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Устные темы по англ. языку. Елукова Ж.А..doc
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Prepare a short presentation on one of these topics:

  • My ideal place to live

  • My room

  • The house of the future

Unit 2

You will read & translate a text about daily routine. Before you read, discuss in pairs the following.

1. Are you satisfied with your life? 2. Do you plan out your daily routine? 3. Do you usually make a list of all the things you want or need to accomplish in your life? 4. Can you take control of your life? 5. Are you always sure of doing the things you really need to do? 6. How do writers, artists, and other interesting people organize their days?

Daily routine

It seems to me my life is always very full of activities and so I never have much time for myself. My daily routine is a bit different now that I am a first-year student. I usually start the day by getting up at half past six or earlier even though I would really prefer to sleep much later. I always do some gentle stretching in bed. After I get up I perform my morning routine of taking a quick shower or washing my face, brushing my teeth, and then deciding what to wear. After I get dressed I brush my hair and put in my contact lenses. I sometimes don’t have time for breakfast in the morning because I have to catch a bus at seven thirty for my commute to University. That is why I sometimes get a cake or something on the way. I am absolutely sure it is not useful for my health.

Classes at University start at eight twenty except on Tuesdays and Fridays when they start at ten minutes past ten. Classes are un hour and a half long with five minute breaks, except for one "long" break between the third and the fourth classes, which is un hour long. After classes I do some shopping on my way back.

When I get home I take the dog out and relax for some time. I listen to music and maybe get a little snack. I very rarely cook but I actually enjoy cooking. I find it really relaxing because after thinking all day, it’s nice to just chop up vegetables and think of something really mindless, and not have to concentrate too hard.

Then I start my homework or help with some housework. I want my home to be in order, but I don’t want to be a slave to my housekeeping routines. So, how do I balance it all? I keep it simple.

After dinner, I usually watch television. As a rule I watch the news on the TV. I am very busy but I like to find time in the evening for things which are really important to me. The first of these is surfing the Internet or downloading films and music from the Internet. But some things have to be done at a certain time and so I always give these priorities in my timetable. I mean finding time to study for my examinations.

I like to go to a fitness center or to the gym with my friends, and we try to do this every week, and we like to swim in the swimming pool. But for some reason, we can’t often make enough time for it.

I have a date with my boyfriend twice a week.

So this is my daily routine during the week. I usually manage to go to bed around eleven thirty pm.

At the weekend it is a different story, I like to sleep late and do whatever I wish with my free time. I am still expected to help my parents out around the house but I still have most of the time for myself and my interests. I can go for a trip with my friends, I can visit my relatives or I can devote more time to my hobbies. I think everyone will agree that weekends are much better than weekdays.