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Жолбов. Английский билеты. 4-5 курс / 4 курс National stereotypes and reality

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30. National stereotypes and reality

It is common knowledge that the term “stereotype” means a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. Generally speaking stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions. As people belong to various nations (it means that they have different history, language, religion, cultural traditions, way of life), there is nothing surprising in that they always differ from one another. Of course, the easiest way to know each other better is to examine the foreigners, their behavior and habits. On this basis it is possible to get a superficial picture of some common features of people of different nations, and it is a common way of creating the stereotypes.

But, at the same time, it doesn’t mean that these widespread opinions are true.

On the one hand, a lot of stereotyped images can’t be confirmed by the reality. For example, not all Americans are friendly, generous and tolerant as they are declared to be, and the same concerning the Russian people. Not all of us drink vodka and play balalaikas.

But on the other hand, it goes without saying that people of one nation have some character traits, as they are sharing the same cultural heritage and living in the same cultural space. In this case, it’s possible to talk about the existence of national character, which is a reality. It doesn't describe the character of every person, it describes the character of people of nation in general. For example, such features of Russian people as nonstrict observance of their traditions and tolerance of people of different nations and their traditions are quite common. And the second feature was a part of our national character for centuries that is why this country is a multinational one.

The case is that it is easier for people to pin a label on each other, it simplifies the picture of the world, allows individuals to make better informed evaluations of individuals about whom they possess little or no information, and in many, but not all circumstances stereotyping helps individuals arrive at more accurate conclusions.