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276 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

of the spinal fluid looking for a varicella-zoster DNA by PCR or by examination of zoster immunoglobulin establishes the diagnosis. This is important because even months after the rash, antiviral therapy may be effective.446

Behc¸et’s Syndrome

Behc¸et’s syndrome is an inflammatory disease of unknown cause, the vasculopathy being largely venous. The patient can present with subacutely developing neurologic symptoms and often on examination has evidence of other systemic disease including recurrent oral ulcerations, recurrent genital ulcerations, anterior or posterior uveitis, and skin lesions including erythema nodosum.447 The disorder occurs with increased frequency along the ‘‘silk road’’ extending from Japan to the Mediterranean where it is coupled with an HLA-B51 haplotype. It is especially prevalent in Turkey. Neurologic symptoms have been divided into three groups: (1) primary neurologic symptoms include inflammatory disease usually of the brainstem, subacute in onset and tending to remit. Ataxia, diplopia, behavioral changes, and alterations of consciousness are relatively common. The CSF may have a pleocytosis. In fact, meningoencephalitis may be the only finding in the disorder. Characteristic imaging signs include inflammatory lesions of the brainstem sometimes extending into the diencephalon, as well as periventricular subcortical white matter lesions in the hemispheres.448 Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging discloses areas of hypoprofusion localized in the deep basal ganglia or in the frontal temporal cortex.447 (2) The second neurologic syndrome, characterized by cerebral dural venous sinus thrombosis, may lead to venous infarction. When the dural venous system is involved and there is no venous infarct, headache is the major symptom and there may be no other neurologic signs. (3) Neurologic symptoms may occur as a result of intracranial hypertension from a superior vena cava syndrome or from cerebral emboli resulting from cardiac complications. A combination of parenchymal lesions and dural venous infarction should lead to a careful search for a history of genital or oral ulceration.449 The long-term outcome is generally fairly good with the disease remitting, and in some cases, burning out.

Corticosteroids often successfully treat acute episodes.447

Cerebral Autosomal Dominant

Arteriopathy With Subcortical

Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy

Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is an inherited vasculopathy resulting from mutations of the notch-3 gene. It is characterized by recurrent ischemic episodes, cognitive deficits, behavioral disorders, and migraine-type headaches. Encephalopathy and reversible coma have been reported in several patients. Encephalopathy usually begins with a typical migraine headache. The patient may go on to develop focal signs, such as visual field defects or hemipa-

resis, and then become severely encephalopathic, lapsing into coma.450–452 In one series,

six of 70 patients with the disorder presented with an encephalopathy originally misdiagnosed as acute encephalitis. The patients were febrile and four had convulsions. All had a history of migraine with aura and all the episodes seemed to start with an otherwise typical headache. The patients showed multiple white matter abnormalities on MRI, particularly abnormalities at the anterior temporal pole as well as the external capsule and corpus callosum.450 A characteristic finding is electrondense granules in the media of arterioles. Such granules sometimes can be identified on skin biopsy.453


This category includes several primary CNS disorders of diverse or unknown cause that usually culminate in stupor or coma. Most primary neuronal and glial disorders cause coma only after a period of profound dementia has led the physician to the appropriate diagnosis. The disorders included below occasionally produce unconsciousness sufficiently early in their course that they may be confused with other conditions described in this book. As a result, a brief discussion of their clinical picture and differential diagnosis seems warranted. Although

Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma


some of these diseases are caused by transmis- sibleagents(e.g.,Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy), they are arbitrarily categorized separately from the encephalitides and acute toxic encephalopathies because their onset is less acute and their course not so explosive.

