than in an awake patient. However, in one study, only 32% of patients had consented to their own DNR orders; in the remaining cases, 64% had been put in place by a surrogate, and 5% by physicians alone.171 This

Consciousness, Mechanisms Underlying Outcomes, and Ethical Considerations


figure is comparable to a study a decade earlier in which only 30% of patients discussed resuscitation with a physician prior to a cardiac arrest.172 Thus, the decision on DNR orders frequently rests on the shoulders of the surrogate.

Because perception of outcome hinges so strongly on the question of recovery of consciousness, the physician must communicate to surrogates the best estimate of the likelihood and degree of recovery, or conversely the inevitability of death or permanent VS. This is easier said than done as indicated in previous sections of this chapter. Moreover, it is important to recognize that the right to die (i.e., the negative right to be left alone) was established through cases involving patients in the VS.173 In addressing the case of Karen Anne Quinlan in 1976, the New Jersey Supreme Court asserted that the justification of the removal of her

ventilator was predicated upon her irreversible loss of a ‘‘cognitive sapient state. ’’174,175 The

identification of VS with medical futility allowed surrogates to be granted the discretion to withdraw life-sustaining therapy.176

This historical legacy may lead in some cases to a diagnostic and therapeutic nihilism, in which diagnostic categories that are relevant are conflated and confused. VS is but one of many disorders of consciousness; patients who are vegetative may progress to permanence or move on to the minimally conscious state or another level of brain function. Because of the importance of consciousness to surrogate decision makers and the value placed on the ‘‘cognitive sapient state,’’ it is important to strive toward diagnostic accuracy and precision. This is particularly important as evolving knowledge indicates that obtaining an accurate diagnosis of MCS may strongly alter prognosis

for some patients, particularly those recovering from traumatic brain injury.77,79 As more

attention is paid to the varying outcomes of coma, it is likely that practice norms will be influenced.

decision-making process with surrogates. It is especially critical that surrogates understand that the probability of the recovery of consciousness is dynamic and depends on considerations of etiology of injury, structural patterns of brain injury, and duration of the clinical state. Physicians should use their knowledge to orchestrate strategic discussions at key clinical milestones that have prognostic and diagnostic importance, recognizing that for the most part, these categorizations remain crude and mostly descriptive. Because of the rudimentary nature of this emerging nosology, it is inevitable that patients with variable injuries and outcomes will be included in diagnostic categories that are too broad and heterogeneous. This can make prediction difficult and undermine laudable efforts to achieve greater diagnostic refinement and precision.177

For these reasons, a delicate balance needs to be achieved between too quickly foreclosing any prospect of recovery and the offering of false hope. Even ‘‘favorable’’ outcomes, marked by survival and recovery, force difficult quality-of-life choices for those whose existence has been irrevocably altered by a disorder of consciousness and most often an alteration of the self. Translating the medical facts that are provided by clinicians into such choices is the work of surrogates.

The physician’s function, assisted by members of the interdisciplinary team needed to care for these patients and the families, is simultaneously to preserve the right to die while also affirming the right to care.177 This means respecting the decisions of surrogates when they believe that ongoing life-sustaining therapy would result in an existence that would have been unacceptable to the patient or inconsistent with their prior wishes. Patients should receive the appropriate amount of clinical care, diagnostic and interventional, that allows for informed decisions about treatment options, whether it be under the rubric of an informed consent or informed refusal of care.

Professional Obligations

and Diagnostic Discernment

It is the professional obligation of the physician caring for individuals with a disorder of consciousness to bring evolving scientific knowledge to the bedside and use it to inform the

Time-Delimited Prognostication

and Evolving Brain States: Framing

the Conversation

To ensure that these decisions are indeed informed, it is essential to ensure that there is proper information flow between clinical staff

378 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

and surrogates when clinical findings warrant discussion or when a prognostic milestone is reached. How much information is conveyed to achieve this objective and how determinative it can be will depend upon clinical circumstances. For example, it may be justified to provide an early and definitive prognosis of permanent unconsciousness or death while a patient is comatose following an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and if there are clear negative prognostic predictors including loss of pupillary function and corneal reflexes and bilateral absence of somatosensory-evoked responses.

In contrast, it would be inappropriate, and premature, to offer a conclusive prognosis in the comatose traumatic brain injury patient who demonstrates brainstem function and appears to be moving quickly into VS. The rate of recovery of such patients may warrant a cautiously optimistic approach70 delineated by a prognostic time trial in which the clinician gives a timedelimited prognosis. Time-delimited prognoses are contingent upon the patient’s continued evolution by certain temporal milestones.

