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326 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

laboratory. It usually is advisable to adjust both electrolyte and acid-base imbalances slowly, since too rapid correction often leads to overshoot or intracellular-extracellular imbalances and worsens the clinical situation.92

Drug overdose is a common cause of coma in patients brought to an emergency room. Many emergency departments can provide a rapid assessment of toxic drugs (Table 7–6).93 Most of these drugs are not rapidly lethal but, because they are respiratory depressants, they risk producing respiratory arrest or circulatory depression at any time. Therefore, no stuporous or comatose patient suspected of having ingested sedative drugs should ever be left alone. This is particularly true in the minutes immediately following the initial examination; the stimulation delivered by the examining physician may arouse the patient to a state in which he or she appears relatively alert or his or her respiratory function appears normal, only to lapse into coma with depressed breathing when external stimulation ceases. The management of specific drug poisonings is beyond the scope of this chapter,88,94 but certain general principles apply to all patients suspected of having ingested sedative drugs. The type of medication influences the treatment and its duration. Accordingly, search the patient and ask relatives or the police to search the patient’s living quarters for potentially toxic agents, or empty medication vials that might have contained sedative drugs. Both respiratory and cardiovascular failure may occur with massive sedative drug overdose. Anticipation and early treatment of these complications often smooth the clinical course. Insert an endotracheal tube in any stuporous or comatose patient suspected of drug overdose and be certain that an apparatus for respiratory support is available in case of acute respiratory failure. The placement of a central venous line allows one to maintain an adequate blood volume without overloading the patient. Give generous amounts of fluid to maintain blood volume and blood pressure, but avoid overhydrating oliguric patients. Place a pulse oximeter on the finger, but also measure arterial blood gases; a difference between the two (oxygen saturation gap) may indicate poisoning. Carbon monoxide, methemoglobin, cyanide, and hydrogen sulfide cause an increased oxygen saturation gap.

Once the vital signs have been stabilized, one should attempt to remove, neutralize, or reverse the effects of the drug. Attempts to remove poi-

son from the gastrointestinal tract and thus prevent absorption have included inducing vomiting with syrup of ipecac,95 gastric lavage,96 cathartics,97 activated charcoal ingestion,98 and whole bowel irrigation.99 Position papers from the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology and the European Association of Poison Centers and Clinical Toxicologists indicate a lack of evidence that inducing vomiting is helpful; it is contraindicated in patients with a decreased level or impending loss of consciousness.95 They concluded that gastric lavage should not be employed routinely, but could be considered in patients who have ingested a potentially lifethreatening amount of a poison within an hour of the time they are to be treated.96 However, aspiration is a common complication, and so patients with impaired consciousness should be intubated first. Cathartics have no role in the management of the poisoned patient.97 A single dose of activated charcoal (50 g) can be administered to a patient with an intact or protected airway but it will not efficiently adsorb acid, alkali, ethanol, ethylene glycol, iron, lithium, or methanol. Multiple doses of charcoal administered at an initial dose of 50 to 100 g, and then at a rate of not less than 12.5 g/hour via nasogastric tube, may be indicated when patients have ingested a life-threatening amount of carbamazepine, dapsone, phenobarbital, quinine, or theophylline. In addition to eliminating drugs from the small bowel, the agents may interrupt the enteroenteric and, in some cases, the enterohepatic circulation of drugs.100 Whole bowel irrigation using polyethylene glycol electrolyte solutions may decrease the bioavailability of ingested drugs, particularly enteric-coated or sustained-release drugs.99

Intravenous sodium bicarbonate in amounts sufficient to produce a urine pH of 7.5 promotes the elimination of salicylate, phenobarbital, and chlorpropamide.101 For very severe poisoning with barbiturates, glutethimide, salicylates, or alcohol, hemodialysis or hemoperfusion may be necessary.100,101 Although acetaminophen does not by itself cause impaired consciousness, it may be included in opioid combinations (e.g., acetaminophen with codeine or oxycodone), and is often included in polydrug overdoses. Doses above 5 g in adults may cause acute hepatic injury, especially if combined with other hepatotoxins such as ethanol, and when acetaminophen overdose is suspected, the patient should be treated with N-acetylcysteine as well.103