Prion Diseases

Prions are infectious proteinaceous particles (membrane glycoproteins) that, when in certain conformations, can cause infectivity without the presence of nucleic acid.409 Human prion diseases include the several forms of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) and Gerst- mann-Strau¨ ssler disease, as well as fatal familial insomnia. The latter group and most cases of Gerstmann-Strau¨ ssler disease and some cases of CJD are due to inherited mutations in the prion protein gene. However, most cases of CJD are sporadic. Kuru, one of the first prion disorders to be described, occurred among natives of Papua, New Guinea, who reportedly ate the brains of their relatives as part of a funeral ritual. When this practice was abandoned, the disorder disappeared. The disorder can also be transmitted from infected tissues transplanted to uninfected individuals (iatrogenic CJD) or from the ingestion of meat from cows with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (a variant of CJD that affects primarily young people and causes early psychiatric symptoms). CJD is rare, having an incidence of between 0.5 and 1.5 cases per million people per year. CJD is a subacute disorder producing widespread neuronal degeneration and spongiform patho-

logic changes in the neocortex and cerebellum.409

Clinically, the illness usually affects middleaged adults. Initial symptoms roughly are divided into thirds. The first third complain of fatigue, anorexia, and insomnia. The second third have behavioral or cognitive changes rapidly progressing to dementia. The final third present with focal signs, particularly visual loss, ataxia, aphasia, and motor defects.

The illness progresses over a period of weeks to months with severe obtundation, stupor, and finally unresponsiveness; 90% of patients die within 1 year and many within a matter of 6 to 8 weeks of diagnosis. The motor system suffers disproportionately with diffuse paratonic rigid-

ity; decorticate posturing and extensor plantar responses develop later. Early in the course, myoclonus appears in response to startle; later the myoclonus occurs spontaneously. Some suffer generalized convulsions. The EEG is characteristic, consisting of a flat, almost isoelectric background with superimposed synchronous periodic sharp waves. The CSF examination is usually normal. A protein called 14-3-3, and particularly its gamma isoform, has been reported to be present in CSF from many patients with CJD,454 but both false positives and false negatives occur,455 and a reliable and reproducible version of the test is currently unavailable. The MRI may be characteristic.456 In some patients there is bilateral symmetric hyperintensity in the caudate nucleus and putamen on FLAIR and diffusion-weighted images. A similar appearance of lesions in the pulvinar is also diagnostic (‘‘pulvinar sign’’).457 Additional patients may show cortical hyperintensity on diffusion-weighted imaging, especially in the parietal and occipital regions. Unilateral or asymmetric findings are common early in the course of the disease, but eventually become bilateral and more extensive. The hyperintensity on diffusion-weighted imaging is accompanied by a decrease in the apparent diffusion constant, suggesting restricted water diffusion. The MRI is both more sensitive and specific than EEG. However, when taken together in the appropriate clinical setting, the disorder may be diagnosed without the need for biopsy.458 In the final stage of the disease, all spontaneous movements cease, and the patients remain in coma until they die of intercurrent infection.

The appearance of subacute dementia with myoclonic twitches in a middle-aged or elderly patient without systemic disease is highly suggestive of the diagnosis. Although there is a tendency to mistake the early symptoms for an involutional depression, the organic nature of the disorder rapidly becomes apparent. A similar picture is produced only by severe metabolic diseases (e.g., hepatic encephalopathy) or CNS syphilis (general paresis).

Fatal insomnia is predominantly familial but can occur in a sporadic form.410 The onset is disrupted sleep, including loss of sleep spindles and slow-wave sleep. Dementia, myoclonus, ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia, and pyramidal signs follow. Hypometabolism can be demonstrated by PET in thalamic and limbic areas.

278 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

Like the changes in CJD, there is severe neuronal loss and astrogliosis.410


(Schilder’s Disease)

Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD; Schilder’s disease) is an X-linked disease of white matter inherited as a sex-linked recessive trait that

affects male children, adolescents, and rarely adults459,460; it occasionally causes coma early

in its course.461 Although Schilder originally described a similar condition in three boys, the exact diagnosis in his cases has been challenged (e.g., one may have been subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) and this eponym is now rarely used. The illness comes in two forms. The first, called pure adrenal myeloneuropathy, affects myelin in the spinal cord and, to a lesser degree, peripheral nerves. It also causes adrenal insufficiency in some patients. There may be abnormalities on MRS in the brain, but cerebral symptoms do not occur. A mild version of this form is also occasionally seen in female carriers (heterozygotes) of the disease. The second form is a rapidly progressive inflammatory myelinopathy beginning in the posterior hemisphere that probably results from an immune response to the very-long-chain fatty acids that accumulate in the disease. MR findings of demyelination in parietal and occipital areas, and the relatively acute onset, may suggest multiple sclerosis, but the presence of very- long-chain fatty acids in the serum establishes the diagnosis.

