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An Interview

The employment interview can be one of your most important life experiences. What happens in this twenty or thirty minute period may direct your whole future career. You should look over your personal data so that you will be able to answer whatever questions may be asked of you.

Usually, you will be interviewed by the employer or the personnel manager. It is normal to be a little nervous, but there is really nothing to be afraid of. The purpose of the interview is to allow the employer to learn about:

1) your attitude toward people and work;

2) your education and work experience;

3) your future career plans.

It also gives you a chance to see whether you would like to work in a particular job or for a particular company.

Since you want to make a good impression, find out something about the company before the interview. Try to learn what its products or services are, how large the company is, and whether it is a growing company. This will give you something besides yourself to talk about during the interview.

There are some things that would be helpful for you to know.

Go alone! Do not take a parent or friend with you. Employers seldom hire people who cannot sell themselves in an interview without the help of another person.

Check your appearance. The employer's first impression of you when you arrive will be based on how you look. You must, therefore, be careful about your grooming and the clothes you choose for the interview. When you choose the clothes that you wear, remember that you are looking for a job, not going to a party. The employer will look at you as one who will represent the company if you are hired. If your working qualifications and another applicant's are about the same, the one that makes the best appearance will be hired.

Arrive five minutes early. If you are driving, allow some extra time in case traffic slows you up. If you are even one minute late or rash in at the last minute, it will look like you are a careless person. However, don't be too early. If you arrive about five minutes before the time set up for the interview that is about right.

You may have to introduce yourself. When you walk into the interviewer's office, you may be introduced by the receptionist or secretary - or the employer may introduce you and call you by name. If not, then you should introduce yourself by saying something like, “I'm Bill Cooper, and I'm interested in the job in your bank”. You should speak clearly and you should smile. You should stand up straight, but do not offer to shake hands unless the interviewer offers to shake hands first.

Stand until the interviewer asks you to sit. If you are not asked to sit down, then you must stand during the interview. When you sit, sit properly. Don't slouch. Your eyes should meet the interviewer's eyes regularly. Perhaps, the biggest mistake you could make at the beginning of an interview would be to place your purse or some other article on the edge of the interviewer's desk. If you are carrying a purse or a book with you, keep it beside you. Try to keep your hands quiet. Usually it is best to keep them in your lap. Do not read papers on the desk. You know, of course, that you should not chew gum. If you smoke, do not smoke just before the interview. The strong smell of cigarettes prevents applicants from being hired. This odor is very annoying to those who do not smoke.

Answer the questions.

  1. What will an employer interviewing you for a job want to know about you?

  2. Is it helpful to find out some information about the company you want to get a job before the interview? Why?

  1. Why is it important to check your appearance?

4. If you were interviewing applicants for a variety of jobs, what questions would you ask?

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