Approach to Management of the Unconscious Patient


Psychogenic Unresponsiveness

Psychogenic unresponsiveness is characterized by a normal neurologic examination, including normal waking oculocephalic and oculovestibular responses. Once one has considered the possibilityofpsychogenicunresponsivenessandperformed the appropriate neurologic examination, little difficulty arises in making the definitive diagnosis. If the patient meets the clinical criteria for psychogenic unresponsiveness, no further laboratory tests are required. If, however, there is still some question after the examination, an EEG is the most helpful diagnostic test. An EEG that shows normal alpha activity inhibited by eye opening and other stimuli strongly supports the diagnosis of psychogenic unresponsiveness. The Amytal interview (see Chapter 6) may be both diagnostic and therapeutic. In emergency evaluation of the unresponsive patient, the Amytal interview may establish the diagnosis and ‘‘wake the patient up,’’ so that one may begin more definitive treatment. However, it also breaks down a major psychologic defense, and should only be done in conjunction with definitive psychiatric treatment. Hence, it is necessary to secure emergency psychiatric consultation, and often the patient must be admitted to the psychiatric service. The physician must evaluate thoroughly the patient’s physical state to rule out coexisting organic disease; psychogenic unresponsiveness often occurs in a setting of serious medical illness.


This chapter has presented a physiologic approach to the differential diagnosis and the emergency management of the stuporous and comatose patient. The approach is based on the belief that after a history and a general physical and neurologic examination, the informed physician can, with reasonable confidence, place the patient into one of four major groups of illnesses that cause coma. The specific group into which the patient is placed directs the rest of the diagnostic evaluation and treatment. At times, however, the diagnosis is uncertain even after the examination is completed, and it is necessary to defer even the preliminary categorization of patients until the imaging or metabolic tests are carried out and the most serious infections or

metabolic abnormalities have been considered. If there is any suspicion of a mass lesion, immediate imaging is mandatory despite the absence of focal signs. Conversely, the presence of hemiplegia or other focal signs does not rule out metabolic disease, especially hypoglycemia. At all times during the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of a patient who is stuporous or comatose, the physician must ask himor herself whether the diagnosis could possibly be wrong and whether he or she needs to seek consultation or undertake other diagnostic or therapeutic measures. Fortunately, with constant attention to the changing state of consciousness and a willingness to reconsider the situation minute by minute, few mistakes should be made.


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Approach to Management of the Unconscious Patient


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Chapter 8

Brain Death



Brainstem Function

Confirmatory Laboratory Tests

and Diagnosis

Diagnosis of Brain Death in Profound

Anesthesia or Coma of Undetermined


Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Brain Death



Since Mollaret and Goulon1 first examined the question in 1959, investigators have tried to establish criteria that would accurately and unequivocally determine that the brain is dead or about to die no matter what therapeutic measures one might undertake. Since that time, several committees and reviewers have sought to establish appropriate clinical and laboratory criteria for brain death based on retrospective analyses. The earliest widely known definition is that of the 1968 Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School to examine the criteria of brain death (called, at the time, ‘‘irreversible coma’’2) (Table 8–1). At present, in the United States the principle that brain death is equivalent to the death of the person is established under the Uniform Determination of Death Act.3 (In fact, all death is brain death. An artificial heart can keep a patient alive. If all the organs, save the brain, were artificial, that individual would still be alive. Conversely, when the brain is dead, sustaining the other organs

by artificial means is simply preserving a dead body and not keeping the individual alive. Thus, although this chapter uses the term brain death, the term as we use it carries the same import as death.) Detailed evidence-based guidelines and practice parameters for the clinical diagnosis of brain death are available from the American Academy of Neurology online (http://www.aan


Three medical considerations emphasize the importance of the concept of brain death: (1) transplant programs require the donation of healthy peripheral organs for success. The early diagnosis of brain death before the systemic circulation fails allows the salvage of such organs. However, ethical and legal considerations demand that if one is to declare the brain dead, the criteria must be clear and unassailable. (2) Even if there were no transplant programs, the ability of modern medicine to keep a body functioning for extended periods often leads to prolonged, expensive, and futile procedures accompanied by great emotional strain on family and medical staff. Conversely, the recuperative powers of the brain sometimes can seem


332 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

Table 8–1 Harvard Criteria for Brain Death (1968)

1.Unresponsive coma


3.Absence of cephalic reflexes

4.Absence of spinal reflexes

5.Isoelectric electroencephalogram

6.Persistence of conditions for at least 24 hours

7.Absence of drug intoxication or hypothermia

From Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School.2

astounding to the uninitiated, and individual patients whom uninformed physicians might give up for hopelessly brain damaged or dead sometimes make unexpectedly good recoveries (see pitfalls, page 338). It is even more important to know when to fight for life than to be willing to diagnose death. (3) Critical care facilities are limited and expensive and inevitably place a drain on other medical resources. Their best use demands that one identify and select patients who are most likely to benefit from intensive techniques, so that these units are not overloaded with individuals who can never recover cerebral function.

