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Vі the Oriented basis of action

Patients with a chronic specific surgical infection are the source of infection. For medical treatment of these patients separate chambers are selected on possibility with the special entrance, operatsiynou-perevyazochnou, equipped by wave-drawing ventilation, that is not reported with other separations.

The walls of apartments are to face by the tiled tile on the height of no less 2th meters, a floor is covered by a plastic or linoleum. Surface of furnitures, apparatus and equipment cover by smooth, unporous materials, that are easily added to the mechanical cleaning and disinfection treatment.

At the receipt of patient with a chronic specific surgical infection in the induction centre complete or partial sanitary treatment is conducted (on possibility): shower, cutting away of nails and others like that. In the heavy case without treatment a patient with a chronic specific surgical infection is transported escorted by a medical sister in a chamber.

Before the receipt and after excerption of patient bed, stand, process support for a pidcladnogo ship (if such is) 6 % by solution of peroxide of hydrogen with 0,5 % by solution of cleanser. A bed is refuelled by bed linen, that passed chamber disinfection treatment on the mode for a specific infection.

Pidch time of stay of patient with a chronic specific surgical infection in a chamber disinfect dirty linen by wetting and subsequent boiling in 2 % solution of soda and 0,5% solution of cleanser during 120 minutes from the moment of effervescence.

To the patient the individual articles of departure are selected: spittoon, pidcladne ship, which after the use wash. After excerption of patient the articles of departure add disinfections.

For washing of hands and rest room of patients soap is used in the shallow packing.

A crockery after the use is released from tailings of meal, moisten in 2 % solution of soda and boil during 90 minutes. Then wash by running water and save in the closed closet.

Cleaning up of chambers is conducted not rarer, than 2 times per a day by a moist method with application 6 % solution of peroxide of hydrogen with 0,5 % by solution of cleanser.

Mark a harvest inventory (buckets, pelves, rags and t. d.) and use only on purpose. After the use of avtoclavouyot at 2 cgs/sm 132 oC during 20 minutes, save in the taken place.

During bandaging of patient with a chronic specific surgical infection, bandaging is to be equipped stationary bactericidal oprominyovachami. For the decline of microbnoi contaminatsii in bandaging setting of ochisniciv movable retsircoulyatsiynih VOPR-0,9-0,9 or VOPR-1,5-1,5 is recommended).

Surgeon, medical sister before the entrance in bandaging put on mask, bahili. During the operation or bandaging put on oilcloth apron which after every operation or bandaging wipe by a rag, abundantly moistened in 6 % solution of peroxide of hydrogen with 0,5 % by a cleanser.

Bandaging material is used non-permanent, during the operation or bandaging, and then collect him in specially selected bics, avtoclavouyot at 2 cgs/cv. sm 132 oC during 20 minutes and annihilate. It is categorically banned to throw out material without disinfection.

The tool used during the operation or bandaging is collected in a capacity.

Cleaning up of operating-bandaging conduct by a moist method not rarer than 2 times per a day with application of solution of peroxide of hydrogen with 0,5 % by solution of cleanser with the use of individual facilities of defence: respirators of type ROu-60-60 and glove. After disinfection of apartment wash by hot water and include bactericidal oprominyovachi (OBN-150-150 or OBP-300-300) on 1,5 - 2 hours.

After conducting of operation or bandaging all tool, syringes, needles are dipped in 6 % solution of peroxide of hydrogen with 0,5 % cleanser on 60 minutes or boil during 90 minutes.

Subsequent method of peredsterilizatsiynoi treatment of tool and his sterilization similar to standard technology.

Patients with a chronic specific surgical infection treat oneself in the specialized protitoubercouloznih hospitals, sanatoriums and dispensaries. The medical measures of these divide into general and local.

Purpose of common medical treatment – to promote opirnist of organism and activate regenerativni processes. In the complex of measures enter: valuable feed, aero-, climato– and heliotherapy, troudoterapiya, medical physical education, gemo- and chemotherapy.

For conducting of antibacterialnoi therapy at patients with a chronic specific surgical infection canamitsin, paraaminosalitsilovou acid (PASC)is used, ftivazit, rifadin and etamboutol. Canamitsin is appointed in doses 1-2 gr. in a day(to the children 0,5-1г) during a few months and usually in combination with Pass (6-10 g) or with ftivazitom, toubazidom, galouzidom, etamboutolom or rifadinom.

Local therapy is related to the conservative and operative measures.

Conservative measures allow to disburden cistci and joints. It is achieved by extraction (leycoplastirne and cuff), gipseous bandages and small beds. Gipseous bandages change every 4–6 weeks, simultaneously doing staging redresatsiyo. Children with with the chronic specific surgical infection of spine place in a gipseous small bed, that with growth of child renew, and in the following a gipseous corset or special plastic fixednesses is applied.

From surgical methods pounctsii and opening of abscess, joint resections, amputations, кісно–joint plates is applied, imobilizouyochi and orthopaedic operations, that correct.

In a postartritichnomou period local physical therapy procedures are used. At presence of svishiv gelio is recommended – neon laser therapy with influencing by red monochromatic light(laser LG – 75, power 25 mv, duration of session – 10 – 15 minutes).

At medical treatment the tuberculosis of limfovouzliv use conservative methods – heliotherapy, ultraviolet and x-ray photography irradiation, small doses of gelioneonovoi laser therapy.

At are constrained blood vessels and nerves of neck or respiratory tracts by megascopic limfovouzlami it is needed to do to the ecstirpatsiyo conglomerate of limfovouzliv.

Medical treatment of actinomicozou requires complex approach. Antibiotics, preparations iodines, are applied, rentgenoprominyovannya, transfusions of components of blood, and also specific actinolizati. At uneffective of conservative therapy dense infiltrat is deleted, sometimes drenouyot hearths of accumulation of pus.

Medical treatment of Syphilis, in t.ch. cistoc and joints, specific. Only in the case of stratification of the second infection it is necessary surgical interference.

A VII System of educational tasks for verification of eventual level of knowledges.

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