To prepare for and organize such discussions with surrogates, we focus on major clinical and temporal milestones, which are important occasions for speaking with surrogates about the patient’s current status and goals of care.

Brain death involves the most straightforward decision making. In brain death, there are no clinical goals of care as the patient cannot benefit from further therapeutic efforts and the focus for the practitioner should be to communicate these facts and address specific religious or moral concerns in individual cases. Although widely accepted in professional circles, the concept of brain death is not well understood among lay people when consent for organ donation is sought.178 A more challenging issue is that some segments of our society reject this definition of death, most notably members of some orthodox religious groups and others with cultural roots in Asia, most notably Japan, which has only recently legalized brain death determinations.179,180 Two states, New Jersey and New York, have accommodation clauses to accommodate religious and moral objections to determination of death by brain death testing, with New Jersey exempting this standard when it would violate religious beliefs. Working with surrogates who reject brain death standards requires cultural sensitivity and the use

of cultural intermediaries to enhance communication.181

When speaking with surrogate decision makers for a comatose patient, it is important to be as specific about potential outcomes given the nature and etiology of the causative event or process while leaving open the indeterminacy of potential recovery based on time-limited observations of brain state. Because the exact fate of an individual patient for recovery or permanent unconsciousness is often indeterminate, the evolution of brain states from coma to vegetative and minimally conscious states to recovery without independence to full recovery needs to be stressed. The time evolution of states is often not appreciated by surrogates who may be unduly pessimistic or optimistic. At this juncture, it may be prudent to caution surrogates to avoid making a potentially premature decision and waiting until prognostication can be informed by how and when the patient evolves from coma.

Progression from coma to the vegetative state does not herald additional improvement and recovery. This is a natural state of progression in nearly all comatose patients, and movement into VS is an important clinical milestone that requires explanation. Surrogates need to appreciate that the behaviors that are seen in VS, such as sleep-wake cycles, blinking, roving eye movements, or the startle reflex, are not purposeful and do not indicate consciousness or awareness of self, others, or the environment.182 This is a hard concept for lay people to understand. It can be explained and emphasized that these are automatic behaviors, much like breathing and the maintenance of a heartbeat, controlled by brainstem activity. Making these distinctions is important when the patient first enters VS, lest these behaviors be understood as evidence of awareness or consciousness.

Discussion should emphasize that although VS, which is as yet unmodified, may become labeled as persistent once it has persisted for 1 month, it is not predicted to be permanent until 3 months following anoxic injury, or 12 months when the etiology is traumatic brain injury.183 In the competently assessed patient, it is clinically and ethically appropriate to assert that patients become permanently vegetative when they pass through these time intervals.66 Although the 1994 Multisociety Task Force

opined that ‘‘the persistent VS is a diagnosis and that the permanent VS is a prognosis,’’64,65

Consciousness, Mechanisms Underlying Outcomes, and Ethical Considerations


because of exceedingly rare outlier cases of late recovery from PVS, it is reasonable to maintain the permanent VS as a viable diagnostic category if an appropriate assessment has been made to be sure that the patient is not in the minimally conscious state.

The minimally conscious state presents perhaps the greatest current challenge for communication of prognosis. Although MCS is a recognized plateau from which patients may regain consistent evidence of consciousness; an awareness of self, others, and their environment; and, most critically, the ability to engage in functional communication, the wide clinical spectrum of MCS184 includes some patients who will permanently remain unable to communicate yet retain some aspects of awareness. Because of this complexity, ethical norms for addressing patients in MCS are only now evolving and likely to change as diagnostic precision improves and therapeutic avenues open for some subcategories of patients. The recovery of functional communication appears to represent the principal goal of many but not all surrogates70,185 involved in the care of MCS patients (additional endpoints include self-feeding, pain control, and emotional reactivity, among others). Surrogates may appropriately express the concern that waiting for further recovery from MCS may limit later opportunities to withdraw care so as not to abridge the patient’s prospective wishes not to remain in VS or MCS if the condition were to be permanent.186 Addressing these challenges will require further engagement of surrogates, physicians, and policy makers to consider palliative goals of care for the severely brain-injured patient.187

Emergence from MCS is a major milestone for several key reasons. First, when patients arrive at this functional level, they are able consistently to engage others. This will make the question of whether or not the patient is conscious indisputable and not open to charges of familial emotionality or denial. Second, at this more recovered state of consciousness, patients more fully recapture personhood lost as the result of their injury. As the philosopher William Winslade has observed in an early exploration of ethical issues following traumatic brain injury, ‘‘Being persons requires having a personality, being aware of our selves and our surroundings, and possessing human capacities, such as memory, emotions,

and the ability to communicate and interact with other people.’’187a An additional point about emergence from MCS is that the potential for recovery is open ended and unpredictable. Functional capability beyond mere emergence is an area of active research with emerging evidence that the level of early impaired self-awareness may be considered as a marker for predicting complex functional activities later in the course of recovery from traumatic brain injury.188 Thus, there is a need for ongoing assessment of capabilities and continuing physical and occupational therapy for patients who have managed to recover to this state.