The cornerstone of the diagnosis of brain death remains a careful and sure clinical neurologic examination (Table 8–2). In addition, a thorough evaluation of clinical history, neuroradiologic studies, and laboratory tests must be done to rule out potential confounding variables. The diagnosis of brain death rests on two major and indispensable tenets. The first is that the cause of brain nonfunction must be inherently irreversible. This means that damage must be due to either known structural injury (e.g., cerebral hemorrhage or infarction, brain trauma, abscess) or known irreversible metabolic injury such as prolonged asphyxia. The second indispensable tenet is that the vital structures of the brain necessary to maintain consciousness and independent vegetative survival are damaged beyond all possible recovery.

The cause of brain damage must be known irreversible structural or metabolic disease.

This first criterion is crucial, and the diagnosis of brain death cannot be considered until it is fulfilled. The reason for stressing this point is that both in the United States and abroad often ‘‘coma of unknown origin’’ arising outside of a hospital is due to depressant drug poisoning. Witnesses cannot be relied upon for accurate

Table 8–2 Clinical Criteria for Brain Death in Adults and Children in the United States

A.Coma of established cause

1.No potentially anesthetizing amounts of either toxins or therapeutic drugs can be present; hypothermia below 308C or other physiologic abnormalities must be corrected to the extent medically possible.

2.Irreversible structural disease or a known and irreversible endogenous metabolic cause due to organ failure must be present.

B.Absence of motor responses

1.Absence of pupillary responses to light and pupils at midposition with respect to dilation (4–6 mm)

2.Absence of corneal reflexes

3.Absence of caloric vestibulo-ocular responses

4.Absence of gag reflex

5.Absence of coughing in response to tracheal suctioning

6.Absence of sucking and rooting reflexes

7.Absence of respiratory drive at a PaCO2 that is 60 mm Hg or 20 mm Hg above normal baseline values (apnea testing)

C.Interval between two evaluations, by patient’s age

1.Term to 2 months old, 48 hours

2.>2 months to 1 year old, 24 hours

3.>1 year to <18 years old, 12 hour

4.18 years old, optional

D.Confirmatory tests

1.Term to 2 months old, two confirmatory tests

2.>2 months to 1 year old, one confirmatory test

3.>1 year to <18 years old, optional

4.18 years old, optional

histories under such circumstances because efforts at suicide or homicide can readily induce false testimony by companions or family. Even in patients already in the hospital for the treatment of other illnesses, drug poisoning administered by self or others sometimes occurs and at least temporarily can deceive the medical staff. Accordingly, the diagnosis of an irreversible lesion by clinical and laboratory means must be fully documented and unequivocally accurate before considering a diagnosis of brain death. The ease of being mistaken in such a diagnosis is illustrated by some of the results of a collaborative study sponsored several years ago by the National Institutes of

Table 8–3 Most Common Etiologies

of Brain Death

1.Traumatic brain injury

2.Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

3.Intracerebral hemorrhage

4.Ischemic stroke with cerebral edema and herniation

5.Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

6.Fulminant hepatic necrosis with cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure

From Wijdicks,6 with permission.

Health.5 The findings of toxicologic analyses revealed many more cases in which drug poisoning caused deep coma than had been suspected clinically by physicians, not all of whom had previous experiences with the ubiquity and subtlety of sedative-induced coma. The most common underlying causes of brain death are listed in Table 8–3. Documentation of structural injury explaining loss of brainstem function by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is possible in almost all patients. If scans are normal and clinical history is equivocal for the origin of cerebral demise, an examination of the cerebral spinal fluid is indicated.

A prospective study7 evaluated 310 patients with cardiac arrest or other forms of acute medical coma who met the clinical criteria of brain death for 6 hours; none improved despite maximal treatment. Asystole occurred in all within a matter of hours or days. Jorgenson and Malchow-Moller8 systematically examined the time required for recovery of neurologic functions in 54 patients following cardiopulmonary arrest, and plotted these times against eventual outcomes. For respiratory movements, pupillary light reflexes, coughing, swallowing, and ciliospinal reflexes, the longest respective times of reappearance compatible with any cerebral recovery were 15, 28, 58, and 52 minutes. In other words, if no recognizable brain function returned within an hour, the brain never recovered.

