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26. What is characteristic for an actinomicoza jaw-facial area?

а) woody closeness and unclear scopes of infiltrata;

б) valicopodibni folds of skin in the area of defeat;

in)залучення in infiltrat of skin and prilegachih woven;

г) синюшно-purple colouring of skin above infiltratom;

д) it is all above enumerated.+

27. The Actinomicotichniy process at the defeat of shlouncovo-cishcovogo highway is usually localized in:

а) gullet, stomach;

б) to the thin bowel;

in)сліпій to the bowel;+

г) to the sigmovidniy bowel;

д) to the rectum.

28. Is possible metastazouvannya at actinomicozi there?

а) it is possible by a limfogennim way;

б) it is possible by a vein way;+

in)можливо by an arterial way;

г) it is possible by all above enumerated ways;

д) it is impossible.

29. From the operative methods of medical treatment at actinomicozi all are used below transferred, except for:

а) a resection is lights or bowels;

б) vscrittya hearths of disintegration and abscesses;

в) laser and mechanical deleting of granoulyatsiy;

г) the extended resections with deleting of regionarnih limfovouzliv;+

д) deleting of infiltrata within the limits of healthy fabrics.

30. What complication can be observed after a vscrittya actinomicotichnogo abscess?

а) increase of infiltratou;

б) forming of noritsi;

в) obsemeninnya organs and metastazouvannya;

г) it is all above enumerated;+

д) complications are not observed.

31. From the conservative methods of medical treatment at actinomicozi is all transferred below used, except for:

а) УВЧ-therapy;+

б) rentgenoterapii;

в) antibioticoterapii;

г) the use of preparations iodines;

д) injections of actinolizativ.

32. What source of inficouvannya acts basic part in development of actinomicoza?

а) exogenous (aerobi – type Bostrema);

б) endogenous (anaerobes – type Volf-Izraelya).+

в) it is all above enumerated;

г) none right answer;

д) your variant.

33. Actinomitseti which grow anaerobic show the pathogenic properties only then, when they get in:

а) sanguineous fabrics;

б) ishemizovani fabrics;+

в) fabrics are rich in glicogenom;

г) it is all above enumerated;

д) none right answer.

34. Where is an actinomicozne hearth most often localized?

а) in an intestine;

б) in lights;

в) in extremities;

г) on a face and neck;+

д) in parenhimatoznih organs.

35. Periostiti at second Syphilis most often turn out on:

а) cistcah of skull;

б) ribs and breastbone;

в) pelvic cistcah;

г) to the front surface of cistoc of shin;

д) all above enumerated cistcah.+

36. Where is a process at the syphilitic defeat of long tubular cistoc mainly localized?

а) in epifizi;

б) in metafizi;

в) in diafizi;+

г) in a spongioznomou joint end;

д) identically strikes all areas.

37. At the syphilitic defeat of cistoc roentgenologic turns out:

а) porozna destruction of bone;

б) sclerosis of bone;

в) osteoperiostit;

г) deformation of bone;

д) it is all above enumerated.+

38. Name the entrance gates of lepromatoznoi infection?

а) overhead respiratory tracts;

б) shlouncovo-cishcoviy highway;

в) damage of skin and mucus shells;+

г) it is all above enumerated;

д) none right answer.

39. What duration of latent period at lepri?

а) to in 1;

б) to 2 years;

в) to 3 years;

г) to 5 years;

д) more than 6 years.+

40. At the lepromatoznomou type of lepri are mainly struck:

а) a skin is that hypodermic cellulose;+

б) spinomozcovi nerves;

в) fabrics of the reticouloendotelialnoi system;

г) parenhimatozni organs;

д) it is all above enumerated.

41. At the tubercular form of lepri are mainly struck:

а) a skin is that hypodermic cellulose;

б) spinomozcovi nerves;+

в) fabrics of the reticouloendotelialnoi system;

г) parenhimatozni organs;

д) it is all above enumerated.

42. Are joints struck at Syphilis?

а) yes;+

б) no;

в) it is all above enumerated;

г) none right answer;

д) your variant.

43. At tertiary Syphilis can be observed:

а) periostitis;

б) ostit;

в) osteomielit;

г) it is all above enumerated.+

44. What joints are most often struck at Syphilis?

а) knee, gomilcovo-stopni;+

б) migfalangovi;

в) intervertebral;

г) humeral, тазо-femoral;

д) viscovo-nignoshelepni.

45.Name the clinical forms of display of nocardioza, which meet most often:

а) plevropnevmoniya;

б) an abscess is lights;

в) empiema of pleura;

г) abscess of cerebrum;

д) it is all above enumerated.+

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