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Жолбов. Английский билеты. 4-5 курс / 4 курс What is the image of modern Russia modern Britain the modern USA

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33. What is the image of modern Russia

In our contemporary world “image” is becoming more and more of an issue.

What does the word “image” mean? To put it quite simply, it is the general opinion that most people have on a subject, a concept or an individual. Nowadays everything has its own image, which is usually formed by mass media and advertising, and, of course, countries and nations are not the exception. Moreover, the style of government, its place in the political arena and the relations with other states depend on its image.

In spite of the fact that our government and mass media try to persuade us that Russia became a powerful and respected state again, it is common knowledge that western countries don’t think much of Russia. In my opinion the roots of such tendency lie in the Soviet period, and the so called “Iron Curtain” which limited the contacts of the USSR with the outer world. Most Western people thought, and, to our great disappointment, still think these days that Russia is a big tundra, which is the motherland of Lenin, Stalin, Yuri Gagarin, Matreshka and Vodka, a country, where big brown bears walk along the streets. It is obvious that world's leading countries don't consider us as equal partners. Now we’re considered as a developing country.

So I’d like to suggest a number of actions to improve our image in the international arena.

First of all we should try to look more serious and respectable in front of the leading countries. We should improve education our future diplomats, government officials, public servants. In fact it’s one of the most important things to be done. People may not like lots of things in our country but they’ll respect our representatives.   

Secondly we should understand that the world has changed; this country is not so powerful any more. Now the strongest is the one with the best economic growth. So, our aim should be to stimulate the economic development.

Thirdly we have to stop to sell our oil and gas reserves instead of converting them into a ready-made product which can bring much more profit than raw materials. However it’s not enough; we should change the fundamentals of our economics and make it more industrialized.

Fourthly our legal system is in need of serious reformation. Everything is too burocratic, but it has to become more democratic. There is nothing to say about respect towards human rights in Russia.

Modern Britain

It goes without saying that Britain had always played an important role on the international arena. Throughout history this country was one of the most powerful and influential states. It was a leading country in different spheres, for example, it was reputed to be a maritime power and it still has this kind of image.

Talking about the relations between Russia and Great Britain, it is necessary to point out that we always had a lot of tensions and were most likely opponents rather than partners. Thereby there is nothing surprising in that Britain has an inimical image in Russia. Russian people believe Britain to be hypocritical and supercilious. It’s connected with such facts as harbouring Chechen terrorists on its territory and protection of Russian oligarchs.

Undoubtedly, the international image of modern Britain has changed. Nowadays Britain is regarded by other states as “right hand” of America, as its regular partner and supporter (Iraq company). Of course, on this basis we can say that at present Britain has lost its prestige, that strong influence on other countries. Besides, there are a number of inner problems in that country, such as, for example, the loss of national identity and separateness among the people, the lack of unity. All these problems can be considered as a threat of disintegration of the country. It’s obvious that in this situation Britain can’t be regarded as a strong leading state.

The modern USA

In our contemporary world the USA is the most powerful country which plays an important, leading role on the international arena. The image of America on the world stage strengthened throughout the 20th century, from a vibrant young country to a world power after World War I, and then its superpower after World War II. The invasion of Iraq under a false pretense and further claims to greatness ruined in a few short years the positive American image. Nowadays the US is regarded by other countries as an aggressor, a country that launches unjustified invasions and commits war crimes under the pretext of establishing democracy all around the world. Thereby, it is possible to say that the modern American image is negative and anti-American attitude is growing. But, at the same time, this country has strong influence on other countries.

According to some American experts, the first step to fixing America's image problem will be for Washington to acknowledge that, despite its power, the United States is not invulnerable. If it's going to thrive in today's interconnected world, it needs new habits of cooperation based on a healthy respect for the interests of everyone else.