Time periods for repeated evaluations of brain death criteria may vary and are influenced by the etiology of injury. Several guidelines suggest a minimum time period of 24 hours over which human subjects must show signs of brain death following anoxic injury (or other diffuse toxic-metabolic insult, e.g. air, fat

Brain Death


embolism, endocrine derangement) before the final diagnosis can be reached.9 Evaluation times for identified structural injuries of the brainstem are typically shorter. Since time is so strong a safeguard, and few brain-damaged patients escape receiving at least an initial dose of a drug (alcohol or sedative outside of hospital, sedatives or anticonvulsants inside), guidelines suggest a 6-hour period of observation before making a clinical diagnosis of brain death (https://www.aan.com/professionals/practice/ guidelines/pda/Brain_death_adults.pdf). This seems a reasonable time interval for cases where all circumstances of onset, diagnosis, and treatment can be fully identified.



All observers agree that in order to conclude that the vital functions of the brain have ceased, no behavioral or clinical reflex responses that depend on structures innervated from the supraspinal nervous system can exist. In a practical sense, because forebrain function depends on the integrity of the brainstem, the brain death examination primarily focuses on functional brainstem activity (Table 8–2). These observations may be accompanied by confirmatory tests providing evidence of absence of cerebral hemispheric and upper brainstem function, discussed below.

Brainstem Function


The pupils must be nonreactive to light. In the period immediately following brain death, the agonal release of adrenal catecholamines into the bloodstream may cause the pupils to become dilated. However, as the catecholamines are metabolized, the pupils return to a midposition. Hence, although the Harvard criteria required that the pupils be dilated as well as fixed, midposition fixed pupils are a more reliable sign of brain death, and failure of the pupils to return to midposition within several hours after brain death suggests residual sympathetic activation arising from the medulla. The pupils should be tested with a bright light and the physician should be certain that mydriatic

334 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

agents, including intravenous atropine, have not been used (although conventional doses of atropine used in treating patients with cardiac arrest will not block the direct light response). Neuromuscular blocking agents, however, should not affect pupillary size as nicotinic receptors are not present in the iris. One recent report has described an unusual observation of persistent asynchronous lightindependent pupillary activity (2.5 seconds constriction/10 seconds dilation) in an otherwise ‘‘brain-dead’’ patient.10


Failure of brainstem function should be determined by the inability to find either oculocephalic or caloric vestibulo-ocular responses (see Chapter 2). In patients in whom a history of possible trauma has not been eliminated, cervical spine injury must be excluded before testing oculocephalic responses. Care should be taken when performing cold water caloric testing to ensure that the stimulus reaches the tympanic membrane. Up to 1 minute of observation for eye movement should follow irrigation of each side with a 5-minute interval between each examination.



The initial Harvard criteria demanded that there be an absence of all voluntary and reflex movements, including absence of corneal responses and other brainstem reflexes; no postural activity, including decerebrate rigidity; and no stretch reflexes in the extremities. Reflex responses mediated by the brainstem (e.g., corneal and jaw jerk reflexes as well as cutaneous reflexes such as snout and rooting reflexes) must be absent before making the diagnosis of brain death. The absence of a gag reflex should be tested by stimulation of the posterior pharynx, but may be difficult to elicit or observe in intubated patients. Additionally, response to noxious stimulation of the supraorbital nerve or temporomandibular joints11 should be tested during the examination. However, spinal reflex activity, in response to both noxious stimuli and tendon stretch, often can be shown to persist in experimental animals whose brains have been destroyed above the spinal level. The same reflexes can be found in

the isolated spinal cord of humans following high spinal cord transection.

A variety of unusual, spinally mediated movements can appear and persist for prolonged periods during artificial life support.12–18 Such phenomena include spontaneous movements in synchrony with the mechanical ventilator; slow body movements producing flexion at the waist, causing the body to rise to a sitting position (‘‘Lazarus sign’’); ‘‘stepping movements’’; and preservation of lower body reflexes.4 The consensus view is that in a patient in whom apneic oxygenation shows no return of breathing, such movements are generated by the spinal cord and the vital functions of the brainstem have no chance of recovery, making the diagnosis of brain death appropriate. It is important to note that spontaneous hypoxic or hypotensive events and apnea testing may precipitate these movements. Surprisingly, extensor plantar responses are not found in braindead patients.14 Instead, plantar responses are either flexor, absent, or consistent with undulations of toe flexion.19


