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ГМУ учебник по английскому

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exactly what he was still aiming to do – what the next steps were. And this happened week after week after week.

He was a very effective manager. And the second thing he did was move very quickly on the painful stuff. So he very quickly took out the people who didn’t fit. So sometimes the decisions were hard, but he made them and he made them quickly.

Reading III. 1. Read the story.

Art for Heart’s Sake

Old Ellsworth was sitting in his study and reading a newspaper, when Koppel, his servant, came in:

“Will you take orange juice, sir?” “No,” answered Mr. Ellsworth. “But it’s good for you, sir.” “No.”

When doctor Caswell came Koppel told him: “I can’t do anything with the old man. He doesn’t take his juice, he doesn’t want to listen to the radio, he doesn’t like anything.”

Doctor Caswell had thought a lot about Mr. Ellsworth since his last visit. It was a difficult case.

The old gentleman was quite well for a man of seventy six, but he had a kind of mania – he bought everything he saw: cars, factories, railroads. He was losing his money quickly and it was necessary to keep him away from business.

The doctor came into Mr. Ellsworth’s study. “Well, how’s the young man today?” “Umph,” came from the man in the armchair.

“I’d like to recommend something to you,” the doctor said. “What’s it? Is it something to keep me away from business?” “How would you like to study art?”

“But I’m not good at painting.”

“I can get a student from one of art school who’ll give you lessons.”

The doctor found a young student Frank Swain by name, who agreed to give Mr. Ellsworth lessons on art.

Swain came to Mr. Ellsworth the next afternoon and the lessons began. Time flew and Swain came more and more often.

It was difficult to say whether Mr. Ellsworth had really got interested in art but one thing was certain: he stopped buying things and his family was delighted.

Frank took him to art galleries and exhibitions. Ellsworth wanted to know everything about art galleries and artists who exhibited their paintings in them. He also wanted to know how the museums arranged exhibitions and who chose paintings for those exhibitions.

When spring came Ellsworth produced an awful piece of painting which


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he called “Trees dressed in white”. Though the picture was awful the old man said that he was going to exhibit it at one of the largest in New York.

Swain was sure that nobody would accept his paintings, but one day when he visited the exhibition at the Gallery he saw Ellsworth’s picture there.

Two days before the exhibition closed Ellsworth received a letter from the Gallery. The letter said that Ellsworth had got the first prize for his panting.

When his doctor heard about it he said: “Well, now you see yourself that art is more interesting than business.”

“Art it nothing,” answered the old man, “I bought the Gallery last month.”

(After Rube Goldberg)

2. Say what you have learned about:

1)Mr. Ellsworth; 2) Mr. Ellsworth’s lessons with a student of art; 3) the exhibition at the Gallery.

3. Think and answer.

1)Why did the family think that Mr. Ellsworth got interested in art?

2)What was the real purpose of Mr. Ellsworth’s visits to art galleries and exhibitions?

3)Could the doctor keep Mr. Ellsworth away from business? Why do you

think so?

¨ Grammar snack: Put the verbs into the correct tense form.


There are a lot of interesting events in history that gave the beginning to many words of the language. The Spartans (live1) ____ in that part of Southern Greece which (call2) ____ Laconia. It is known that they (set3) ____ a number of famous rules of behaviour. Up to present a short answer (refer4) _____ to as Laconic. Long ago a war-like king from Macedonia (begin5) _____ (destroy6)

_____ one small state after another. And only the Lacons (fight7) _____ angrily for their independence. They (know8) _____ that if they (give9) _____ up fighting they (beat) ____ by the enemy. It (make11) ____ them (unite12) ____ all their forces. The king (send13) ____ a letter to the Spartans: “If I (attack) ____

your country, I (bring15) ____ your capital to the ground”. In a few days the answer (receive16). After the letter (open17), the King (find18) _____ only one word which (write19) ____ by the Spartans. The word (be20) ___ “If”.


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Skills: 1. Comment on the picture.

?2. Translate from Russian into English.

Как веселый человек стал миллионером

Кто не знает захватывающую игру «Монополия»? А как появилась «Монополия»? Кому пришло в голову создать в миниатюре этот головокружительный круговорот денег, товаров, отелей? И как был


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вознагражден этот труд?