Many patients have biochemical evidence of adrenocortical failure even in the absence of clinically apparent insufficiency. CSF protein is usually elevated and the gamma globulin is sometimes elevated. The EEG is usually slow, with focal slow and sharp abnormalities.

Marchiafava-Bignami Disease

Marchiafava-Bignami disease is a rare disorder of the white matter that was originally believed to affect predominantly Italian males who were heavy drinkers of red wine. It is now recognized, however, that the disease has no demographic restriction and affects chronic alcoholics no matter what form of alcohol they take;

most of the victims are males.462 The essential lesion is demyelination of the corpus callosum with extension of the demyelination into the adjacent hemispheres. Axons may either be preserved or destroyed, and there are an abundance of fatty macrophages without evidence of inflammation in the lesion. Presumably, the ultimate cause is a deficiency of some critical nutrient.

About 40% of patients present with the acute onset of stupor or coma, and only half of these have prodromal cognitive or behavioral symptoms.462 The other 60% present with cognitive and gait dysfunction. Comatose patients may be rigid, with increased reflexes and extensor plantar responses. The diagnosis is established by MRI, with hyperintensity on FLAIR in the corpus callosum, sometimes involving only the

splenium. Multiple cortical or subcortical lesions are sometimes present as well.463,464

About 20% of comatose patients die; the rest recover, often with residual neurologic defects.462 The disease may be related to central pontine myelinolysis, which is described in Chapter 4 and which may also involve the corpus callosum.

Gliomatosis Cerebri

Gliomatosis cerebri implies diffuse infiltration of the brain by neoplastic glial cells. The term is used if three or more lobes of the brain are involved. Histologically, the tumor can be astrocytic or oligodendroglial and can be low or high grade.465 Gliomatosis cerebri produces symptoms that begin insidiously and progress slowly with clinical illnesses lasting from less than a month to as long as a decade or more. Mental and personality symptoms predominate with memory loss, lethargy, slowed thinking, and confusion gradually leading into sleepiness, stupor, and often prolonged coma. Hemiparesis is fairly common, but rapidly evolving focal neurologic defects are rare. Less than half the patients have seizures, but focal or generalized seizures may be the presenting complaint. About one-quarter of the patients show signs of direct brainstem involvement. Indirect evidence of increased ICP has marked the course of many cases because continued tumor growth produces simple enlargement of the brain or a narrowing of CSF fluid drainage pathways. The MR scan

Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma


shows either multiple or diffuse areas of high intensity on FLAIR images involving largely the white matter, but the cortex and often basal ganglia and brainstem as well. Even in the absence of substantial signal abnormality, small ventricles suggest increased brain mass. Abnormalities on the MRI are often much more dramatic than the patient’s clinical symptoms. The hyperintense areas may or may not enhance depending on the grade of the lesion. Cerebral biopsy is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis.

The following case description typifies the course and findings.

Patient 5–27

A 61-year-old woman insidiously became disinterested in her surroundings and slow in thought during the early spring of 1978. By June, she was lethargic, forgetful, apathetically incontinent, and could no longer walk unassisted. In another hospital, a ventricular shunt was placed without changing her symptoms. She gradually became mentally unresponsive and was admitted to New York Hospital in September 1978. On examination she was awake but psychologically unresponsive, reacting only to noxious stimuli with an extensor (decerebrate) response. The pupils were 2 mm in diameter, equal, and fixed to light. She had roving eye movements with a gaze preference to the right. Oculocephalic responses were full and conjugate, but caloric irrigation with cold water in the right ear produced irregular upbeat nystagmus, while irrigation in the left ear evoked irregular nystagmus to the right. She had a spastic left hemiparesis and a flaccid right hemiparesis with bilateral extensor plantar responses.