Spontaneous respiration must be absent. Most patients on a mechanical ventilator will have a PaO2 above and a PaCO2 below normal levels. However, the threshold for stimulation of respiratory movements by the blood gases usually is elevated in patients in deep coma, sometimes to PaCO2 values as high as 50 to 55 mm Hg. As a result, such patients may be apneic for several minutes when removed from the ventilator, even if they have a structurally normal brainstem. To test brainstem function without concurrently inducing severe hypoxemia under such circumstances, respiratory activity should be tested by the technique of apneic oxygenation. With this technique, the patient is ventilated with 100% oxygen for a period of 10 to 20 minutes. The respirator is then disconnected to avoid false readings and oxygen is delivered through a catheter to the trachea at a rate of about 6 L/minute. The resulting tension of oxygen in the alveoli will remain high enough to maintain the arterial blood at adequate oxygen tensions for as long as an hour or more. The PaCO2 rises by about 3 mm Hg/minute during apneic oxygenation in a deeply comatose or clinically brain-dead patient.20 Apneic oxygenation of 8 to 10 minutes

thus allows the PaCO2 to rise without danger of further hypoxia and ensures that one exceeds the respiratory threshold. A PaCO2 that rises above 60 mm Hg without concomitant breathing efforts provides unequivocal evidence of nonfunctioning respiratory centers. The American Academy of Neurology guidelines for brain death (https://www.aan.com/ professionals/practice/guidelines/pda/Brain_ death_adults.pdf) accept either a PaCO2 of 60 mm Hg or a value 20 mm Hg higher than baseline as the threshold for maximum stimulation of the respiratory centers of the medulla oblongata. Chronic pulmonary disease producing baseline hypercapnia may complicate the apnea testing and can be identified in initial blood gas examination by elevated serum bicarbonate concentration. In such cases, ancillary testing is recommended by current guidelines. Alternatively, hypocapnia often arises in the setting of hyperventilation to manage increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Since it is important to start the examination near a target PCO2 of 40 mm Hg, hypocapnia should be corrected by adjusting the minute volume of ventilation through either a reduction of the tidal volume or a resetting of the respiratory rate.

During testing the patient should be observed for respiration defined as abdominal or chest excursions.6 If respiration occurs during apnea testing, it is usually early into the testing. After 8 minutes have elapsed, arterial blood gases should be sampled and the ventilator reconnected. The absence of respiratory movements and rise of PCO2 past 60 mm Hg indicates a positive apnea test. Alternatively, if respiratory movements are seen, the test is negative and retesting at a later time is indicated. Prior to initiating apnea testing the absence of brainstem reflexes should have already been established. Additionally, several other prerequisites must be established, as indicated in Table 8–4. Hypothermia must be excluded; if core temperatures obtained by rectal measurement are below 36.58C, the patient should be warmed with a blanket. A systolic blood pressure of greater than 90 mm Hg should be maintained using dopamine infusion if required. If hypotension (systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg) arises during the examination, blood samples should be promptly drawn and the ventilator immediately reconnected. Conversely, any elevation

Brain Death


Table 8–4 Prerequisites for Apnea Testing

1.Core temperature >36.58C or 978F

2.Systolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg

3.Euvolemia. Option: positive fluid balance in the previous 6 hours

4.Normal PCO2. Option: arterial PCO2 >40 mm Hg

5.Normal PO2. Option: preoxygenation to obtain arterial PO2 >200 mm Hg

Adapted from Wijdicks.6

of blood pressure during testing is evidence of lower brainstem function. As diabetes insipidus is a common complication of severe brain injuries, this should be recognized if present and managed. Accordingly, efforts should ensure euvolemia or positive fluid balance for at least 6 hours prior to testing. Finally, arterial gas pressures should reflect PO2 greater than 200 mm Hg and PCO2 greater than or equal to 40 mm Hg prior to testing as discussed above.

Confirmatory Laboratory Tests

and Diagnosis

When the clinical examination is unequivocal, no additional tests are required. However, if there is any question, clinical practice guidelines suggest the potential use of four modalities of confirmatory testing in the determination of brain death4,6: conventional angiography, electroencephalography (EEG)/evoked potential (EP) studies, transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD), and cerebral scintigraphy. Consensus criteria for brain death determination are only available for EEG/EP studies.


Cerebral angiography is a widely accepted procedure for determination of brain death and can be used to overcome the limitation of the clinical neurologic examination due to facial trauma, baseline pulmonary disease, and other