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Клише по теме:

We’ve carefully studied your complaints – Мы внимательно изучили Ваши претензии.

We apologize for the oversight – Приносим свои извинения за эту оплошность

Customs clearance – растаможивание.

I have a right to claim compensation – Я имею право требовать компенсацию.

Telephone Conversation

-John Cartwright.

-Hello, John. This is Victor Klimenko, from Kiev.

-Hello, Victor. Any problems?

-Yes. Did you receive our fax yesterday?

-Yes, we did.

- I’d like to know your reaction to it.

-We’ve carefully studied your complaints, Victor. You’re perfectly correct as to the short-delivery. Items 2.5 and 2.6 lacked in the consignment of equipment we sent you. It was overlooked by our controller. We apologize for the oversight. It won’t happen again.

- When will you send us these parts?

- This week. By air. We’ll also send you some documents to facilitate customs clearance at your end.

- Fine. But what about the packaging? The cover of one of the containers was badly damaged. The equipment in this container was damaged a little too.

- It wasn’t our fault, Victor. The equipment was packed in the required way. You should take this up with the captain of the ship.

- If we don’t reach mutual understanding, our company will have to go through arbitration procedures.

- There’s no need to get aggressive, Victor. There will be a meeting of our top executives at 11 o’clock where your claim will be on the agenda. I’ll try to settle it and ring you back after the meeting.

- All right. I’m waiting for your call, John.

-Bye, Victor.

At the meeting in Brighton

  • The next point on the agenda is the claim of TST Systems. Could you bring us to date on this problem, John?

  • Yes. There was a three-week delay in delivery of the equipment for them. They want us to pay compensation.

  • I don’t think that their claim is well-grounded. The delay was caused by the strike at the port. They won’t win if they refer their claim to arbitration. I think we should reject this claim.

  • I’m not sure about that. I’ve just spoken to Mr. Klimenco, the Commercial Director of the company. He’s ignored all my remarks. They’re ready to start taking legal action to show that they are serious.

  • If they do that, we’ll have to get our lawyers in.

  • I don’t think it’s a good idea, Mr. Rogers. They are going to place a large order with us next year. If we decline their claim, we may loose this order.

  • How much do they want us to compensate for the delay?

  • Approximately … pounds.

  • Perhaps we shall offer them half them sum.

  • That’s a good idea. I’ll try to settle with Mr. Klimenco.

  • Yes. But if they disagree, we’ll have to reject their claim … And negotiate a longer delivery time with them next year.


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to reject




to suffer losses


default of payment

нести потери



short delivery



требовать компенсацию

to claim compensation




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