Numerous laboratory tests, including examination of the CSF, CT scan, and arteriogram, were either normal or nonspecifically altered. A brain biopsy taken from the grossly normal-appearing right frontal lobe gave the appearance of a diffuse gemistocytic astrocytoma with considerable variation in the degree of malignant change, as well as areas of normal-looking neurons and astrocytes. The patient died in a nursing home soon afterward.

Comment: The insidious onset of changes in cognition and arousal accompanied by signs of fractional damage to the midbrain (fixed pupils), pontine vestibular complex (abnormal calorics), and corticospinal systems placed the lesion dif-

fusely in the brainstem and perhaps the diencephalon. The CT scan and other tests showed no discrete mass lesions and led to a cerebral biopsy as one of the few possible ways of making a firm diagnosis.

Progressive Multifocal


Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)466 (Figure 5–12) is a subacute demyelinating disorder produced when a strain of papovavirus (the JC virus) infects the nervous system. The disorder occurs in patients who are immunosuppressed from AIDS, lymphoma, organ transplants, or various forms of chemotherapy. An outbreak occurred in patients treated with natalizumab, a selective adhesion molecule inhibitor that has been used to treat multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease.467 The drug was removed from the market, but has been reintroduced with appropriate safety warnings. PML has rarely been reported in individuals whose immune system appears intact. The neurologic symptoms are implied by the name of the disorder, a progressive asymmetric disorder of white matter with hemiparesis, visual impairment, sensory abnormalities, and ataxia. Headaches and seizures are rare. The course is usually progressive over several months, terminating in coma. Rarely, there may be edema associated with the demyelinating plaques, leading to hemispheral swelling and transtentorial herniation. Patients may have focal cognitive disorders if the areas of leukoencephalopathy affect areas of association cortex, but do not have impairment of consciousness until late in the course. The CSF is usually normal, but PCR for JC virus is positive; the EEG is usually diffusely or multifocally abnormal. The MRI is characterized by multiple discrete areas of white matter with hyperintensity on the FLAIR image, but there is often no enhancement with gadolinium, indicating a minimal inflammatory response; those who do mount an inflammatory response have a better prognosis.468

The pathology is one of diffuse multifocal demyelination of white matter, with oligodendroglial nuclei containing eosinophilic inclusions, viral particles, and bizarre giant astrocytes, suggesting neoplastic transformation.

280 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

Figure 5–12. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. This 45-year-old man with AIDS became confused and disoriented. Examination revealed a mild right hemiparesis. Spinal fluid was positive for JC virus. The magnetic resonance image revealed multiple areas hyperintense on the FLAIR image (A) and hypointense on T1 (B). He gradually became more stuporous, went into a coma, and died. Autopsy revealed progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.


Seizures are characterized by intense, repetitive neuronal discharge followed by postictal metabolic cerebral depression of varying degrees and duration. In general, this requires reentrant neuronal circuits that mainly occur in the forebrain when lesions involve the structures of the cortical mantle. In the experimental animal, one can demonstrate that major seizures produce a 200% to 300% increase in cerebral metabolic demand, a substantial degree of systemic hypertension, and an enormously increased CBF.469 Repetitive convulsions result in a progressive, abnormal increase in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.470 If substrate depletion or a relative decline in blood flow occurs during seizures, the brain maintains its metabolism by the consumption of endogenous substrates. With sustained status epilepticus in such animals, progressive hypoxic-ischemic structural neuronal damage results soon after. Similar but necessarily less comprehensive analyses indicate that seizures cause comparable changes in the human brain.

Postictal coma in humans ranges in intensity from complete unresponsiveness to stupor; protracted deep unresponsiveness lasting more than 15 to 30 minutes suggests continued nonconvulsive seizures or extension of an underlying structural lesion that caused the seizure. Although rare, postictal coma may persist for up to 24 hours without the presence of structural brain injury. In such instances, one should suspect nonconvulsive status epilepticus.471 Postictal patients in coma usually are hyperpneic until the individual clears the lactic acidemia produced by the repetitive firing of nerves and muscles of the convulsion during a period of impaired breathing; pupillary light reflexes are intact and oculovestibular responses active. The motor system usually is unremarkable except for extensor plantar responses in about half the patients. When a patient is first discovered during the period of postictal unresponsiveness, it is often difficult to determine the cause. However, the diagnosis is clarified quickly because the patient usually rapidly awakens to give his or her history. The problem the physician most frequently faces is retrospective: Was a past, unobserved episode of unconsciousness caused by epilepsy or syn-

Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma


cope? In three conditions, coma associated with seizures can be sufficiently prolonged to present diagnostic problems.