В1932 году скромный американский инженер Чарльз Дэрроу остался без работы. Положение усугублялось тем, что и жена его тоже не работала: она ожидала ребенка. Чарльз Дэрроу взялся бы за любое дело, лишь бы заработать хоть доллар. К счастью, супруги Дэрроу обладали здоровым чувством юмора и могли с улыбкой относиться к своей судьбе.

Ачтобы не было совсем тяжело, вечерами развлекались тем, что изобретали разные игры.

Вспоминая свой счастливый отпуск, который они провели в лучшие времена на курорте в Атлантик-Сити, муж и жена Дэрроу решили сделать макет района, который примыкал к набережной. Из маленьких кусочков дерева они сделали дома и отели, расставили их на доске, написали названия улиц, и перед ними возник замечательный город. А чтобы почувствовать себя хозяевами, они начали торговать друг с другом всем этим богатством.

Вте времена супруги Дэрроу не могли угостить своих друзей даже чашечкой кофе, зато предложили им захватывающую игру «Монополия». Всем она очень понравилась. Тогда Чарльз, сделав несколько копий, отнес их производителям игрушек. Но те, включая и братьев Паркер, отвергли ее.

Чарльз начал сам демонстрировать игру в магазинах. Вскоре вся Филадельфия играла в «Монополию». Теперь Паркеры сами обратились к Чарльзу Дэрроу и предложили ему поистине королевский контракт. И Паркеры, и Дэрроу разбогатели в одночасье.

Семья Дэрроу живет в Пенсильвании на собственной ферме. Большую часть денег Чарльз жертвует благотворительным фондам. А «Монополия» пошла по свету

Lesson 7. Strategy

“Strategies are okayed in boardrooms that even a child would say are bound to fail. The problem is, there is never a child in the boardroom.”

Victor Palmieri, Italian turnaround expert

& Useful vocabulary

1.boardroom - зал заседаний: “Boardroom” is a room in which the directors of a company hold meetings.

2.definition – определение, четкость: This photograph lacks definition.

3.prediction – предсказание: He made a prediction that the government would be beaten at the general election.


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4.to involve – вовлекать, включать в себя: The job involves traveling abroad for three months each year.

5.junior – младший: He is a junior partner in a law firm.

6.senior – старший: He is a very senior officer.

7.takeover – взятие под контроль: “Takeover” is the act of getting control of a company by buying more than half of its shares.

8.joint venture – объединение инвесторов: “Joint venture” is a business activity in which two or more companies have invested together.

9.alliance – союз, общность: The two countries entered into a selfprotective alliance with each other.

10.distribution – распределение, распространение: This newspaper is having distribution problems, and in some parts of the country people are unable to buy it.

11.to link – соединять: The road links all the new towns.

12.entertainment – развлечение: It’s not a very serious film, but it’s good entertainment.

13.network – сеть, сетка, система: What do you know about Britain’s railway network?

14.to negotiate – обсуждать, вести переговоры: The trade union negotiated a new contract with the management.

15.stake – ставка, доля капитала в предприятии: The company is selling off its 15 % stake in the Commercial Bank.

16.to cut (cut, cut) – резать, срезать, вырезать: Some scenes have been cut from the film.

17.demerger – отдельная, независимая компания: “Demerger” is a separate company.

18.sell off – продажа: “Sell off” – when a business, company etc., or part of one, is sold to another company.

19.disposal – передача, продажа: During their visit I put my car at their


20.economy drive – экономия: “Economy drive” is a planned effort by an organization to reduce costs.

21.acquisition – приобретение: She is a valuable acquisition to the firm.

22.to combine – соединять(ся), объединять(ся), комбинировать: Let’s combine my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.

23.to review – (снова) просматривать, проверять: All prices are subject to review.

24.to implement – приводить в исполнение, выполнять, снабжать:

The committee’s suggestions will be implemented immediately.

25.goal – цель, место назначения: The company has achieved all its goals this year.

26.target – план, задание: I’ve set myself a target of saving £ 5 a week.

27.supporter – сторонник, приверженец, опора: Several of the English


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football supporters were arrested after the match.

