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Устные темы по англ. языку. Елукова Ж.А..doc
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Role play: Work in pairs. Imagine you are in Malye Karely outdoor museum of wooden architecture. Put as many questions as possible to know about Pomors. Choose a farm yard to describe.


Make your own presentation of the history of Pomors.

Write notes about the land of Pomors.


A group of foreign students is planning to visit Arkhangelsk as a part of a cultural and educational exchange program «The Pomor Land». You have volunteered to help by preparing an information sheet, to be distributed to them on their arrival.

You should include:

  • Brief details about the Russian North;

  • The Pomor family (customs and traditions);

  • Any other information that you think would be useful for the visiting group.

Answer the following questions.

  1. When did the history of Pomorye begin?

  2. What is the geographical position occupied by the Russian North?

  3. Why is the geographical position of the Russian North so important?

  4. What is Pomorye washed by?

  5. What are Pomorye main regions? What can you say about each region?

  6. What type of climate is there on the territory of Pomorye?

  7. What do you know about a system of religious beliefs and social customs of Pomors?

  8. Do you know anything about Northern hospitality and generosity?

  9. What is one of the oldest buildings in Arkhangelsk?

  10. What is a well-known outdoor museum in Arkhangelsk?

  11. Have you ever been to Malye Karely?

  12. What monument can be considered the symbol of the North?

  13. What churches survived in Pomorye?

  14. Who is the pride of the Russian North?

  15. What was Kholmogory notable for?

  16. Is Pomorye full of history? Prove it.

  17. Do you know anything about famous Pomors?

  18. What was the main form of the Pomors family?

  19. Who was the head of the family? Why?

Unit 15

You will read & translate a text about plans for the future. Before you read, discuss in pairs the following.

1. Is it easy to choose your future career? Why? /Why not? 2. What great changes are expected in the Russian Education system? 3. Are Russian students motivated? What does it mean? 4. Will you continue your education after graduating from the University? 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your future profession? 6. Will you need English for your future career?

My plans for the future

Generally speaking it's so not easy for a school-leaver to decide on his or her future career. There are a huge number of occupations and it is hard to make the right choice. As for me, when I was a child my dream was to be a vet. I remember a few of my teachers very well. I remember Irina Petrovna, who taught us for the first year. Her classroom was so nice – there were models of animals and pictures of birds on the walls. This fired me up with a great enthusiasm for animals which lasted two years after that. But I can say now this job doesn't really challenge me.

For me, choosing a career is not only a matter of future prestige and wealth. In my opinion, a job should be interesting and socially important. To my mind people have to find satisfaction in their job. Money is naturally very important. It enables us to buy more, to improve our homes, to expand our style of life etc. I have never heard somebody to say «I am happy in my work, I don’t need more money, and I will stay as I am». But isn’t just money. Job satisfaction sometimes means taking on more responsibility which can sometimes best be found by moving to different business or making a fresh start.

I am a second-year-student now and I have chosen ecology as an area of specialization. I am sure it is a very demanding job. That is why I am looking now for opportunities for further development of my abilities and knowledge in the chosen field.

I am ambitious. I like to win competitions; to set records may be, to score over, to be the best. I have a career plan I think. I’d like to be a pro or a top specialist.

I think I am good at chemistry. It was my favourite subject at school and I am sure it is one of the most important subjects at the University.

I am the leader of the student Government at the Department. To my mind it is a good opportunity to develop my organizational and interpersonal skills and give me a solid background. I have some achievements I suppose. I took part in the university conference last year. My topic was GMO. I was asked a lot of questions. It was really nice.

I am sure the most important qualities in the make-up of a good specialist are to be hard-working, to be careful about time (I mean not to waste it), to speak foreign languages and have linguistic ability, to be scientifically-minded, to be energetic and enthusiastic, to study for extra qualifications in free time, to be sociable, to know about computers and to be a natural leader may be, not to be a lazy, do-nothing coach-potato or a mouse potato.

I am willing to be actively engaged in research, in scientific discussions covering problems concerning ecological situation in the world and in the Arkhangelsk Region. That is why my dream is to be a postgraduate student. My goal is to achieve a high degree of proficiency. I hope I’ll get my Bachelor's degree in two years, and then I am planning to complete my master’s degree. And I’d like to begin my PhD program.

The Northern Arctic Federal University’s international reputation helps to attract researchers from many countries all over the world. Postgraduate study at NArFU offers us the opportunity to study the subject of our first degree at an advanced level, or develop new skills and knowledge. The University offers us the opportunity to enhance our career prospects by developing knowledge and skills relevant to our chosen career.

It is to be added that the academic staff of The Northern Arctic Federal University are supportive and friendly. There is a perfect atmosphere for study and research. It is very valuable to be supported and listened to in an atmosphere of mutual respect. My university lectures encourage me in my desire of choosing my future career.