The first instance is status epilepticus,472 a series of generalized convulsions occurring at intervals so closely spaced (i.e., every few minutes) that consciousness is not regained between them. This state strikes about 10% of patients with untreated or inadequately treated epilepsy and often follows the abrupt withdrawal of anticonvulsants. Status epilepticus is a serious medical emergency since the cumulative systemic and cerebral anoxia induced by repeated generalized seizures can produce irreversible brain damage or death; its diagnosis is readily made when repeated convulsions punctuate a state of otherwise nonspecific coma.

A second example of prolonged coma, stupor, or delirium following seizures can occur in elderly patients with an epileptogenic scar or lesion (e.g., from past cerebral infarction) who also suffer from cerebral vascular insufficiency or mild to moderate senile cerebral degeneration with dementia. In these patients, the enormous cerebral metabolic demand imposed by the seizures, plus systemic hypoxemia during the attack, often is sufficient to compromise an already borderline cerebral function and produce several hours of postictal coma followed by several days of delirium. Most such patients ultimately recover their preseizure cerebral function, but each attack risks damaging more and more brain, making effective prevention and prompt treatment important.

A third condition in which sustained coma may be associated with seizures occurs when the loss of consciousness is not simply postictal, but is the result of a cerebral disease that also caused the seizures. Many underlying destructive and metabolic cerebral disorders produce both seizures and coma and must be differentiated by other signs, symptoms, and laboratory studies. If one takes previously healthy patients in our own series, a single or brief series of convulsions was followed by sustained unconsciousness only when caused by acute encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, or acute hyponatremia. However, one may not always have the history available, and many other structural lesions of brain can cause repetitive convulsions followed by a prolonged postictal stupor. It is an axiom of treatment that convulsions should be stopped as promptly as possible, as both the seizures themselves and the accompanying systemic hy-

poxemia are sources of potentially serious brain damage.

Not all patients with epilepsy have convulsions. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus is characterized by delirium, stupor, or coma resulting from generalized seizure activity without or with only minor motor activity. In one series of 236 comatose patients with no overt clinical seizure activity, EEG demonstrated that 8% of patients met criteria of nonconvulsive status epilepticus. In this series, the definition included ‘‘continuous or nearly continuous electro-

graphic seizure activity lasting at least 30 minutes.’’473 The diagnosis can be suspected if the

patient has a history of risk factors such as noncompliance with anticonvulsant drugs474 or a careful neurologic examination reveals particular abnormalities such as subtle motor activity (particularly twitching of the face and distal extremities474) or intermittent bouts of nystagmoid eye movements. If the EEG identifies unequivocal continuous epileptic activity,475 the diagnosis is established. Unfortunately, an electrographic diagnosis is often difficult. Patients may have electrographic activity that suggests seizures but may simply represent diffuse brain damage, or the seizure activity may occur in a part of the brain, such as the medial temporal or orbitofrontal cortex, from which it may be difficult to record electrographic seizure activity. When the diagnosis is strongly suspected, a trial of an intravenous anticonvulsant (usually a benzodiazepine) may be warranted. Improvement in both the EEG and the patient’s clinical state confirms the diagnosis. The disorder carries a poor prognosis, probably related more to the underlying cause of the nonconvulsive status rather than the seizure activity itself.476

Mixed Metabolic Encephalopathy

All too often, clinical signs and symptoms suggest that a stuporous or comatose patient is suffering from a diffuse metabolic disorder of brain, but laboratory evaluation either reveals a variety of modest abnormalities, none of which appears severe enough to be responsible for the patient’s abnormal state of consciousness, or there is no metabolic or toxic abnormality detected. In the first instance, the additive effect of multiple mild metabolic abnormalities may lead to a severe encephalopathy, which