28.provider – поставщик: “Provider” is a person who provides, esp. one who supports a family.

29.to add – добавлять, дополнять: Add a few more names to the list.

30.common – обычный: It is now quite common for women to hold managerial jobs.

31.to prepare – готовить, подготавливать: It’s a course that prepares students for the English exams.

32.to diversify – разнообразить: Our factory is trying to diversify its range of products.

33.equal – равный, одинаковый: We should be equal in the eyes of the


34.demand – спрос: There’s not much demand for houses of this sort.

35.to widen – расширять(ся): They are widening the road.

36.to respond – отвечать, реагировать: They still haven’t responded to

my letter.

37.to concern – касаться, иметь отношение: These problems concern

all of us.

38.forward – вперед, способствовать, ускорять: Their plans are going


39.to acquire – приобретать, получать, овладевать: The company has recently acquired new offices in central London.

40.to drive (drove, driven) – управлять, править: The engines drive the


Starting up: 1.What is strategy? Which of these definitions do you prefer? Why?

1) Strategy is making predictions based on analysis.

2) Strategy is having a clear plan, then putting it into action. 3) Strategy is continually adapting to change.

2.Which groups below should be involved in deciding strategy? Why?

shareholders middle and junior managers


boards of directors

government representatives other employees

senior managers

trade union representatives


Discussion: 1.Match the terms below with the definitions. Then use three of the terms to complete the newspaper extract on the opposite page.

1) a takeover a) combining two or more companies

2) a joint venture b) when two or more companies agree to work on a project

3) a merger

c) an agreement between companies to cooperate in certain


business activities

4) an alliance

d) buying enough shares in a company to get control of it


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Glaxo buys 80% stake in Polish drug group

Glaxo Wellcome, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, is paying $220m (£131.7m) to take an 80% stake in Polfa Poznan, Poland's second largest drugs group. The____1 is the biggest made by a western Pharmaceuticals producer in east Europe.

Canal Plus and Pathe in film distribution link

Canal Plus and Pathe, two of France's largest media and entertainment groups, are joining forces to form a pan-European network of film distribution companies. Their new____2 will negotiate the achievement of cinema, television and video rights for pictures across Europe, both with the Hollywood studios and other European film producers.

Elf pays $528m to take 5% stake in Russian group

Elf Aquitaine, the French company, is to form a strategic____3 with Yuksi of Russia, paying $528m (£316m) for a 5% stake in the country's largest oil company.

2. Discuss the meaning of these strategies. Use a good dictionary to help


cost cutting

a demerger


a sell off

a disposal

an economy drive acquisition


Which of the above strategies can be used by companies to

a) get bigger?

b) get smaller? c) become more efficient?


Which are likely to result in people losing their jobs?

3. The verbs and nouns below are often combined when talking about strategy.

Make word partnerships. Then use them to write five sentences.

For example, The company has achieved its target of a 20% market








review develop





set employ


strategy tactics

4.Some companies state their strategy publicly in mission statements. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?

5.Read these mission statements. What is each company trying to


1) The business of Newcastle United is football - our aim is to play attractive football, to win trophies, to satisfy our supporters and shareholders and to continually improve our position as a top European club.

(Newcastle United plc) 2) Glaxo Wellcome is a research-based company whose people are committed to fighting disease by bringing innovative medicines and services to

patients throughout the world and to the healthcare providers who serve them. (Glaxo Wellcome)


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3) Pret creates handmade, natural food, avoiding the unclear chemicals, additives common to so much of the 'prepared' and 'fast' food on the market today.

(Pret a Manger) 6. Discuss these statements. Do you agree with them? Give your reasons.

1)“Small is beautiful” is a better strategy in business than “big is best”.

2)Big companies should aim to gain market share rather than make


3)Companies should focus on what they do best rather than diversify.

Reading I: 1. Discuss these questions.

1)Why do firms merge?

2)What problems can arise before and after a merger takes place?

2. In the interview below a Chief Executive1 describes how he and his

board decided whether to merge with a larger company in the same industry. Read the interview and note down the arguments for and against the merger.

