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Жолбов. Английский билеты. 4-5 курс / 4 курс The role of national symbols in the life of society

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32. The role of national symbols in the life of society

It is common knowledge that every society considering itself and manifesting itself to the world as a national community has its national symbols. These symbols are designed to be inclusive and representative of all the people of the national community. National symbols intend to unite people by creating visual, verbal or nonverbal or iconic representations of the community, its values, goals and history, acting as a powerful emotional appeal. They consist of sounds, marks, objects or expressions, which produce the feeling of loyalty to the nation. People of all countries have certain symbols, which somehow seem to represent or symbolize their country.

National Symbols can be official or non official. The official national symbols include, for example, the flag of a state, the national colors, some abstract symbols, especially crosses, national anthems, royal and imperial hymns, some popular songs, the national emblem, the office of the Head of State, and in case of a monarchy (often to some extent even after its political elimination) certain of its regalia, such as crown jewels and the founding fathers.

Talking about unofficial national symbols, it is possible to underline, for example, national myths about the country's history or founding, national kitchen, folklore, some specific cultural elements as national costume, music, holidays and various other national emblems, including special plants, animals, birds and objects associated with the nation. In a nation largely stamped by a particular religion, some of its most revered symbols may be adopted as national symbols.

If we take the USA as an example, it is important to mention such symbols as freedom (which usually is connected with the Statue of Liberty), fast food, the concept of democracy, entertainment (Hollywood), the figure of Uncle Sam and dollar. The Great Britain has its own symbols – Big Ben, monarchy, rainy weather, mist, tea drinking, and adherence to traditions.

The main function of national symbols is to unite people, to build a nation. In connection with this, they have two aspects: ideological and emotional. The first represents and evokes ideas and appeals to consciousness, while the second stirs emotions up and therefore saturates the other, ideological aspect with feelings.

So, national symbols are necessary for any community in order for people to realize themselves as a nation, to associate themselves with some particular unity which has its own history and specific cultural traditions. They contribute to construction a nation, to forming a national identity.