A final note on diagnostics is in order. Families may want confirmatory studies to convince them of the solidity of the clinical diagnosis, trusting the ‘‘objectivity’’ of a scan over the analysis of the clinician. Expectations are raised by the advent of ‘‘neuroethics’’ articles in the popular culture asserting the potential of neuroimaging technologies to read minds and refine marketing techniques.189 Because of these trends, surrogates may invest imaging technologies with more diagnostic ability than they currently possess and seek clearcut answers through this visual medium. It is important to be clear that the diagnosis and assessment of patients with disorders of consciousness is a clinical task informed by a competent history and neurologic examination. Although desperate families may request them, as of this writing, neuroimaging studies are only applied in research settings and at best can be ancillary to clinical evaluation. They must be interpreted in light of the history and physical examination. It is important to be transparent when discussing the capabilities of current technology to assess brain states; indicate that this is an active area of research and caution that many of the experimental protocols portrayed in the media are being utilized in patients who have already been diagnostically assessed.190

Family Dynamics and Philosophic


Beyond questions about the process of making decisions and the professional obligation to exchange information with surrogates, it is also important to appreciate that probabilities about

380 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

survival and functional status do not translate easily into choices about human values. Sharing prognostic probabilities is not, in itself, sufficient to improve the deliberative process or to effect outcome decisions.

Given the complexity of the decision-making process, this is not wholly unexpected. The quality of how information was conveyed is difficult to assess and may be as critical as what has been conveyed. Families may be distrustful of clinicians and systems of care that are not designed for longitudinal chronic care.177 They may have been the recipients of misinformation about the patient’s brain state and be wary of family meetings that they worry might try to engineer a decision to withhold or withdraw care.

These would be formidable challenges even if there were continuity of care and ongoing doctor-patient/family relationships. In the setting of shifting venues of care from the acute hospital setting to rehabilitation and long-term care facilities, the challenge of building trust is formidable. To help build such relationships, it is critical to be empathic and supportive and try to imagine what has eloquently been described as ‘‘the loneliness of the long-term caregiver’’191 faced with social isolation and family members whose injury has altered them and their relationships with those who hold them dear. These longitudinal stresses and the dependency of loved ones, coupled with the prognostic uncertainties, require compassion when working with families touched by a disorder of consciousness.

Surrogates will articulate a broad range of preferences depending on the patient’s values and their own sense of what constitutes proportionate care, from the rejection of brain death to the decision to remove artificial nutrition and hydration in a patient who is in a minimally conscious state. In most cases, however, most surrogates will struggle with the more nuanced question of the degree of loss of self that would make a life worth living.

This is a highly personal question. Families may benefit by your asking them to consider the ability to relate to others in the context of a broader consideration about the goals of care. This level is not reached until the patient has recovered to the upper end of MCS or emerged from that state. Although all may not agree with the centrality of functional communication, this may be a helpful goal of care when speaking with family members. Appreciating the cen-

trality of functional communication will also help to identify those patients who retain this ability but need assistive devices or special techniques to relate to others.96 One of the most egregious diagnostic errors that can be made in this area of clinical practice is to mistake a locked-in patient for one who is vegetative.98 Locked-in patients retain the ability for functional communication but need to be recognized in order to mobilize emerging technologies that can correlate eye movements, or even electrical brain activity, to the choice of

letters on a computer screen, and thereby help locked-in patients to communicate.94,192

Working toward the achievement of functional communication can also help delineate objectives and time frames against which this level of function needs to be achieved lest it simply remain an elusive hope. For example, if it is agreed that functional communication is a goal of care, it might be prudent to continue to follow a patient for a year following traumatic injury in order for a patient to have the greatest chance of moving into the minimally conscious state from which a capability of functional communication might take root. If a patient remains vegetative a year after injury, the substantially reduced chances of attaining the communicative goal would help support a decision to withdraw care.

In all of these conversations, it may be helpful to reach out to the hospital’s ethics committee, which will have additional expertise to help surrogates interpret technical information, such as patient diagnosis and prognosis, in light of the patient’s prior wishes, preferences, and values.


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