Interview with John T. Chambers, Chief Executive, Cisco Systems

A merger of equals had a lot of demand. If you combine the Number 1 and Number 2 players in an industry, by definition you're Number 1 in terms of size. And when you are growing that fast, you have a number of key management openings you have to cultivate. By combining two companies with good management teams2, you automatically build up the strength3 of your management and you do it quickly. You can also widen your customer base and have more distribution channels.

In addition, the merger automatically makes your lasting competition second level. As a result, your competition must rethink its strategy. In the end, you force a period of mergers and acquisitions on your competition. They have no choice but to respond to the changes you initiated.

When we looked more closely, our concerns were raised. For example, 50 percent of large-scale mergers fail. Mergers can fail on a number of levels. They can fail in terms of their profit to the shareholders, customers, employees and business partners. A decision has to be right with each of those groups, or we would not go forward with it.

If you merge two companies that are growing at 80 percent rates, you stand a very good chance of stopping both of them. That's a fact. For a period of time, no matter how easily they operate, you lose energy.

Our industry is not like the banking industry, where you are acquiring branch banks and customers. In our industry, you are acquiring people. And if you don't keep those people, you have made a terrible4, terrible investment. We pay between $500,000 and $2 million per person in an acquisition. So you can understand that if you don't keep the people, you've done a wonderful disservice to your shareholders. So we focus first on the people and how we incorporate them into our company, and then we focus on how to drive the business.


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1.Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the manager with the most authority in the day to day management of a company, especially in the USA. The job of CEO is sometimes combined with others, such as that of president.

2.team – команда.

3.strength – сила.

4.terrible – ужасный.

3. Choose the best answer.

When Cisco Systems buys another company it pays special attention to: a) the money it has spent b) the staff it acquires

c) the opinions of its shareholders

4.What is the most interesting point in this article, in your opinion? Explain why.

Reading II. 1. Before reading, choose the best definition for each of the underlined words below.

1.The assets 1 of a company are a) the customers they have.

b) the things they own.

c) The markets they are in.

2.If a company improves its cash generation2 a) it increases its sales revenue.

b) it has cash available at all times. c) it invests more in its business.

3.If a company disposes3 of an asset, it

a)values it.

b)keeps it.

c)sells it.

4. If companies have an authoritarian way of management

a)the management give responsibility to workers at lower levels.

b)the management keep tight control over everyone and everything.

c)the management have many ways of communicating with employees.

5. If you stitch4 two materials together, you

a)separate them.

b)cut them.

c)join them.


1.asset – something belonging to an individual or business that has value or the power to earn money.

2.cash generation – money that a company gets from sales after costs are taken away. Cash generation is often used in talking about the degree to which the company is able to do this.

3.dispose – 1) if you dispose of something, toy get free of it.

2)if a company disposes of a particular asset, activity etc, it sells it.


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4. stitch – to sew, put stitches on to fasten together or for decorative effect.

2. Read the dialogue.

(I = Interviewer, MS = Marjorie Scardino)

I: How do you develop a strategy for a large company?

MS: There are lots of ways to go about it. I think the way we’ve done it is to first think about what assets we have – that’s unique about those assets, what markets we know about and what markets are growing, and which of those markets can make the best use of our assets. We then put that into a bowl (чаша), heat (нагревать) it up, stir (помешивать) it around, and come out with


I:Аnd what is your strategy at Pearson?

MS: Well, we have approached (приближаться) our strategy… Let me answer in this way, by looking at it as three simple steps. When I joined Pearson two years ago, we needed to improve our operations. We needed to run the companies we had, and the businesses we had better. So our first step in our strategy was simply to operate better. To create better profits, and better cash generation, and better long term value for the shareholders. We then … the second step which was not happening in a serial way but happening at the same time, the second step was to look at the assets we had and see which ones we should keep and which ones we should dispose of. Those we dispose of, we did because they would be more important to other companies than to us, because they didn’t fit with the rest of our company, or were things we didn’t actively control – we had a passive interest in – so those disposals were an important part. And the third step was to stitch together all our businesses, so that they were able to use each other’s assets, to make a greater complete.

3.Complete the summary of what you have read.

First, the management thought about five things:

1.The assets of the company.

2.What’s unique about those assets.



Their strategy consisted of three simple steps: The first step


The second step


The third step


Reading III. Read the story.


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