282 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

can sometimes be remedied by correcting any one of the modest abnormalities.321

Patient 5–28

A 74-year-old man with disseminated carcinoma of the prostate was admitted to hospital confused and disoriented. The findings on general physical examination included normal vital signs, cachexia, and an enlarged liver. He was stuporous but arousable by noxious stimuli. When aroused, he was confused and disoriented. His respirations were 16 per minute, his pupils were 2 mm and reactive, and there was a full range of ocular movement to doll’s head maneuver. He withdrew all four extremities appropriately, deep tendon reflexes were hyperactive, and plantar responses were flexor. When he was roused to hold his hands outstretched, there was bilateral asterixis. The remainder of the segmental neurologic examination was within normal limits. Laboratory abnormalities included a hemoglobin of 8 g/dL, a calcium of 11.5 mg/dL, a grossly elevated alkaline phosphatase, and modestly elevated liver enzymes. The CT scan showed modest cerebral atrophy. Arterial blood gases revealed an oxygen tension of 55 mm Hg, a pH of 7.49, and a PCO2 of 30 mm Hg. A small infiltrate was present in the right middle lobe of the lung on chest x-ray. A diagnosis of mixed metabolic encephalopathy was made with anemia, hypoxia, liver metastases, and hypercalcemia all playing a role.

Oxygen given by nasal prongs raised the arterial blood PO2 but failed to change his clinical state. Two units of blood raised his hemoglobin to 10 g/ dL; when this was combined with the oxygen, he awoke and, although disoriented at the time, was otherwise alert and behaved appropriately. At the time he awakened, no change had developed in his serum calcium or abnormal liver function tests.

A more difficult problem arises when no metabolic or toxic abnormalities are detected. In that circumstance, the first step in diagnosis should be to check all medications the patient has received in the past 48 hours. Barring sedative or narcotic drugs, one should check the platelet count and coagulation profile. Some of these patients have subsequently proved to have disseminatedintravascularcoagulationwithneu-

rologic symptoms appearing before coagulation profiles became abnormal. In others, a biochemical defect present prior to the patient’s being examined may have left residual brain damage even though the underlying biochemical abnormality has been corrected. Carbon monoxide poisoning and hypoglycemia are examples of this. In still other patients, drug ingestion with chemical substances not detected by usual laboratory tests may be the cause. In some patients, the diagnosis is never established, and one must presume that some unidentified toxin or not understood metabolic abnormality was present. When faced with such a problem, the physician should apply supportive therapy as outlined in Chapter 7 while continuing to search diligently to identify metabolic abnormalities as the illness pursues its course.


Delirium and confusional states usually precede metabolic stupor or coma and can be the presenting problem in many of the diseases described in this chapter or listed in Table 5–1. An additional group of disorders cause a severe and acute delirium that is usually self-limited, but may, occasionally, be fatal if not appropriately treated. Because these states usually do not cause stupor or coma, they have not been discussed elsewhere in this text, but they are responsible for acute changes in the state of consciousness that often challenge and perplex the physician. Two such entities, both drug withdrawal syndromes,particularly alcohol, and postoperative delirium, are discussed here.

The clinical picture of these two states can be similar. A patient who was previously alert and oriented (although frequently with some underlying mild dementia) suddenly becomes restless. His or her affect changes such that while previously calm, he or she becomes agitated, fearful, or depressed, and emotionally labile. The patient is less able than previously to give attention to his or her environment; minor defects in cognitive functions can be detected on careful testing if the patient will cooperate. Most of the patients become insomniac, and many are paranoid and misinterpret sensory stimuli, both auditory and visual. They often hallucinate. Autonomic dysfunction including tachycardia, hypertension, diaphoresis, dilated pupils, and at times fever is common. (Fever

Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma


should never be dismissed simply as a result of delirium until a careful search has ruled out infection, which may contribute to the genesis of the delirium.) In its florid form, the patient is tremulous, extremely restless, and often fearful; asterixis and multifocal myoclonus may be present. Many patients are totally disoriented but may elaborately describe an incorrect environment. When the delirium is severe, such patients are so restless that they cannot lie still, and their thrashing and rolling about in bed may damage a recently operated site and put additional strain on an impaired cardiovascular system. They are so distractible that cognitive testing is impossible. They may engage equally the examiner and imaginary figures in conversation. The speech is so dysarthric that even when the delirious patient does reply correctly to questions, he or she often cannot be understood. If untreated, the agitation of delirium may lead to exhaustion and even death. However, even the most severe of the delirious states, delirium tremens, has only a modest mortality if treated with appropriate sedative therapy. As indicated in Chapter 1, a stroke in the nondominant temporal or parietal lobe can sometimes cause an acute delirious state.

Drug Withdrawal Delirium

(Delirium Tremens)

The most common of the acute and florid delirious states is delirium tremens. Although it is caused by withdrawal of alcohol and generally follows complete cessation of drinking, usually by 3 to 4 days, it may occur in a patient still drinking a diminished amount of ethanol. Similar clinical findings may follow benzodi-

azepine, barbiturate, or other sedative drug withdrawal.477,478 In each of these withdrawal

states generalized convulsions may, independent of the delirium, also occur. Particularly perplexing to the physician are those patients not known to be alcoholics or chronic sedative drug users who enter the hospital for elective surgery and, during the course of workup or shortly following the operation, become acutely delirious. The disease generally runs its course in less than a week. If treated with sedative drugs and good supportive therapy, most patients recover fully, although a mortality ranging from 2% to 15% has been reported from various sources. Much of this mortality is prob-

ably due to other complications of alcoholism, such as liver failure, or to sympathetic activation that commonly accompanies the disorder. The pathogenesis of drug withdrawal syndromes may depend on their effect on receptors, particularly NMDA and GABAA receptors. NMDA receptors are up-regulated during chronic alcohol exposure and because it is a GABAA potentiator, GABAA receptors may be down-regulated. Hence, abrupt cessation increases brain excitability leading to clinically evident anxiety, irritability, agitation, and tremor.479

Postoperative Delirium

Postoperative delirium is one of the most florid and frightening postoperative complications to confront the surgeon. Its incidence is unknown, but may affect 20% to 60% of elderly patients after operation for hip fracture or cardiac surgery.480 The clinical picture may vary from mild cognitive impairment to an acute confusional state resembling delirium tremens (see above). Factors include older age, previous cognitive impairment, anemia, electrolyte abnormalities, a history of alcoholism, narcotic or benzodiazepine use, and a history of cerebral vascular disease.480 In a group of 818 patients in a surgical intensive care unit, delirium developed in 11%.481 Cardiac surgery was not a risk factor, but respiratory dysfunction, infections, anemia, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia, azotemia, liver function abnormalities, and metabolic acidosis were.

The pathogenesis is unknown. It is probably multifactorial including cerebral emboli after hip or cardiac surgery,482 anesthesia, use of opioids or other sedative drugs, sleep deprivation, circadian disorientation in an intensive care unit, and pain. In most instances the outcome is benign, but some patients succumb probably due to their original medical illness while still encephalopathic.

Intensive Care Unit Delirium

Acute delirium frequently occurs in patients hospitalized in intensive care units. Many such patients are postoperative, and all the factors listed under postoperative complications undoubtedly play some causal role. Wilson, however, found that the incidence of postoperative

284 Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

delirium in an intensive care unit without windows was more than double that in patients housed in a unit with windows.483 He concluded that sensory deprivation, which results in dissociation from normal circadian cues, was a factor in postoperative delirium. The findings stress the importance of environmental stimulation to help potentially confused patients orient themselves.

Drug-Induced Delirium

Myriad drugs, both licit and illicit, can cause acute delirium. Some of these are listed in Tables 5–12 and 5–13, but these are only partial listings. Any patient, particularly an elderly one who develops an unexplained acute delirium, should be considered as having a drug intoxication until proved otherwise. In addition to the supportive care given for delirium, all drugs not essential for maintenance of life should be withdrawn until it can be determined that they are not contributing to the patient’s confusion.


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