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Устные темы по англ. языку. Елукова Ж.А..doc
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Put the letters in order to complete the phrases.

1. The Coat of Arms of Arkhangelsk shows the flying angel in blue garments with a fiery sword and a shield in his hands depicted on the background of a golden shield. Under him – the defeated _____________ (dielv);

2. Being in_______________, Peter I was present at the launching of the first Russian commercial vessel (Asrglekhank);

3. The famous Margaret Fair named in honor of St. Margaret Day took the second place for selling manufactured goods and was first in___________ Russia (fihs slase);

4. In 1708 the territory of Dvina Land was transformed into Arkhangelsk province (Gubernia) in accordance to the ____________ of Peter I (odrer).

5. One hour’s flight from Arkhangelsk will take us to «Kenozero National Park» one of the most national ___________ of Russia (perveser).

6. Solovetski Islands is the most attractive place for tourists from all over the world. It is famous for pure lakes, ____________ cathedrals, and astonishing ancient history (mejatisc).


Choose the odd word/word combination out. Prove your choice.

  1. Wood-processing, cellulose production, paper production, racing car making;

  2. Timber industry, oil and gas industry, gold-mining, pulp-and-paper industry;

  3. The eternal flame, Madam Tussaud’s Exhibition, the church of St. Nicholas, Surkov’s Mansion.

Exercise4. Test yourself

1. Arkhangelsk was founded in __________by the order of __________.

A) 1590 … Henry I B) 1584… Ivan the Terrible C) 1612 … Peter I

2. The city got its present name in _______.

A) 1607 B) 1624 C) 1613

3. Arkhangelsk is named after the monastery of ______________ situated there.

A) Saint Louis B) Saint George C) the Archangel Michael

4. Peter the Great visited Arkhangelsk three times__________:

A) in 1693, 1694, 1702 B) in 1692, 1697, 1708 C) in 1690, 1695, 1706

5. The three dates of Peter I’s visits are engraved on ______________.

A) The Victory Monument

B) The pedestal of the monument to Peter I

C) The pedestal of the monument to M. Lomonosov

6. The monument to Peter I is the work of _______.

A) Ivan Martos B) Mark. Antokolski C) Dmitri Startsev

7. The Museum of Fine Arts possesses a rich collection of _______.

A) fish and animals B) minerals C) paintings

8. National women’s garments and headdresses are exhibited in _______.

A) The Museum of Fine Arts

B) The Museum of Northern Seafaring

C) The Museum of Local Lore

9. The Arkhangelsk Region was formed in _______ in place of the Arkhangelsk Gubernia (Province) which originally occupied a vast territory of ______ thousand km2 and included _______ Uyezds (districts).

A) 1937… 850 … 9 B) 1940 … 800 … 12 C) 1938 … 890 … 10

10. Four major rivers (the North­ern Dvina, the Pechora, the Onega and the Mezen), all flow into ______.

A) the Atlantic Ocean B) the seas of the Arctic Ocean C) the Indian Ocean

11. The Arkhangelsk Region’s seas, rivers, lakes are inhabited by various kinds of fish: _______ etc.

A) pike, skate, dolphin B) whale, shark, bream C) cod, plaice, herring, salmon

12. The Arkhangelsk Region’s tundra and taiga are inhabited by various kinds of birds and animals________ etc.

A) hazel-hen, ptarmigan, seal, deer, elk, polar fox, hare

B) owl, parrot, hummingbird, elephant, wolf, bear, tiger, leopard

C) snake, ostrich, swan, rabbit, wood-grouse, white grouse, monkey, stork

13. The length of the Severnaya Dvina is ________.

A) 640 km B) 744 km C) 1,809 km

14. The Arkhangelsk Region is situated in ______________ climate belts.

A) arctic, subarctic and moderate

B) subarctic, moderate and continental

C) arctic, moderate and subtropical

15. The relief of the Region is mostly __________.

A) flat and mountainous B) flat C) mountainous

16. The monument to the victims of the British-American-French intervention of 1918-1920 was designed by architect __________.

A) M. Kibirev B) M. Nasekin C) M. Chernov

17. Vercola, a village in Pinezhski District, is becoming a place of attraction for people interested in Russian history and culture due to ________.

A) The monument to M. Lomonosov

B) The 17-th century monastery and the well-known writer Fedor Abramov (1920-1983)

C) Lake Kenozero

18. The first settlers of Solovki (the Solovetski Archipelago) ________.

A) were the Slavs B) was a Scandinavian tribe C) were 2 monks-hermits Savvati and Zossima who were seeking their salvation there

Unit 7

You will read & translate a text about customs and traditions of Great Britain. Before you read, discuss in pairs the following.

1. Why do various nations keep up their customs and traditions? 2. How do foreigners characterize the British? How to avoid traditional misleading stereotypes? 3. How many nations and nationalities live in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? 4. Does Britain have a National Day? 5. How do the British celebrate traditional and religious holidays? 6. What are the most common superstitions in Britain?